
In the years before the signing of the Treaty of Coruscant, the Sith Empire sought to crush the...
07.23.2010 - In the years before the signing of the Treaty of Coruscant, the Sith Empire sought to crush the... View More
Comments: 33
In the years before the signing of the Treaty of Coruscant, the Sith Empire sought to crush the...
07.23.2010 - In the years before the signing of the Treaty of Coruscant, the Sith Empire sought to crush the... View More
Comments: 43
Volcanic activity on Belsavis has created warm tropical pockets in the planet’s ice-covered surface.
03.12.2010 - Volcanic activity on Belsavis has created warm tropical pockets in the planet’s ice-covered surface. View More
Comments: 42
Toxic soil, massive ruins, and seething rakghouls are just a few of the challenges facing Taris’ new settlers.
02.12.2010 - Toxic soil, massive ruins, and seething rakghouls are just a few of the challenges facing Taris’ new settlers. View More
Comments: 75
Kaas City is a towering testament to the might of Sith Empire.
Dromund Kaas
01.08.2010 - Kaas City is a towering testament to the might of Sith Empire. View More
Comments: 108
Survival on Tatooine means constantly defending yourself against Sand People and the elements.
12.18.2009 - Survival on Tatooine means constantly defending yourself against Sand People and the elements. View More
Comments: 55
The cunning Sith Inquisitor is the living embodiment of the destructive power of the dark side of the Force.
Sith Inquisitor
12.11.2009 - The cunning Sith Inquisitor is the living embodiment of the destructive power of the dark side of the Force. View More
Comments: 104
The Sith Inquisitor blends a stunning combination of Force powers and double-bladed Lightsaber attacks to defeat his opponents.
Sith Inquisitor
12.11.2009 - The Sith Inquisitor blends a stunning combination of Force powers and double-bladed Lightsaber attacks to defeat his opponents. View More
Comments: 54
This ornate set of Jedi Consular robes is better suited for diplomatic missions and negotiations.
Jedi Consular
12.04.2009 - This ornate set of Jedi Consular robes is better suited for diplomatic missions and negotiations. View More
Comments: 41
Lightsaber drawn, this Jedi Consular takes on a calm, controlled ready-stance in preparation for an attack.
Jedi Consular
12.04.2009 - Lightsaber drawn, this Jedi Consular takes on a calm, controlled ready-stance in preparation for an attack. View More
Comments: 37
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