Obituary Archives

Frequently Asked Questions

What is available in the archive?

The Stacks Obituary Archive contains news obituary articles and listings, and family-placed death notices from The Atlanta Journal-Constitution dating back as January 1, 2001.

Obituaries and death notices are available on the day of publication.

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What is not contained in the archive?

The Stacks Obituary Archives do not include photographs or graphics. Obituary articles from The Associated Press and other wire services are not included in the Archives.

For news obituary listings back to October, 1998 and for news obituary articles back to 1985, please search the Stacks news archives at:

The Stacks news archives does not contain paid death notices, however, finding a news obituary listing may be helpful in locating a death notice from microfilm. For more information on where to find AJC microfilm, visit

Or, our Stacks research staff can make a microfilm copy for you for $12 per copy if you have an exact date that a death notice ran in the newspaper. You may contact them by telephone at 404-526-5668 or 1-800-756-4197. E-mail:

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How do I enroll in the archive?

To register go to the search page and enter a search. After submitting your search, click on the title of the document that you would like to purchase. The next screen asks for a User Name and Password - or - for you to Register. To register, click the "REGISTER" link and fill in the necessary information on that page.

Some other registration tips:

  • Enter a valid email address.
  • Do not use dashes or spaces when inputting credit card numbers; use only numbers.
  • User Name must be at least six characters long, but not more than 15, with no spaces or special characters.
  • Password must be at least six characters long, but not more than 15, with no spaces or special characters.
  • Be sure to click on the box that says "Click here to accept terms and conditions".

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Where else can I find AJC news obituary articles or listings or a family-placed death notice that appeared in The Atlanta Journal-Constitution in the past thirty days?

Obituaries and death notices are available at

Searching our Stacks obituary archive, however, may aid you in locating a particular obituary or notice if you do not have complete information. Finding a recent notice or obituary in the Stacks obituary archive can provide you with the date that the notice appeared and make it possible for you to go to that particular date in the database and retrieve the notice for free.

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How do I place an obituary?

Please visit our obituary help page: for information on our obituary policies and how to place an obituary.

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How do I order back issues of The Atlanta Journal-Constitution?

Back issues of The Atlanta Journal-Constitution are held for 30 days and are available for purchase.
To order, please call:
    AJC Circulation Department
    (404) 526-5024 or (800) 933-9771

NOTE:  All back issues are subject to availability.

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How do I obtain permission to reprint material from The Atlanta Journal-Constitution?

All news obituary articles in The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, on, and in our Stacks obituary archive and all staff articles, graphics, and photos that appear in The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, on, and in our Stacks news archive are copyrighted by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. They may not be reproduced, republished, retransmitted, or redistributed without prior written permission. To find out how to request permission to reprint or republish a staff-written article, go to Reprint Permission,

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How do I get reprints of an Atlanta Journal-Constitution photo?

Visit our online store at for details and prices for photo and page reprints, which can be purchased for personal use.

Requests for permission to reprint or republish staff photos are handled by the Journal-Constitution Photo Department. All requests must be in writing. Requests may be:

· Faxed to 404-526-5862, Attn: Photo Permissions

· E-mailed to Pam Prouty at

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How do I get a subscription to the print edition of The Atlanta Journal-Constitution?

Subscribe to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

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Why do I have to pay to read obituaries or death notices in the archive?

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution has partnered with NewsBank Inc. to create an archive that offers news obituaries and family-placed death notices back to January 1, 2001 as part of our general newspaper web site at: You can search any name or search term for free but we charge a small fee to access the full article and print it out.

The main purpose of the archive is to provide an additional service to our customers. In addition, the small fees charged help offset the cost of maintaining the archive. We hope you will find this service of value and feel free to contact us with your comments.

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Why do you want to know my age?

To comply with the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act, effective April 21, 2000, which applies to the online collection of personal information from children under 13, we have implemented the practice of asking for the age of the customer. This information is used to validate that the customer is allowed to register and is not kept anywhere in our customer records.

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Why do you want my complete address and phone number?

To safeguard against fraudulent charges on a credit card, we ask for complete billing information to verify that the credit card number and the contact information match what the credit card companies have on record.

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Why is the word count listed on the results page?

By reviewing the word count, you have more information to determine if the obituary is one which you would like to purchase. The word count, which is an estimate based on the actual character count, tells you whether the article is the length of a news obituary listing, an article or lengthy family-placed death notice.

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What is NewsLibrary?

NewsLibrary, a NewsBank service, provides web access to the archives of over 100 daily US Newspapers. Also available on NewsLibrary are Radio Transcript archives, Wire Services archives and international coverage from BBC Monitoring archives. Searching is free. Customers are billed by credit card only when they retrieve (download) the full text of any document.

Please note: Your credit card statement will list NewsLibrary, not The Atlanta Journal-Constitution or the Stacks.

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Can I use a debit card instead of a credit card to purchase articles?

A debit card looks like a credit card, but works more like a check. Using a credit card is like taking out a loan. Credit card companies allow you to dispute a charge that is unfamiliar while they or you check out the charge. With a debit card your money is deducted directly from your bank account. Consumer protections for debit cards are not the same as for credit cards, which is why we request a credit card online for the safety of our customers. Although we do not deny debit card authorizations because their use is common, we recommend using a credit card for any online purchase. The Electronic Fund Transfer Act (EFTA) protects you if you believe an accounting error has occurred or if a thief uses your card. Contact your financial institution.

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What settings will give the best site experience?

For the best site experience, please use a non-beta version of Netscape Communicator 4+ or Internet Explorer 4+, set the screen resolution to 800x600, and enable JavaScript and Cookies.

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If I have a question that cannot be answered by the frequently asked questions, what do I do?

If you still have a question after checking the frequently asked questions, please contact Customer Service.

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