Welcome to Channel Surfing, the IGN TV podcast. This is where the staff of IGN TV (and occasional guests) lends their print-ready voices to the world of podcasting!

Hello, hello, good friends. Eric and Matt back again, starting out with the happy news that Community and Parks and Recreation have been renewed! We also discuss Ricky Gervais doing another Office cameo, while a new Gervais-produced series, Life's Too Short, may guest star Johnny Depp.

In other news, David Fincher and Kevin Spacey give Netflix their first original series, while The Sandman series seems to stall… until we're told it hasn't. Plus Syfy renews Being Human and TNA offers an apology after Jeff Hardy is super Jeff Hardy at a recent Pay Per View.

Reader email includes questions and comments on Parks and Rec, Game of Thrones, shows that have gone on too long and potential series that seem to have vanished.

As always, If you have any questions or comments for an upcoming episode of Channel Surfing, make sure to contact us via email at ChannelSurfing@ign.com.

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Matt Fowler: twitter.com/Fowler_IGN

Channel Surfing Podcast, Episode 121 - 46.1 MBs
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