About Numenta

Numenta was founded in 2005 by Jeff Hawkins, Dileep George and Donna Dubinsky. Hawkins is the author (with Sandra Blakeslee) of On Intelligence, which describes the theory of the neocortex used as the basis for Numenta's technology. Numenta is the third collaborative venture for Hawkins and Dubinsky who were co-founders of Palm Computing and Handspring.

Numenta introduced its first Research Release of the Numenta Platform for Intelligent Computing (NuPIC), including first-generation learning algorithms, to the developer community in March 2007. In June 2009, the company released version 1.7 of NuPIC along with a Vision Toolkit that allows non-programmers to experiment with creating, training and doing inference on HTM networks with image classification.

Numenta is actively working on the next generation of HTM cortical learning algorithms and has released documentation on these algorithms.

Numenta has fewer than twenty employees and is privately funded by its founders, board members, and close associates.

Numenta's objective is to maximize the impact of the HTM technology. The potential applications for this technology are diverse. Therefore we have structured our technology as a platform, enabling the emergence of an independent, application developer community. We will generate revenue by selling support, licensing software, and licensing intellectual property. The exact revenue mix will change over time, but we always will seek to make our developer partners successful, as well as be successful ourselves.