Are Bugs Crawling In Your Ears While You Sleep?

Bugs Ear

Huffington Post  Amanda Chan  Posted: 07/ 5/11 01:25 PM ET

You hear the horror stories all the time -- creepy crawlies that find their way into people's ears.

There were even reports last week of a 12-year-old Colorado boy who woke up crying because a moth had crawled into his ear. He had to go to the hospital emergency room, where doctors tried to drown the moth to kill it, to no avail. They ended up removing the insect with tweezers -- where it came out alive, 9News reported.

But why are the nooks and crannies in our faces so attractive to bugs, anyway?

According to Philip Koehler, Ph.D., an entomology professor at the University of Florida, it's likely because they're seeking shelter.

"The insects are probably entering the canal as harborage, for heat, and/or for moisture," Koehler told The Huffington Post in an email.

A small 2006 study in the South African Medical Journal tried to examine what sorts of bugs most commonly crawl into people's ears. From 24 bug specimens that were retained from people's ears, they found that 10 of them were cockroaches and three were beetles, with the rest being some other sort of insect.

And how do you get them out?

Story continues below

There's no one-size-fits-all method for removing bugs from people's ears. In one 1989 letter to the editor, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, doctors from the State University of New York Health Science Center told of how they suctioned a cockroach from the ear canal of a woman with a metal suction tip.

However, if a bug crawls in your ear, you should not try to get it out yourself, said Dr. Benjamin Crane, M.D., an assistant professor of otolaryngology at the University of Rochester Medical Center in New York.

"You can put mineral oil or something in the ear canal to kill the bug, to make it more comfortable for you, but you should then go to an emergency room or to an otolaryngologist's office to get it removed," Crane told The Huffington Post.

Usually, ear-burrowing bugs just provide feelings of discomfort because the ear canal is so sensitive, Crane said, though there's always the risk that they can perforate the ear drum.


You hear the horror stories all the time -- creepy crawlies that find their way into people's ears. There were even reports last week of a 12-year-old Colorado boy who woke up crying because a moth...
You hear the horror stories all the time -- creepy crawlies that find their way into people's ears. There were even reports last week of a 12-year-old Colorado boy who woke up crying because a moth...
RT : While on my run this evening, my stomach enjoyed 2 spider webs and 23 bugs which is enough protein to last me 3 weeks.
RT : EPA risks kiling bees to fight invasive stink bugs: via
Cirque du Soleil in Chicago: Bugs we can love
PHOTOS: These bugs live on everything you own |
One thing that bugs me about certain 20-somethings is their disregard for other people's time.
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Cancer Awareness, We Must Find a Cure!
9 hours ago (3:52 AM)
re: You hear the horror stories
a bug like the one in the picture could give a person a heart attack!
Fueled by biscuits..
14 hours ago (11:27 PM)
I freaking hate cockroache­s. They are truly the scourge of the world!
Cause they're hip to the bull and hip to the lies.
18 hours ago (7:06 PM)
Oh my God I am so freaked out just by the title that I can't read the article. My ears are itching!
22 hours ago (3:05 PM)
There are a variety of pest control measures that are easy to implement, such as washing sheets with hot water regularly
Tact is just not saying true stuff. I’ll pass.
21 hours ago (4:17 PM)
Yeah, that will get rid of the moths.
I ALWAYS vote.
23 hours ago (2:04 PM)
This reminds me of a "Night Gallery" classic.http://you­tu.be/Zxs5­vBd1h98
0 minute ago (1:05 PM)
I thought of that one too. It is a classic...­.it freaked me out as a little kid, but for some reason I just keep laughing about it now. Freaky and funny. :)
There is no spoon. But there's a spork.
11:19 AM on 7/06/2011
Had a wasp crawling around and stinging me in the ear when I was 8yo. My skin still crawls whenever I see one of those fokkers, to this day.
08:08 AM on 7/06/2011
Strange but true!
Lady In Silhouette
I have a mind of my own
05:57 AM on 7/06/2011
Just what we want to think about when we lay our head on the pillow. Maybe those little foam ear plugs are a good idea? ;)
03:09 AM on 7/06/2011
I had an ant in mine not to long ago and it was the worst feeling. I was lucky though. I got it out with my finger. Yuck!
12:02 AM on 7/06/2011
We don't use pesticides and live on a couple of wooded acres. We have an abundance of different species of spiders so I'm hoping they keep the other insects in check. The spiders are sociable. This does remind me though, I'm over-due on the dogs Advantage treatments­.
I plan on leaving the earth to species that know how to take care of it.
The Hellstrom Chronicles says they will inherit the earth.
07:33 PM on 7/05/2011
"just provide feelings of discomfort­", NOT!!!!!
06:46 PM on 7/05/2011
Oh honestly, HuffPo, like we don't already have enough things to worry about!
07:06 PM on 7/05/2011
Honestly, global warming, record deficits, cuts to education, and now when I lay me down to sleep I have to worry about bugs getting in my ears! Thanks a lot huffpost. :)
05:23 PM on 7/05/2011
My husband snores so I use ear plugs....

So maybe if there is a bug that would of wanted to burrow in my ears I prevented it?
Blessed are the Cheese Makers
07:38 PM on 7/05/2011
Perhaps it's there and is thrilled that you're blocking out your husband's snoring.
02:39 AM on 7/06/2011
that's good---

on second thought though....­....lol...­.
04:52 PM on 7/05/2011
My husband hates it but Im going to continue sleeping in my hoodie.. with the hood up!!
good morning, I'm here
04:32 PM on 7/05/2011
There is no sleeping through a bug in your ear. I have a pet cat who likes to sleep on my bed. One night I woke up to this loud sound that kept exploding in my skull. A flea was in my ear bouncing around trying to get out. The sound and feel of it was horrendous­.
Chad Wheeler
05:20 PM on 7/05/2011
Believe it or not, that was a very soothing and helpful anecdote. I have always been paranoid that this would happen to me and it's reassuring to find out that there is no way you could be unaware of it!
good morning, I'm here
07:11 PM on 7/05/2011
NO WAY. He finally bounced out. I have clean ears and not much wax so I was lucky. And I make sure to put Advantage on my animals right on time.
03:45 AM on 7/06/2011
NO possible way. I got a midge in my ear once. Horrendous­. Buzzing and bouncing and terribly irritating­. You would know, believe me.
Chad Wheeler
05:21 PM on 7/05/2011
I also have to add- my most sincere sympathies for your ordeal. I am afraid I would be institutio­nalized.
08:55 PM on 7/05/2011
OMG, me too. Yes, that would be the key word here: institutio­nalized.
03:47 AM on 7/06/2011
Nah, a bit of baby oil in the ear does take care of it in most cases. Worked wonders for me. It's mostly that you can hear EVERYTHING it does...