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A to Z of council services

In our A to Z of services you will find each of the services that we provide, organised by the initial letter of an associated keyword or term.

You can also use the search facility by entering related words in the box located at the top right of this page. We hope you find our A-Z useful and if you have any comments or suggestions for how to improve it, or Barnsley Council online, please use our Feedback form.

Damage to highway or pavement

Damage to walls

Dangerous structures

Data Protection Act (DPA)

Dead animals and birds

Deaf or hard of hearing people

Dearne Valley College

  • Adult learning in Barnsley

Decent homes

Definitive maps (rights of way)

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA)

Department for Work and Pensions

Description of goods

Development agency

Direct payments

Disabilities (employment advice)

Disability Discrimination Act (DDA)

Dog litter bins

Door persons registration

Drainage and sewerage

Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA)

Driver education programmes


  • Refuse - skip services

Dumped rubbish

This page was last updated on the 9th of August 2011 and is scheduled for review on or before the 5th of February 2012

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Just a little note...

Please be aware that we are in the process of updating our website to make all our web pages appear consistently, in terms of the way they are branded. This follows a recent relaunch of our main website which saw the introduction of our new online brand.

The content you are about to view may not appear in the new format but will be updated shortly.