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South Corridor HCT (High Capacity Transit) Project

Extending Central Link light rail from South 200th Street to Redondo/Star Lake

This project was approved by public vote as part the Sound Transit 2 ballot measure on Nov. 4, 2008.

The project will extend Central Link light rail approximately 4.8 miles south from South 200th St. Station to Redondo/Star Lake with stations near Highline Community College and Redondo/Star Lake. For cost estimation purposes, the alignment is assumed to be entirely aerial primarily along SR 99. The final alignment and station locations will be determined through project level design and environmental review.

Project elements include:

  • Link LRT guideway, track and systems extended approximately 4.8 miles south from South 200th St. to the vicinity of the Redondo Heights park and ride lot
  • Alignment entirely aerial primarily along SR 99
  • Two new stations near Highline Community College and the Redondo Heights park and ride lot (terminal station), all sized to accommodate 4-car trains
  • 500 additional parking spaces at each station (in addition to existing parking)
  • 1 percent for art per ST policy
  • One track crossover at each station

Estimated cost (2007$): $809 - $952 million

Sound Transit 2 Documents

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