Thing > Organization > LocalBusiness > MedicalOrganization > Hospital

A hospital.
Property Expected Type Description
Properties from Thing
description Text A short description of the item.
image URL URL of an image of the item.
name Text The name of the item.
url URL URL of the item.
Properties from Place
address PostalAddress Physical address of the item.
aggregateRating AggregateRating The overall rating, based on a collection of reviews or ratings, of the item.
containedIn Place The basic containment relation between places.
events Event Upcoming or past events associated with this place or organization.
faxNumber Text The fax number.
geo GeoCoordinates The geo coordinates of the place.
interactionCount Text A count of a specific user interactions with this item—for example, 20 UserLikes, 5 UserComments, or 300 UserDownloads. The user interaction type should be one of the sub types of UserInteraction.
maps URL A URL to a map of the place.
photos Photograph or ImageObject Photographs of this place.
reviews Review Review of the item.
telephone Text The telephone number.
Properties from Organization
contactPoints ContactPoint A contact point for a person or organization.
email Text Email address.
employees Person People working for this organization.
founders Person A person who founded this organization.
foundingDate Date The date that this organization was founded.
location Place or PostalAddress The location of the event or organization.
members Person or Organization A member of this organization.
Properties from LocalBusiness
branchOf Organization The larger organization that this local business is a branch of, if any.
currenciesAccepted Text The currency accepted (in ISO 4217 currency format).
openingHours Duration The opening hours for a business. Opening hours can be specified as a weekly time range, starting with days, then times per day. Multiple days can be listed with commas ',' separating each day. Day or time ranges are specified using a hyphen '-'.
- Days are specified using the following two-letter combinations: Mo, Tu, We, Th, Fr, Sa, Su.
- Times are specified using 24:00 time. For example, 3pm is specified as 15:00.
- Here is an example: <time itemprop="openingHours" datetime="Tu,Th 16:00-20:00">Tuesdays and Thursdays 4-8pm</time>.
- If a business is open 7 days a week, then it can be specified as <time itemprop="openingHours" datetime="Mo-Su">Monday through Sunday, all day</time>.
paymentAccepted Text Cash, credit card, etc.
priceRange Text The price range of the business, for example $$$.
Properties from CivicStructure
Schema Draft Version 0.9