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What's a college degree worth? Plenty.
CHICAGO, July 24 (UPI) -- The lingering effects of the recent recession, which left more than 14 million Americans unemployed and little hope of a hiring binge in the offing, have people wondering whether spending tens of thousands of dollars on a college education is worth it.
Halal not just for Muslims anymore
CHICAGO, July 17 (UPI) -- With the annual Ramadan celebration just two weeks away, practicing Muslims this year have more alternatives for breaking the monthlong daily fast -- a line of prepared foods from Saffron Road that meet halal strictures.
Murder not an option for getting rid of bad boss
CHICAGO, July 10 (UPI) -- The crew in "Horrible Bosses" may have come up with an effective strategy for dealing with a bad boss but murder is not an option for the rest of us.
Just what the sweet tooth ordered
CHICAGO, July 3 (UPI) -- Exploding Peeps in the microwave could get even messier: Just Born is dipping the marshmallow confection in chocolate for Halloween, Christmas and Valentine's Day -- one of the sweet innovations unveiled at the recent candy industry trade show in Chicago.
Is your nest egg big enough to support retirement?
CHICAGO, June 26 (UPI) -- Think you've saved enough to retire in style? About half of Americans think so. Whether they're right or wrong depends largely on the economy and exactly how they define enough.
Prof says emphasis on price allowed discrimination to flourish at Walmart
CHICAGO, June 19 (UPI) -- A University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign law professor says Walmart is shooting itself in the foot if it is allowing sex discrimination to flourish.
Tablet-ordering systems coming to restaurants
CHICAGO, June 12 (UPI) -- The next time you place an order at a restaurant, it may be with an iPad instead of a waiter.
This weekend may be the best time to go house hunting
CHICAGO, June 5 (UPI) -- Psst. Wanna buy a house? This just may be the weekend to find one.
What's the real answer to replacing oil?
CHICAGO, May 29 (UPI) -- With U.S. gasoline prices hovering near $4 a gallon and the unrest roiling the Arab world, attention is focusing on alternatives to oil.
The tax/budget/deficit debate -- a tale of two taxes and what's fair, or not
Two ideas that have been lurking in the shadows of the U.S. budget-deficit debate have received little attention of late: a change to the tax code that would eliminate nearly all deductions and impose instead a flat, across the board income tax and a value-added tax on all sales and services.
Is there a food truck in your future?
CHICAGO, May 15 (UPI) -- Dining out is an evolving experience with restaurants trying out not only new cuisines but new ways of getting their fare to diners.
Retail therapy makes those with low self-esteem feel better
CHICAGO, May 8 (UPI) -- Who hasn't engaged in a good round of retail therapy? New top? New shoes? That slinky dress with no place to wear it?
For those who don't have the time or inclination to travel to Las Vegas or Atlantic City, N.J., or even the nearest Indian or riverboat casinos, the Internet has provided an easy-to-get-to venue for trying their luck. But the federal government is trying to shut down the online gambling industry and at least one expert says that's a good thing that needs to go further.
New homes shrinking as buyers try to make their dollars stretch
CHICAGO, April 10 (UPI) -- A funny thing happened on the way out of the recession -- new homes started shrinking.
Fla. firm recycling resins to make housewares greener
CHICAGO, April 3 (UPI) -- Don't look now but that new plastic bowl in the cupboard may not be adding to oil consumption and may have kept a bunch of stuff out of a landfill.
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