
House set to reject Reid debt plan as endgame nears

The Republican-controlled House of Representatives is set to reject Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s plan to raise the nation’s debt ceiling Saturday — partisan payback for the Democratic-controlled Senate’s rejection of Speaker John Boehner’s plan Friday night.

“Well, golly-gee-whillikers I guess I’ll just have no choice but to declare a National Emergency, disband Congress, conquer the planet, and establish my new Galactic Empire! Anyone seen my Death Star?” — Official White Horse Souse

The Pentagon Rules America: Militarism and the Crisis of the Civilian Economy

One reason the U.S. fell behind, Melman explained, is that “about 30 percent of the nation’s engineers, scientists and technicians work directly or indirectly for the military. The loss to the civilian economy is incalculable.” Consumer electronics, he said, “declined dramatically while the Government employs thousands of electronic engineers in its military labs.”

That was true when Melman spoke and it is true today. We have an army of death scientists toiling away in germ warfare labs ($50 billion wasted on this nauseating research alone since 9/11), in space warfare labs, in nuclear warfare labs, in electronic warfare labs, as well as in labs specializing in conventional ways to kill people.

Melman said one reason for the continuing dominance of the MIC is that the U.S. “is now a military form of state capitalism in which top managers of the military forces and their economy have dominant power—economic, political and military.” Translation: the Pentagon rules!

President Obama brought his debt battle to Twitter and he lost – more than 40,000 Twitter followers.

The Selling of America

I keep wondering if the people who elected them, the Tea Party masses that voted these nutcases into office, are beginning to feel uncomfortable as their chosen champions of small government and big freedoms show their true colors. And believe me, those colors are not red, white, and blue, and their allegiance is not to America. They have sold their souls, and their country, for money, and their only loyalties lie with the overlords who wrote the checks that put them in office.

Max Keiser: ‘America will lose its sovereignty’

The countdown to armadebtdon carries on and we are just 3 days away from the debt ceiling deadline. If a discussion is not reached will the US lose its AAA rating? The problem is we are not taking in enough revenue to continue spending like we are. Max Keiser of Keiser Report gives us his insight on what that means to the US.

GE CEO Jeffrey Immelt, The Head Of Obama’s Jobs Council, Is Moving Jobs And Economic Infrastructure To China At A Blistering Pace

Jeffrey Immelt, the head of Barack Obama’s highly touted “Jobs Council”, is moving even more GE infrastructure to China. GE makes more medical-imaging machines than anyone else in the world, and now GE has announced that it “is moving the headquarters of its 115-year-old X-ray business to Beijing”. Apparently, this is all part of a “plan to invest about $2 billion across China” over the next few years.

US review finds Iraq deadlier now than a year ago

BAGHDAD (AP) — Frequent bombings, assassinations and a resurgence in violence by Shiite militias have made Iraq more dangerous now than it was just a year ago, a U.S. government watchdog concludes in a report released Saturday.

The findings come during what U.S. Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction Stuart W. Bowen Jr. called “a summer of uncertainty” in Baghdad over whether American forces will stay past a year-end withdrawal deadline and continue military aid for the unstable nation.

States negotiating immunity for banks over foreclosures

State attorneys general are negotiating to give major banks wide immunity over irregularities in handling foreclosures, even as evidence has emerged that banks are continuing to file questionable documents.

As detailed in “Bankers Gone Wild”, mortgages were cranked out by unscrupulous mortgage brokers, then bundled together into mortgage securities, which were in turn re-sold to investors as triple-A investments, even though the bundles included sub-prime mortgages already defaulting as US jobs were shipped overseas.

These mortgage-backed securities are a Wall Street invention! And at first they appeared to be immensely profitable, so not only were US financial corporations, investment houses, and pension funds buying them, but so too were non-financial corporations and major foreign banks including Deutsche Bank and Credit Suisse.

But those early profits were a fiction, and we now know that many of the sellers of mortgage backed securities were engaging in Ponzi scheme activity, using proceeds from later sales of mortgage backed securities to pay “earnings” to earlier investors, while the same SEC that had turned a blind eye to Bernie Madoff’s $65 billion swindle looked the other way!

Worse, we now know that individual mortgages were pledged as collateral to multiple security bundles, which is illegal! This is briefly mentioned at 3:48 in the next video.

The criminal fraud even went further than that! In the case of Countrywide (now part of Bank of America) the actual titles were never really transferred, leaving the investment bundles entirely unsecured!

What appears to have happened is that the European banks realized that the American investment firms selling those mortgage-backed securities were engaging in fraud! Greenspan has admitted to such.

As the banks of Europe began to feel the major losses from the fraud, they turned to their local governments for financial assistance. In turn, those governments were forced to apply for loans from the International Monetary Fund, plunging their people deeper into debt, and the governments under the control of the private bankers! Indeed one must wonder if this multinational financial fraud had as its ultimate objective the forcing of the entire western world under the control of a global private bank!.

Obviously, the people of Europe are refusing to be chained to a global private bank and seem far more worried about their freedoms than their American counterparts. Yet a quick Google search shows the media encouraging the nations hit with this massive financial fraud to apply to the IMF for more loans, never mentioning that in their indebtedness lies the end of their national sovereignty!

Ultimately the European banks are never going to sit still for fraud, even from Wall Street and the USA! In order to reduce their losses and avoid more IMF entanglements, the European banks demanded a refund on those fraudulent investment packages. No doubt the Wall Street mortgage fraudsters refused, suggesting that the bankers of Europe dump their losses on their populations just as the American banks were being forced to do. That some European banks did so explains why so many European nations are in financial trouble. However, the larger European banks may have decided to “get tough” with the Americans, and this may explain the mysterious electronic run on the US financial system in February 2009, which almost crashed the US economy. Strangely, the American people were never informed who had initiated the financial transfers, even though obviously this information is recorded in the transactions on the computer systems.

This “attack” may have been a warning from the European main banks to the US to make good on the bad investments, or risk full public exposure for the mortgage backed securities fraud!

Soon after, we learned that the Federal Reserve was handing out trillions and trillions of dollars, loans which the American people are expected to repay, only the Federal Reserve refused to say who was getting the money, and even implied that exposure of the recipients of these trillions of dollars might pose a threat to the US economy. Now, nearly two years later, we find out that the Federal Reserve was buying back the mortgage-backed securities from European banks including Deutsche Bank and Credit Suiss. The reason this was kept secret was that the American people were being told that all these “bailouts” would be repaid, yet common sense tells us that profit cannot be made from an exposed fraud! The Fed could not admit to owning all those mortage-backed securities without being forced to answer the question of just exactly why they were not producing any earnings, with the usual “it was all the borrowers’ fault” excuses wearing thin even then! As cash left the nations financial system to cover the repurchase of the fraudulent mortgage backed securities, banks found their balance sheets slipping into the red. The banks were being driven into insolvency making good on the bad paper and this is what triggered the epidemic of fraudulent foreclosures. Banks needed real assets on their balance sheets as quickly as they could to get their balance in the black and their banks out of insolvency. So shortcuts were taken which became known as “foreclosuregate”. For some banks, it was too late. Hundreds of banks either dragged down by the fraudulent mortgage securities or made insolvent buying back the bad paper, have been shut down. For other major banks and financial institutions, the tactic worked and they stayed afloat, for which making millions of Americans homeless seemed a small price to pay! Indeed one might explain the hitherto unexplained reluctance by the Federal Government to stem the offshoring of American jobs as a deliberate policy of setting up Americans to lose their homes in order to preserve the capital structure of the banks!

In other words, the American people were looted to make good on the fraud perpetrated by Wall Street not only against American financial institutions, but bankers in the Eurozone as well.

The Wall Street Fraudsters should have gone to jail. But they walk free and clear, saved from the FDIC and prison, heading into a wonderful holiday with record-setting bonuses to spend while ordinary Americans have been made jobless, homeless, and hungry to keep the criminals out of prison.

The Mortgage Backed Securities fraud is the biggest fraud in the history of the United States, and we still do not know the full scale of the financial rape this nation has suffered.

Disastrous Outcomes From An Orchestrated Crisis

The US has become such a ridiculous collection of fools that no real crisis can be recognized. Instead, the country is mesmerized by a fake crisis.

Gold strikes new record high on US default fears

Gold strikes new record high on US default fears

Gerald Celente on US debt insanity: Collapse inevitable

The political elite will not recognize simple solutions to curb America’s deficit. ­”The country is going bankrupt — just look at the numbers. The numbers do not lie — politicians lie”

Judge Judy – Here’s Who You Support With Taxes

CHART – The Real Inflation Rate Is 11%

CHART: The Real Inflation Rate Is 11% According to Shadow Government Statistics. Takes about 2 seconds to absorb the chart.


While the Wall Street bought Republicans and Democrats continue their Kabuki theater over the debt ceiling foolishness in Washington. Main Street continues to darken as over 25 million Americans are either unemployed, underemployed or have dropped out of the labor force in a politically unacknowledged depression where one in 46 homes are in foreclosure: Allen L Roland

G. Edward Griffin: The Barbaric Metal

G. Edward Griffin
Activist Post

Knowledge of the nature of money is essential to an understanding of the Federal Reserve. Contrary to common belief, the topic is neither mysterious nor complicated. For the purposes of this study, money is defined as anything which is accepted as a medium of exchange. Building on that, we find there are four kinds of money: commodity, receipt, fiat and fractional…

Naming Names And Listing Amounts – The Top Ten U.S. Corporate Tax Avoiders – This Is OUTRAGEOUS

Take a second and read this list. How is this nonsense even possible.

News Alert: Economic Collapse – Peter Schiff says: US in Depression – Debt Default Imminent

News Alert: Economic Collapse – Peter Schiff says: US in Depression – Debt Default Imminent

Is Obama Trying to Create Order Out of Chaos with the Debt Crisis?

Catastrophe: When the Dollar Crashes

Catastrophe: When the Dollar Crashes

Banks love student loans

Last year the Department of Education released statistics on default rates of student loans. Arizona scored last, with a cumulative score of 10.9 percent. And, according to Jeannie Carlisle’s article on September 15, 2010 in, Tucson College was highest in 2008 student loan defaults at 34.6 percent. (Carlisle, 2010)

Why should taxpayers care about student loan defaults?

Paul Craig Roberts – “Economic Armageddon”: Washington’s Response to a Failed Ecomomy: More War

Any one of these crises was serious. All together, they implied economic armageddon.

There was no obvious way out, but even if one could be found, the government was focused elsewhere — on wars.

In addition to ongoing military operations in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia, the US and NATO began military operations against Libya on March 19, 2011. As with the existing wars, the real purpose of the aggression against Libya was not acknowledged, but it became clear that the war’s purpose was to evict China from its oil investments in eastern Libya. Unlike the previous Arab protests, the Libyan rebellion was an armed uprising in which some saw the CIA’s hand.

Experts:’America Will Lose Its Sovereignty’ As Financial Armeggedon Clock Ticks

As Washington remains “debtlocked” over the debt debate America is losing credibility around the world and experts are warning the U.S.could lose its sovereignty.

Peter Schiff On Money In Motion- We Are Defaulting On Our Debts By Inflating Them Away

Ron Paul “How Do You Solve The Debt Problem By Raising The Debt?”

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