Anne Bean
Photo by Ronnie Israel

Photo by Ronnie Israel

A Slow Event (1992)
Serpentine Gallery, London

Exactly ten years after the death of Stephen Cripps, an artist who used sound and fire in his original and influential actions, I created an ephemeral but monumental work for him with Richard Wilson and Paul Burwell.

Flowers which expressed moments in Cripps’s life were frozen into clear blocks of ice creating a 10’ x 36’ structure which melted over the course of a day leaving wilted debris at nightfall.


Past projects


For further details on any of Anne's projects contact

Cheryl Pierce
Artists' Producer
Toynbee Studios
28 Commercial Street
London E1 6AB

Tel +44 (0)20 7247 5102
Fax +44 (0)20 7247 5103