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About the Military Leadership Diversity Commission

The Duncan Hunter National Defense Authorization Act for FY2009, Section 596, and Public Law 110-417, mandated the creation of the MLDC. The act tasked the MLDC to "conduct a comprehensive evaluation and assessment of policies that provide opportunities for the promotion and advancement of minority members of the Armed Forces, including minority members who are senior officers."

The MLDC membership includes 22 persons appointed by the Secretary of Defense and two persons appointed by the Secretary of Homeland Security. The law stipulates that the Director of the Defense Manpower Data Center and the Commandant of the Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute are also included as members in the MLDC. General Lester Lyles (USAF, Retired) will lead the Commission as its Chairman, and Lt General Julius Becton (USA, Retired) will be the Commission’s Vice Chairman.

The MLDC will undertake a comprehensive review of factors influencing accession, retention, career development, and promotion of military members to find ways to eliminate any barriers to advancement of minority Service members.