This post, dear reader, addresses those of you who use the iTanakh web index and find the search function useful. It costs me $249 per year (payable in one lump sum each May 15 or so) to keep a search feature on iTanakh—and this year, I don’t have it. So here’s the deal: if you think a search feature is worth having on iTanakh and you find it useful, please contribute a little funding to the cause by sending in a donation via PayPal. If you want to do this, please use the PayPal Donate button on the iTanakh site itself. When I receive enough donations that I can afford to renew the search service, I’ll do so right away. Otherwise, the search feature will go dormant on iTanakh until such time as I can either afford to pay the bill or find a new way to run searches. No other aspect of iTanakh will be affected by this.

What I really want is to convert the entire site to a PHP/SQL database. But I don’t have the know-how to do that just now, and I don’t really have time to learn at this juncture.