December 2010

iTanakh updates for November 2010

In November 2010, iTanakh added new entries in the following categories:

Archaeology > Inscriptions
Archaeology > Sites
Context > History
Languages > Hebrew > Literary Devices
Languages > Hebrew > Terms
Methods > Historical-Critical Method
Methods > Historiography
Methods > Postmodern Interpretation
Texts > Septuagint
Texts > Septuagint > Sirach
Texts > Septuagint > Wisdom of Solomon
Texts > Septuagint > The Books of the Maccabees
Texts > Tanakh > Torah/Pentateuch > Genesis
Texts > Tanakh > Torah/Pentateuch > Exodus
Texts > Tanakh > Torah/Pentateuch > Leviticus
Texts > Tanakh > Torah/Pentateuch > Deuteronomy
Texts > Tanakh > Former Prophets > Judges
Texts > Tanakh > Former Prophets > Samuel
Texts > Tanakh > Former Prophets > Kings
Texts > Tanakh > Latter Prophets > Isaiah
Texts > Tanakh > Latter Prophets > Jeremiah
Texts > Tanakh > Latter Prophets > Jonah
Texts > Tanakh > Writings
Texts > Tanakh > Writings > Psalms
Topics > Animals
Topics > Purity
Topics > Royalty

I’ve retreated from the cloud

I certainly haven’t retreated from the web—nothing like that. But after a month of using Gmail, I’m going back to using the Apple Mail client with Pepperdine’s Exchange server. Although I very much appreciated Gmail’s priority inbox feature, I simply found that managing multiple Gmail accounts was too difficult. With Apple’s Mail client, I can easily switch between various accounts, and even see all incoming e-mail in a single window. If I were trying to access my e-mail from various computers over which I didn’t have complete control, Gmail would seem like a much more attractive option. However, I usually read e-mail on my laptop, my iPhone, or my iPad. If I can access Gmail using one of these devices, I can also access the Pepperdine Exchange server just as easily. Plus, I find it much easier to switch between applications than to switch between tabs in a tabbed browser.

For these reasons, for better (I think) or for worse (some might say), I’ve said goodbye to Gmail … almost. Forwarding my Exchange e-mail to Google was incredibly easy; Pepperdine has a one-click solution for that. Going the other way is much more difficult. Using IMAP with Gmail is an absolute pain in the rear, because Gmail’s labeling scheme results in runaway duplication of e-mails when you access Gmail via IMAP … so now I’m neck-deep in cloned e-mails that just won’t seem to go away.

Higgaion has a new home

Dear readers, please update your links and spread the word: Higgaion has moved to a new home. The new URL is; visit the site to grab the new RSS feed or just substitute “” for “” in your existing URLs.