Last updated: February 01, 2011

Weather: Brisbane 23°C - 31°C . A shower or two

Neil Jordan has a double take on life

neil jordan_

NEIL Jordan says everybody believes there is somebody out there like them, a theme that fascinates the author and film-maker.

Stories that contain graphic detail

Audrey Niffenegger

BIG-NAME authors are joining the ranks of the comic-strip novel writer.

Good reading guide for year ahead

Girl with Dragon Tattoo

MOVE over vampire fans, the Nordic crime writers have taken over the stage. But if murder isn't your cup of tea, there's plenty of great books in store in 2011.

Judge dispels Potter plagiarism suit

A US federal judge dismissed a lawsuit alleging the successful Harry Potter books were plagiarized from a story from a little-known British author.

Mark Twain, minus the N word

PUBLISHER to release new edition of two of Mark Twain's classic novels, removing the n-word.

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Echoes of war urge magical thinking

CRITICS are calling Israeli novelist David Grossman's latest book a masterpiece. He says not abandoning it was simply a matter of choosing life in the face of tragedy.

Promise in pages to come in 2011

AT this time every year a weary book reviewer gets a spark of excitement over the books to be published in the new year.


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