What is it?

Very, very short explanation

Listaller aims to unify the way you manage applications on end-user Linux desktop systems. Listaller also makes it possible to build software for many distributions.
We provide a cross-distro independent package format as well as several tools to create cross-distro apps and to manage installed applications.

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Try Listaller?

See it in action!

At time, Listaller is rewritten in Vala. As a consequence of a major redesign, the software is very unstable at time. You also need to have a Listaller-enabled PackageKit to try it. Since Listaller 0.5~a will be completely different from previous releases, we recomment compiling the latest Git snapshot of the software.
Be careful! Listaller is not ready for productive usage at time! (But usually you can try it without damaging anything)

Try it anyway »

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About the project

Listaller wants to unify the way you manage software on your Linux distribution, which means that we develop an user-friendly application-centered software manager GUI, which supports existing software installation strategies like Autopackage, LOKI or ZeroInstall as well as native packages.
We also build an unified software setup package format, which works on all Linux distributions and provide tools to make your application work cross-distro. Read more »

Try Listaller?

Click on the "Get Listaller" link in the main menu an you'll get further instructions to download the latest Listaller release.

We need help!

Do you want to support the Listaller project? Great! You can help translating the Listaller applications to other languages, help writing the documentation, design new banners or icons and - of course - help developing the Listaller toolset.
Alternatively you can build IPK packages for our getIPK service. Look at our "Get Involved" page and join our team at Launchpad for more information. If you want to contact us, please leave an message on our mailinglist.