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Religious cartoons, Part 2

Following an earlier look at a decidedly smarmy and unfunny religious comic strip, here's another peek at faith-generated yuks. (No, I don't go looking for this stuff; this one came via the now-classic route: a "you'll love this" email making the rounds of senior citizens and the related-by-family victims on their mailing lists.)

This strip doesn't seem universally awful. An example:



The following panel was also amusing:

Readeth thou more

A cheap stab at humor

I'm short of funny stuff for the moment... and so rolled my own. Here's an entry in the famed LOLcat vein, starring Ken Ham of the equally famed (and equally comical) Creation Museum.

Documentary time at the Creation Museum

Religion-themed LOLcats... what would you call those? "GodLOLs"? "ReLOLgion"? Just "LOLtards"?

Religious cartoons: They're not all funny

I like linking to cartoons and other religious humor – but God yuks aren't always funny. Especially when they're attempts at humor by the terminally fundamentalist, a brand not known for its jocular outlook.

Case in point: some soulless inksplots called "Monkey's Cuz". Ready to split a gut?

height of Creationist humor

Get it? Scales and scales! Hoo-haw! Okay, recovered yet from your aching sides? Not so fast; this keen-witted Michaelangelo isn't letting you off so easily! Readeth thou more

Science vs North Mythology


I came across another great webcomic, The Pain – When Will It End? It's not about religion, but the artist is definitely a freethinker, and more than a few installments take good cracks at the Godsmacked.

I particularly enjoyed Science vs North Mythology, showing how idiotic the anti-science arguments look when you replace Christianity with a religion that happens to be one we don't inexplicably "respect".

(Hey, I for one do respect Norse mythology. If we're going to make up gods, why not make up cool ones? Thor vs Jesus is a fight I'd pay to see.

Round 1:

Jesus sprints across water toward Thor. Jesus attacks with a basket of loaves and fish.

Thor returns the attack with Mjolnir. SPLAT.

Round 2:

There is no Round 2.)

But even Thor might be defeated by another Bible-inspired hero, wielding a weapon of his own. His name is... no, see for yourself. Click when the boss isn't looking.

Good stuff.

Pick one, any one

Found re-posted online. Nice art style. Anyone know the source of this one?

Still waiting...

Heh. I used to be one of these "end of the world, any time now" Christians. Oy vey.

Comic from the wonderful Big Fat Whale.

"We're atheists"

Found re-posted online. Originally from

God's easy like that


God has always been a flip-flopper.

"I think I'll have humanity live here forever on this paradise Earth... Oops, Adam bit the fruit! Change of plans! Humanity will live short lives now, then go to Hell or come up here to Heaven. Forever! Let's see... Gabriel, roll out a few billion guest beds..."

Same with prayer; it changes God's plans. (Unless you're a kid with untreatable cancer. "Sorry, Timmy; you die. But thanks for the pleading, frantic prayers.")

Image via Eat Liver. Source unknown.

Spread the Gospel


Spake the people