That's right: Oh-fishul.  As in, this here's the swampy sector of the Internet, a place devoted to the legendary American comic strip created by Walt Kelly.  We have facts and funnies and faqs, all about a strip consistently voted one of the Best of All Time and the fascinating folks who inhabited it.  So pull up a tree stump and browse about the place.

August 25,  2010 - Today on his website, Mark Evanier posted the following...

Many moons ago today, a fella named Walt Kelly went and got himself born. Folks didn't know it at the time but he was going to grow up to become not only one of the great cartoonists of the world but one of its great humorists. People still quote him left and right, often without knowing from whence the witty thing they're saying came.

I always appreciated Mr. Kelly. Liked him even before I met and started liking his daughter. Both appreciations have only grown lately as I aid her in prepping a classy, much-desired reprinting of his Pogo newspaper strip, in full and in hardcover and (where appropriate) in color. Volume the First is taking longer than anyone had expected because the earliest strips need extra loving care and this is one of those projects that you just don't want to not do as well as it can be done. But it's coming soon and when it comes, you too will appreciate him even more than you already do, even if you already think (like most smart folks), he was the best. Roger Ebert agrees.

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