Sears Canada Selling Fur? Fur Real!

Posted on May 24, 2011 at 1:30 pm | Permalink | Comments (3)

One of the largest Canadian department stores, Sears Canada, refuses to stop selling fur, despite the fact that PETA has repeatedly explained to company executives that animals on fur farms live in cramped, filthy conditions before they are bludgeoned, electrocuted, and sometimes even skinned alive (yes, you read that correctly—sometimes even skinned alive). Animals who are trapped in the wild may suffer for days before trappers arrive to crush their chests or stomp or beat them to death.


Write to Sears Canada's CEO, Dene L. Rogers and urge him to end its sale of fur immediately and implement a fur-free policy.

Knowledge is power! Christina


Comments (3) to “Sears Canada Selling Fur? Fur Real!”

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  1. Hannah says:

    I'm going to write to them!!! :D

    VA:F [1.9.8_1114]
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  2. Andrea Herrera says:

    How can they even say they are neutral?!

    VA:F [1.9.8_1114]
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  3. Katya Laurent says:


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