In North Georgia, peach season lasts until late August. Crops shipped from other states like California extend the season a bit more.

Summer's time for peaches

For the best-tasting peaches, there’s no time like summer. Peaches are harvested ripe, shipped a short distance, or sold at farmers’ markets just a day or so off the tree. Story, recipes

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Too hot to cook?

summer salad

Over the years, I’ve put together a go-to menu for favorite salads that use the best of summer’s produce and won’t keep you in the kitchen too long. Story, recipes

cold-oven pound cake


This pound cake, sweet and with a crust that invites nibbling, has been a favorite for family gatherings for years. Story, recipe

tools for good health

girl eatingapple

Check out calories, fats and carbs before you eat, and see how food fits into your diet at My Food-a-pedia.

Sugary cereal or healthy? This tool ranks the best, worst, and everything else.