Slash Commands

Slash Commands are specialized commands that players may use in-game to perform different actions such as an emote animation or setting up their guilds. You may make macros with these commands like so:

To make a macro, type the following without the brackets:

/macro [title] [command/text]

So to make a "follow" macro:

/macro Follow /follow

... and a hotkey will appear with "FOL" on it.

Below is a listing of all of the current slash commands available to players in Dark Age of Camelot.


Command Description
/autoloot A toggle allowing loot to be picked up automatically if in range.
/bind Binds your character to a location near a binding stone
/charcopy [Server] [Character Name] Copies your specified character to the Pendragon test server from the specified server; Read more about /charcopy
/charxfer Used in Account Splitting, see
/click Doubleclicks whatever you have targetted
/cloak on/off Causes player's cloak to be visible or invisible.
/duel accept Accepts a duel
/duel challenge Challenges the target to a duel
/duel surrender Surrender to a dueling opponent
/follow Automatically follows the target, assuming you are moving at the same speed as the target
/friend [playername] Adds the specified player to your friends list
/gc buff Displays the current guild buff information to guild members on any server within a cluster.
/gtrange Displays the range between you and your current Ground Target.
/helm on/off Causes player's helm to be visible or invisible.
/hood Toggles the hood on and off when wearing a hooded cloak
/lastname [preferred last name] When used at a Name Registrar NPC, the /lastname command will apply the selected lastname to the character. You may use /lastname by itself to clear a character's current lastname instead of applying a new one.
/level Players that have a level 50 character on any server may create level 20 characters on any other server by typing /level and clicking on their trainer. Read More.
/map Displays the in-game map system with the map of the zone you're currently in
/mbuy Allows player to purchase multiple items from the merchant.
/nohelp Prevents situations where a player outside of his or her group is healing, for the purpose of leeching experience from a monster kill, without his or her consent. Note: Turns off effects of healing, regen, and some artifacts.
/pray Pray near your gravestone to receive some experience back
/qbar [#] Switches to the specified quickbar (each quickbar has a number assigned to it)
/qbind Displays all of your current keybindings
/qbind [bar#] [slot#] [quickbar#] Binds a new key. Example: /qbind 1 2 2 will bind a key to Quickbar Page 1, Slot 2, QuickBar 2.
/quit Logs out your character
/quiver Brings up the quiver window (TOA ONLY)
/quiver dump Takes all arrows in the quiver and drops them to the ground
/qunbind [bar#] [slot#] Gets rid of a keybinding
/random [#] Prints out a random number between 1 and the number specified; Used primarily for decision making in-game
/range This command works similar to /gtrange but is based off of your current target rather than your ground target.
/recall Release corpse to a nearby keep or tower lord, must bind to the lord first. Only available to certain classes.
/release Releases your character from death and returns him to his binding point. You may type /release house to release to your home if you have bound in one.
/release city When dead, releases the player to his or her capital city.
/repair Will repair static objects (keep doors, siege weapons), not armor
/respec mythic Awards the player a single-line respec.
/respec realm | all | [specialization line] Typed while targeting a class trainer, players may choose to respecialize a trained line of specialization.
/rest Character sits down
/resurrect Used by the Sputin's Legacy RA to autores yourself after death.
/roleplay on/off Flags a player with an tag to indicate the player is a role player.
/rp ON or OFF Typing "/rp OFF" will disable gaining realm points for your character. Typing "/rp ON" will re-enable the gaining of realm points. Typing "/rp" with no parameters will display the current state of this flag ( ON or OFF ), it will not change the state.
/salvage Salvage raw goods from an item; may only be done by crafters with high enough skill
/settitle [Title] Used to set your title.
/sit Character sits down
/social Provides players with guild, alliance, realm, realm mates and realm news.
/spacing normal | big | huge Sets the spacing settings on Bonedancer minion pets in a formation; Normal is the default setting
/sprint Makes your character sprint.
/stand Character stands up
/stats Displays a window with your character's current statistics (HP healed, resurrections performed, and your current gamplay "I Remain Standing..." score)
/stats rp | killrp | kills | deathblows | irs | heal | resurrect Displays stats for the specified type for the current gaming session
/statsanon Toggles anonymous settings for real time online statistics garnered from the /stats commands
/stuck Logs character out of the game and resets location to a nearby spot. Use when stuck in world geometry. If /stuck fails to correct the problem, please /appeal using the "Appeal: Stuck" category.
/target [Player] Makes [Player] your target, only works on allies.
/train Opens the class training window.
/upgrade Upgrade a keep door; must have high enough skill in woodcrafting to perform this task
/xp ON or OFF Typing "/xp OFF" will disable gaining experience for your character. Typing "/xp ON" will re-enable the gaining of experience. Typing "/xp" with no parameters will display the current state of this flag ( ON or OFF ), it will not change the state.


Command Description
/gc aaccept Accept an alliance invitation
/gc acancel Cancel an alliance invitation
/gc adecline Decline an alliance invitation
/gc ainvite Invite another guild to join your alliance
/gc amotd Displays the alliance message of the day
/gc amotd [text] Sets the alliance message of the day to the specified text
/gc aremove leader Removes your entire guild from your current alliance.
/gc aremove [#] Removes the specified guild (listed by number) from the alliance


Command Description
/bg grantcredit [MasterLevel] [PlayerName] Allows Batttlegroup Leader to grant credit for completed Master Level steps. See restrictions here.
/battlegroup groupclass Shows the class makeup of each of the groups in the battlegroup
/battlegroup groups Will display a group focused version of the /battlegroup who command. It will identify who is grouped within the battlegroup, who is grouped with people outside the group, and who is solo.
/battlegroup invite [playername] Invites the specified player to the battlegroup
/battlegroup join [moderator name] Join a public battlegroup by name of the moderator
/battlegroup join [moderator name] [password] Join a private battlegroup which has a password set
/battlegroup leave Remove oneself from the battlegroup
/battlegroup listen Puts the battlegroup on listen mode; only the moderator and leaders can speak
/battlegroup loot treasurer | normal Toggles the treasurer feature on and off.
/battlegroup lootlevel [level] Sets a threshold for the level an item must be to enter into this system.
/battlegroup password Display the current password for the battlegroup (moderator only)
/battlegroup password clear Clears the current battlegroup password
/battlegroup password [new password] Sets a new password
/battlegroup private The battlegroup is invite or password-only
/battlegroup public The battlegroup is public and anyone can join by typing /bg join
/battlegroup remove [playername] Removes the specified player from the battlegroup
/battlegroup status Displays the current member count of the battlegroup
/battlegroup treasurer [battlegroup member name] Designates the specified player as the treasurer for the battlegroup.
/battlegroup who Lists all members of the battlegroup
/bg credit Displays credit for Battlegroup Master Level encounters that have been completed within the last 10 minutes. This command can be used by the Battlegroup leader without restriction.

Boat Commands

/setdest Commands the vehicle you're driving to go to your ground target.
/vboard Board targetted boat
/vboot Boot someone from your boat
/vdestination [x] [y] Will sail your boat to a specified location (x, y) within your current zone
/vfollow Allows the controller of a movable vehicle to follow their currently targeted object
/vforward Move your boat forward
/vinvite Invite someone onto your boat
/vset [public/private] Sets your boat to either Public or Private.

Card Game Commands

Command Description
/deal [playername] [u/d] Deals the specified player a card and defines if it should appear up (u) or down (d)
/discard [#] Discards the card in your hand that you specify; /discard all will get rid of all cards
/held Returns a list of all cards in your hand
/roll [number of dice] Simulates a dice roll; Specify the number of die rolls you want (six-sided dice only).
/show Shows your entire hand to those around you
/shuffle [number of decks] Create the number of decks you specify and automatically shuffle them. User must use this command before attempting to /deal.

Chat Groups

Command Description
/cg help Displays all chat group commands
/cg invite [playername] Invites specified player to the chat group
/cg join [moderator name] Join a public chat group by name of the moderator
/cg join [moderator name] [password] Join a private chat group by name of the moderator and password
/cg leader Declare another member of the chat group as leader; This player can invite other players into the chat group and speak when the chat group is on listen mode.
/cg leave Leave the current chat group
/cg listen Puts the chat group on listen mode; only the moderator and leaders can speak
/cg password Display the current password for the chat group (moderator only)
/cg password clear Clears the current password (moderator only)
/cg password [new password] Sets the password for the chat group
/cg private The chat group is invite or password-only
/cg public The chat group is public and anyone can join by typing /cg join
/cg remove [playername] Removes the specified player from the chat group
/cg who Lists players in the chat group


Command Description
/advice A specific chat channel designated to ask questions to your fellow realm mates.
/afk [message] Sets character "away from the keyboard." You may also set an optional [message] to display when players try to contact you while AFK.
/asend (or /as) Sends a message to the alliance chat
/bchat or /bc or /bu or /bb [message] Sends [message] to your Battlegroup Chat
/broadcast (or /broad or /br) Broadcasts a message across a wider area
/chat (or /c or /ch) Speaks to the chat group
/chatlog Players may open a chat log to a different filename than 'chat.log'. The extention '.log' is automatically appended to whatever name you choose. Typing '/chatlog pendtest' would create a file called 'pendtest.log' in your camelot directory.
/emote (or /em, or /e) Lists the available in-game emotes
/group (or /g) Sends a message to your group
/guild (or /gu) Sends a message to your guild
/ignore [playername] Ignores the specified player
/osend (or /o) Sends a message to officer chat (must be a guild officer)
/psend or /p Sends a message to your group
/rpfilter [abbreviation] [text] Allows players to filter out commonly used game terms and abbreviations for any text that he/she wishes. Example: "/rpfilter LFG looking for group" would replace any occurance of "LFG" with "looking for group".
/rpfilteroff Turns the roleplaying filter off
/rpfilteron Turns the roleplaying filter on
/say (or /s) Speak outside of a group or guild in a small radius around your character
/send [playername] (or /tell [playername]) Sends a private message to the specified player
/whisper Speaks softly in an extremely close range
/who RP Searches for players who have flagged themselves as role players.
/yell (or /y) Yells for help; add text (/yell [text]) to speak in a wider range


Command Description
/angry Make an angry face.
/bang Bang on your shield loudly
/beckon Beckon someone to you with your hand
/beg Please for items or money
/blush Act in a shy manner
/bow Give an honorable bow
/charge Onward!
/cheer Cheer with both hands in the air
/confuse You look confused.
/cry Sob pathetically
/curtsey Give a low curtsey
/dance Dance a little jig
/dismiss Make a dismissing gesture
/doh You slap your head in confusion.
/drink Take a drink.
/flex Makes a flexing gesture
/hug Makes a hugging gesture
/induct Make a ceremonial induction gesture
/kiss Blow a kiss
/knock Knocks on a player's house door.
/laugh Makes a laughing gesture
/lookfar You look into the distance
/mememe You demand someone pick you.
/military A military salute
/no Shake your head
/point Points to something in front of you
/ponder For when you just want to go "hmmmm..."
/present To present someone with something
/raise Raise your hand, as in volunteering
/rofl You roll on the floor laughing.
/rude Makes a rude gesture
/salute Makes a stiff salute
/shiver You shiver.
/shrug Shrug your shoulders
/slap Slap someone
/slit Let your enemy know you mean business. Makes a slitting throat gesture.
/smile Smile at someone.
/stagger You stagger about.
/stench You wave away the local stench.
/surrender I give up!
/sweat You break into a sweat.
/taunt A very mean gesture when you really want to irritate the enemy
/victory Make a victory cheer
/wave Makes a waving gesture
/worship worship everything and nothing
/yawn You Yawn.
/yes Nod your head

Fighting/Defensive Actions

Command Description
/assist Assist the target in battle
/bufforder Changes the order spell effects display on a character. First/last, Last/First. This is a Toggle.
/cancelstyle Toggles the feature that allows one to cancel their styles by executing them a second time
/face Faces the target
/faceloc [x] [y] Turns and faces your character into the direction of the x, y coordinates provided
/formation line | triangle | protect Sets the positions of the Bonedancer minion pets in various formations around the Bonedancer; Triangle is the default setting.
/groundassist Works similarly to /assist, but the target shared is a ground target such as the ones for GTAE spells, some Realm Abilities, and some siege weapons.
/groundset [unit amount] Set a ground target a set number of units in front of the player.
/guard Guards the target; Requires the Guard ability
/protect Protects the target; Requires the Protect ability
/stick Sticks to the target; Same as /follow, but you remain much closer and the range at which you get "too far away" and break loose is smaller
/style [name] Allows you to do a combat style as a slash command. /style Ruby Slash, etc.

Game Settings and Preferences

Command Description
/anonymous (or /anon) Make your character anonymous on the /who listings
/chatlog [filename] Opens up a chatlog to the specified filename instead of "chat.log" The extension ".log" is automatically added to the filename specified.
/clientsleep background | minimized | none Sets the client to go into "sleep mode" and use less processor power on one's computer. You can adjust these settings from the options menu as well.
/clock Toggles the display of a new window that shows the current time of day (real time, not game time)
/colornames Turns on the new name coloring features that make it easier to distinguish certain NPCs from others
/effects self | group | all | none Toggle spell effects to show one's spell effects only, all, your group's, or none at all
/filter Toggles the chat curse filter
/hidegraves Hides all gravestones except for your own
/hidenames players | monsters | self | graves | all Hide names of the specified objects (players, monsters, one's self, graves, or all objects)
/keyboard Opens a window with the current keyboard configuration
/lfguild Flags yourself as Looking For a Guild
/noqueue Toggles the spell queuing system on and off
/oldnamecolors Turns off the new colored name feature and returns to the original release name coloring
/quickbar Qbar# 1/0 Toggle quickbars when using multiple quickbars as introduced in 1.75. For example, to enable quickbar 2, use /quickbar 2 1.
/resetcamera Resets the default camera settings
/scrollchat Toggles the Chat Buffer scrolling. If it is toggled on, messages in your visible chat buffer will disappear after 90 seconds - but you will still be able to view old messages by scrolling back in the chat buffer.
/setcamera Saves your default camera settings
/setwho class | trade Sets how the player wishes to be displayed on a /who inquery. Class displays the character's class and level. Trade displays the tradeskill type and level of the character.
/shownames self | players | monsters | gravestones | groupmates | guildmates | enemies Shows names of the specified objects (players, monsters, one's self, graves, or all objects)
/sshot [preferred basename of screenshot files] Will take a screenshot and apply the specified image name as the base filename for screenshots taken after issuing this command. So executing "/sshot Raid" will name screenshots taken after as Raid-01.jpg, Raid-02.jpg, etc.
/trade Toggles the ability to trade on and off
/webdisplay nopoints Toggles whether or not your realm points, rank, and master level information is displayed on the Herald
/webdisplay trades Toggles whether or not your tradeskill information is displayed on the Herald

Getting Help

Command Description
/appeal Gives you the status of your appeal, unless it was a bug report, in which case an autoreply email will be sent to you
/appeal [text] Make an appeal to customer service; be sure to choose the proper category from the pop up menu
/cancelappeal Cancels your pending /appeal
/help Displays the help window


Command Description
/autosplit Toggles autosplitting of loot on or off; Group leaders who use this command will toggle the feature for the entire group
/autosplit coins Autosplitting coins, when turned off, will send coins to the person who picked it up, instead of splitting it evenly across other members
/autosplit loot Autosplitting loot, when turned off, will send loot to the person who picked it up, instead of splitting it evenly across other members
/autosplit self Choose not to receive autosplit loot items. You will still receive autosplit coins.
/disband Disband from the group
/invite [playername] Invites a player to join your group. If no name is specified, it invites the currently targeted player
/join Accept a Group Invite
/makeleader When used by a group leader, this command will make the named player (/makeleader 'playername') or the current targeted group member the new leader of the group.

Guild Commands

Command Description
/gc accept Accepts a guild invitation
/gc alliance Lists the alliance the guild is currently a part of
/gc autoremove account [accountname] Guild leader command only; Removes all players from the guild whether or not he is online at the time from the specified account name
/gc autoremove [playername] Guild leader command only; Removes a specified player from the guild whether or not he is online at the time
/gc cancel Cancels an invitation to join the guild
/gc claim Ranking guild member (with claiming permissions) in a group filled with all guild members may claim a keep in the name of the guild
/gc decline Declines a guild invitation
/gc demote [#] Demotes the target to the specified rank number
/gc deposit [copper] Allows players to make a deposit to their guild's bank. Please note that the deposit should be entered in cp.
/gc edit Lists editable pieces of the guild structure; To edit them, type /gc edit [editable section name].
/gc edit [ranknum] alli [y/n] Ability for the guild leader to allow a rank to enter/leave alliances (create a diplomatic officer)
/gc edit [ranknum] motd [y/n] Ability for the guild leader to allow a rank to edit the guild motd
/gc email Set the guild's contact email address; Displayed on the Camelot Herald
/gc emblem Sets the guild's emblem
/gc form Forms the guild (8 people required)
/gc info Returns a list of guild information
/gc invite [playername] Invites the specified player to join the guild
/gc logins Toggles a flag on your character which will send a text message informing you of whenever a member of your guild (who isn't anon) logs on or off
/gc motd Lists the message of the day
/gc motd [text] Sets the message of the day with the designated text
/gc omotd Lists the officer guild message of the day (if one is an officer)
/gc omotd [text] Sets the officer message of the day with the designated text
/gc promote [playername] [rank#] Promotes the specified player to the specified rank number
/gc quit Removes oneself from the guild
/gc ranks Lists the ranks in the guild. Leaders may also change these ranks with this command.
/gc release Ranking guild member (with releasing permissions) can release a claimed guild keep
/gc remove Removes target from the guild
/gc removeaccount Removes all characters associated with the same account as the target character.
/gc webpage Set the guild's website information; Displayed on the Camelot Herald
/gc webranks show/hide Determines whether characters in the guild will be listed with their ranks on the Herald.
/gc who Lists all of the players in the guild who are currently logged on
/guildcommand (or /gc) Lists all of the available guild commands

Horse Commands

Command Description
/dismount or /mount Will remove you from your horse. Also works on seige equipment and the Hourse-Route horses.
/horse courbette The horse performs a courbette
/horse graze The horse grazes
/horse halt The rider signals everyone to stop
/horse nod The horse nods its head and paws the ground
/horse pet The rider pets their horse
/horse rear The horse rears up
/horse startle The horse becomes startled
/horse trick The rider performs a trick on horseback
/namemount Names your horse (only you can see the name)
/summon or /summonmount Summons your horse to you

Housing Commands

Command Description
/housepickup Automatically picks up and places all decorations from your house and garden into available space in your inventory. It will only pick up decoration objects - not Merchants, Vaults, or Tradeskill Tools.
/boot [playername] Kicks a player out of your house
/bountyrent [personal | guild] [amount] This will allow players to directly pay for their house rent with bounty points, rather than purchasing tokens which may not be correct in value.
/house Delves the target house.
/houseface [guildname | lot number] Points to the specified guildhouse of the guild noted, or the lot number noted in the command. /houseface alone will point to one's personal home.
/housefriend all Allows everyone to enter the home
/housefriend [player | guild | guildlevel] [Player's or Guild Rank's Name] Adds a player, guild, or guildlevel to your house friends list.
/househelp Brings up the housing manual in-game
/houseloc [lot number] When in the same region as a given lot, /houseloc (lot number) will tell you the owner's name, the zone name, and the x and y coordinates within that zone.
/listmerchant Toggles whether or not your merchant's items are included in the Player Market Database
/settle [value] You may pull less than the full value of cash off of your consigment merchant with this command. Note: Values given in coppers (i.e. /settle 20000 results in removing 2 gold from the consigment merchant)
/webdisplay house Toggles your house's information displayed on the Herald on or off

More Information

Command Description
/bonuses Displays the bonuses window
/direction Returns the character's directional positioning
/freelevel Reports the current free level status for your character. Read More.
/freelevel decline Will allow you to decline your free level. If you decline, your free level is completely discarded, and you will have to level again and wait for the next free level period.
/friends Lists friends currently online
/ignore Lists people currently on your ignore list
/loc Reports the character's current location
/master # Jumps to a specific trial # in the Master Level window
/played Reports the total played time of the currently logged-in character
/realm Opens the realm status window detailing the ownership of keeps
/relic Opens the realm status window detailing the ownership of relics
/task Returns the current task's information
/time Reports the current in-game time
/where [NPC Name] Locates NPCs, not players, and only with a guard/sentinal type targeted
/who [playername] | [class] | [# level] | [location] | [##] [##] level range | CG Reports the names of specified players in the given search field (players, class, level, location, or level range.

PvP Server-Specific Commands

Command Description
/craft [realm] Allows a craftsman to switch to another realm's corresponding set of recipes. For example, an Albion tailor can switch to Midgard to tailor Midgard recipes.
/gc enemyadd [name of guild] Adds the guild to the enemy guilds list
/gc enemyremove [name of guild] Removes a guild from the enemy guilds list
/safety Used to turn your no-PK flag off below level 10.

Quest Actions

Command Description
/bury To 'bury' something for a quest step.
/dig To 'dig' in an area for a quest step.
/excavate Used to 'excavate' in certain quests and regions.
/fertilize To 'fertilize' something for a quest step.
/forage To 'forage' in an area for a quest step.
/harvest To 'harvest' something for a quest step.
/hide To hide for a quest step.
/interact Right click on a quest item, then type the command.
/journal Displays the quest journal window
/listen Used to 'listen' in an area for a quest step.
/lore Shows the lore of something for a quest step.
/mine To 'mine' an area in for a quest.
/plant To 'plant' something for a quest step.
/quest Lists quests pending and completed
/read To 'read' something such as a map or note for a quest step.
/search To search an area for a quest step.
/survey Surveys the area for a quest step.
/turn Turns something for a quest step.
/use Place an item on the quick bar from a quest, type the command, and click on the item.
/water To 'water' something for a quest step.

Siege Weapon Commands

Command Description
/aim Aims the weapon
/arm Readies the weapon for firing
/control Allows a player to control siege equipment
/fire Fires the weapon at the target
/load Loads the weapon with ammunition
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