Tammerlin Drummond is a joke!

jif's picture

Joined: Jan 2008
Current Posts: 932

I won't bother beginning to address the completely hystrionic contents of Drummonds article about lessons learned from police shootings; however, if Drummond is going to talk about an event that she believes informs the police mind on their safety she should at least get right the date that four police officers were killed in the city she so loves and adores.  March 21, 2009, not the 23rd!  I somehow doubt that she gives two shyts about those deaths and was too busy wringing her hands over the shootings of two criminals.

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Marcus Harris
Marcus Harris's picture

Joined: Mar 2011
Current Posts: 5

I think the above comment by jif really deserves to be included in "Recent Comments" highlights box at the left. But IBA website designer long ago made the silly choice to always exclude threads's first posts from it, for no apparent reason. Also I think there really ought to be a way to link comments here to the article they refer to. But nooooo, it takes a random reader like me to do that?!


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