David Crosby


Danger Signs: America's So Nuclear Wasted

Posted: 9/21/11 02:54 PM ET

Lets go through it again, shall we?

We'll keep it simple, and not even wander into the economics of it.

First of all, human beings make mistakes. You simply can't argue with that -- no one can argue with it. Historically proven beyond all doubt. Therefore, having humans run devices that (when they go out of control, for instance windward of a large population center) can kill literally millions of people is a mistake. A bad idea. A seven-year-old can tell you that. This is what gave us Three Mile Island and Chernobyl.

Secondly, Mother Nature can (I hope you'll forgive the phrase) kick our asses any time she decides to. Anywhere she pleases. And to any degree she feels like.

"We're engineered here... we're prepared for a 7.0 earthquake and the biggest that's ever happen here was only a 5..."

...which is fine until she does a 9.6. That kind of thinking gave us Fukushima.

Third (and this is the one my son James wrote a song about):

We have NO PLACE to put nuclear waste.
None... 0.0... zip... zilch... NONE.

He saw in the paper that there was a contest to find the right words for a sign to be put on Yucca Mountain in Nevada, which is where they want to store all the nuclear waste in America if they can ever figure out how to get it there. And the sign is supposed to say to whomsoever shall show up in ten thousand years: "Don't. Dig. Here."

On the face of it, that sounds like a good idea. They did run into a kind of a problem though trying to figure out what language to write it in. My suggestion, of course, is cockroach. My son James wrote a pretty wonderful song about it, called "Don't Dig Here", which I invite you to listen to here:

The sign-writing contest eventually arrived at a winner -- Ashok Sukumaran -- whose proposal was to cover Yucca Mountain with fields of genetically mutated yucca plants that have a vibrant blue color. A marker of mutant plants warning of the mutant elements buried below, the way poisonous animals sometimes warm predators with iridescent colors on their skin.

Here's how it might look:


Yes, it's whimsical. And ironic. Yucca plants aren't naturally found on Yucca Mountain. Blue or any other color.

Meanwhile, the energy companies who have their heads buried in the sand while they count the money are still just holding their nuclear waste right next to the reactors (see Fukushima and over a third of the nuclear plants in the United States based on the same blueprint).

The result is that waste is currently scattered all over the country -- which is, by the way, a terrorist's dream... pre-made dirty bombs... just... waiting... while every hour the sun spills more energy onto the surface of the Earth than is needed to satisfy the entire world's energy requirements for a whole year.

We have but to gather it.

- Croz

Crosby-Nash are now touring in Europe, and their latest live performance DVD will be released on October 11th.


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Apollos Dad
Does anyone have a spare Depends??
3 hours ago (3:00 PM)
Here at HP

Amazing footage from a delivery truck's dashboard shows the incredible force of the Japanese tsunami that hit the country in March.

The video made the rounds on Twitter over the last couple days and even got billed on "Today" as "new video."

The problem with describing it as recently discovered footage is that the video has been on YouTube since June 20.

The clip has logged more than 1.7 million views over the last three months, with good reason -- the footage is disturbing­ly powerful.

So, as the old slogan goes, "If you haven't seen it, it's new to you." If you're not one of the million-pl­us people who have watched the video, you can check it out below.

Following the tsunami, the use of nuclear power has been questioned in Japan. On Monday, the Associated Press reported that tens of thousands of people marched through Tokyo chanting "Sayonara nuclear power."

WATCH the tsunami footage:
19th Amendment
Ever innocent, Lincoln ponders the tasty Hibiscus.
36 minutes ago (5:45 PM)
Hi there, cutie pie. (((Apollos Dad))) Off to search for that one. Although, seriously? I know it's all relative, but I don't know if I can take another view of that disastrous stuff. About to lose my home to forclosure because we'ce nearly nakrupted ourselves attempting to legally remove the lead poisoning. (Within me and the "drip line" in my soil...tha­t I gardened for however many years.)
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36 minutes ago (5:46 PM)
Faved. Please add a link for all to enjoy!
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7 hours ago (11:35 AM)
Thousands Petition for Suspension of 'Fukushima­­-Like' Nuclear Plants
Petition calls for the NRC to revoke the approval for an experiment­­al venting system and more at Oyster Creek and other nuclear plants throughout the country

The petition, headed by Beyond Nuclear, an anti-nucle­­ar organizati­­on, calls for the immediate suspension of 17 nuclear facilities with General Electric (GE) Boiling Water Reactors Mark 1 units, the same type of reactors at Fukushima that experience­­d a meltdown following an earthquake and tsunami.
Another meeting with Beyond Nuclear addressing the dangerous containmen­­t and failed venting system for Oyster Creek and the other Mark 1 plants is scheduled for Friday, Oct. 7 from 10 a.m. to noon.

* Phone numbers at link
* The meeting will also available via webcast at http://vid­­eo.nrc.go­v­/
* To sign the petition.
Its all there, if we just open our eyes...
9 hours ago (9:16 AM)
Hydrogen detected in pipe at Fukushima No. 1 reactor

Hydrogen has been detected in a pipe at the No. 1 reactor at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant, but there is no possibilit­y it will cause an explosion "in the immediate future," the plant's operator said Friday.

According to Tokyo Electric Power Co., hydrogen of at least 10,000 parts per million was detected at two spots in a pipe passing through the containmen­t vessel on the reactor building's first floor. This concentrat­ion was higher than TEPCO had anticipate­d.

Although TEPCO is not certain how much hydrogen is still inside the vessel, the utility believes it is possible the concentrat­ion of the highly flammable gas is higher than had been assumed.

In air and liquid, 10,000 ppm is equivalent to 1 percent. Air containing at least 4 percent hydrogen and 5 percent oxygen is at risk of causing explosion.

Apollos Dad
Does anyone have a spare Depends??
8 hours ago (10:16 AM)
I have Methane...­.. super {hug} Hope all is well !!
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7 hours ago (11:36 AM)
How many ppm?
Its all there, if we just open our eyes...
7 hours ago (11:38 AM)
Of course you have Methane... still haven't adjusted your diet, I guess. :)
Yes, all is well avec moi. And you?
terminate nuclear power
4 hours ago (1:54 PM)
Good to see you.
8 hours ago (10:20 AM)
Hi SLS11, That sounds just like what they said when the reactors blew. There is no immediate danger". When they knew the plants had melted down.
Its all there, if we just open our eyes...
7 hours ago (11:32 AM)
Hi darlinsass­,
Yes, interestin­g phrasing, isn't it? There is no possibilit­y of an explosion in the "immediate future"...­.. right....
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7 hours ago (11:36 AM)
No immediate Danger "to them",, as they are far, far away!
Indian Point, not worth the risk!
21 hours ago (9:51 PM)
David, did you know Neil Young has a melted down nuclear power plant as part of his son's Lionel train set? I wish Lionel would commercial­ize it so everyone can install one along their Lionel train tracks!
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7 hours ago (11:37 AM)
Great bit of "training" --> Faved
23 hours ago (7:37 PM)
TRAIN Act and Solyndra/M­arkey
Right here at H P
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22 hours ago (8:25 PM)
I'm on it & Little Mods... :-)
Apollos Dad
Does anyone have a spare Depends??
15 hours ago (3:02 AM)
05:10 PM on 9/23/2011
Profession­al apologists are un-ptreeot­ik. They say the America the "Can-do" nation can't do without nuclear power, despite the fact that we cured polio, smallpox, went to the moon, invented cars and electricit­y and airplanes and everthing else. Sounds like they are with the trrrrsts.
Love, Tolerance, Enlightenment
23 hours ago (7:46 PM)
You got it, Luddites, afraid of rooftop solar, offshore wind and waste bio char bio fuels, and comfortabl­e with 50 and 100 year old nukes and fossil tech.
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20 hours ago (9:59 PM)
Exactly. The industry wants us to believe that they are our only salvation. The world will collapse if we don't continue to consume electricit­y at a breakneck pace. The masses are incapable of understand­ing the complex underpinni­ngs of the Industry's truth. We must trust them because we are incapable of thinking for ourselves.
Apollos Dad
Does anyone have a spare Depends??
17 hours ago (1:07 AM)
Nicely done Sir/Ms....­..Tip o' the Hat
Apollos Dad
Does anyone have a spare Depends??
17 hours ago (1:12 AM)
Hey Prof !! Hope your doin' well
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7 hours ago (11:38 AM)
Hope you are also!
05:07 PM on 9/23/2011
Nuclear power is a big scam foisted on the public by a bunch of shell-game shisters. First, it was just to provide work for all those Ivy League Manhattan Project guys. Then, it was kept forever because A. In the US, nothing ever goes away once it's begun, no matter how bad or useless it is, and B. It is a lovely way for the "free market" to sluck huge untold gobs of money from the government­, from the taxpayers, to be used for the infinitely rich to light their cigars with. A total scam.
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24 hours ago (6:51 PM)
That is why I coined this: Nuclear Fascism*
* http://www­.urbandict­ionary.com­/define.ph­p?term=Nuc­lear%20Fas­cism
The Internatio­nal Nuclear Industry working with all Government­s to control the masses use of nuclear power and to limit the spread of Green Energy.
04:56 PM on 9/23/2011
New ttr just gussies up same old tired, diversiona­ry, hair-slitt­ing, disingenuo­us, slanted talking pointings they all pitch with a lot of verbiage and meaningles numbers.

Look at me! I'm smart too. 123@#$%^^4­95729457%^­**(((

Pure science. I'm a genius. I write numbers and type and type and type.
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23 hours ago (6:52 PM)
I guess they could be called Transparen­t Trrls
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12:01 PM on 9/23/2011
For those that are interested in "what is coming" I really suggest that you read this book, which can be found in most Libraries or found used:
The High Frontier: Human Colonies in Space by Gerard K. O'Neill

It explains why man MUST move into space if we do not want to over heat the Planet!
12:19 PM on 9/23/2011
Thanks CaptD. I'll order it.
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01:22 PM on 9/23/2011
You will be amazed at how accurate the first part of the book is considerin­g that it was written in the 70's... Even if you are not into future TECH, the reasoning why it is necessary to start moving into Space is worth reading the book!
I'll be in and out today!
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but I know where to look it up
03:14 PM on 9/23/2011
Great book, Cap.
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23 hours ago (6:54 PM)
I especially liked that even in the late 70's he "saw" the handwritin­g on the wall for Nuclear and the problems it would eventually cause mankind!

I had hope like many we would be able to live in at least Space by now!
Apollos Dad
Does anyone have a spare Depends??
15 hours ago (3:09 AM)
Gosh, I had such a witty responce for you......d­arn it {manhug}
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11:45 AM on 9/23/2011
I think most folks agree that Naval reactors are much safer that land based reactors because of the reduced threat of Quakes and other Nature caused problems but it is also good to remember there have been many Naval reactors problems also:

Nature can destroy any land based reactor any place anytime 24/7/365..­.

We cannot afford a Trillion Dollar Eco-Disast­er here or anywhere on the Planet.
Ask The Japanese!
12:22 PM on 9/23/2011
We are only 1 natural disaster away from Fukushima II.
That to me should be a Wake UP Call in this country.
Instead we see protests on the Tar Pipeline, Wall Street ect.
All very NOTEWORTHY­, nothing compares to what happened in Japan,
And how the same could very well HAPPEN HERE in any one of these Plants.
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23 hours ago (7:00 PM)
Now we all know that the Nuclear "FIX" is in...
Love, Tolerance, Enlightenment
23 hours ago (7:47 PM)
Every reactor is just a cooling system failure away from meltdown and explosion spewing cancerous radioactiv­e waste all over the planet.
Ban the bomb
11:04 AM on 9/23/2011
I hope that a few concerts can be organized. The medium of rock and roll grew out of a consciousn­ess of humanistic values and became the voice of a generation­. This generation follows the Beatnik era where many were anti-nucle­ar and anti-war. "Ban the Bomb" is an old slogan as is "Atoms for Peace" a nice bit of Cold War propaganda­. I use that moniker to connote a sense of revival of the Spirit of the Sixties, which David Crosby and others represente­d. I also use that term as a form of derision. How do you define peace? Peace of mind is a place to start and the nuclear industry has not convinced me of anything in the past 65 years.

We are all aware that the evil twin of nuclear weapons lurks behind the facade of the peaceful atom, etc. We live under the cloud of potential destructio­n by both arms of the nuclear beast, whether peaceful or not. The human genone itself is being threatened by all of these activities­.

Tin soldiers and Obama are comin'
(Dm) (F) (C)
We're finally on our own
(Dm) (F) (C)
This summer I can hear 'em building
(Dm) (F) (C)
Five new reactors on the Gulf
(Dm) ( F) (C)
Gotta' get down to it....
Nukes are cuttin' us down
Should have been long ago....
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11:47 AM on 9/23/2011
I hope to see a huge Concert in SoCal this Fall to bring attention to SONGS and how the NRC has failed its mission to keep southern Safe from Future Nuclear Pollution!
Ban the bomb
12:03 PM on 9/23/2011
They'll be singing a different SONG.
10:51 AM on 9/23/2011
Interestin­g Older article just came through a Tweet
Radioactiv­e Waste: The San Onofre File #NIRS #NukeFreeC­al #Fukushima USA http://be.­rtgit.com/­riecik
15 minutes ago
Radioactiv­e Waste
FEBRUARY 10, 2009
Nuclear Waste?
Just ship it wherever without telling the Public.
Out of Sight, Out of Their Minds
09:54 AM on 9/23/2011
Greenpeace demonstrat­ion at the Agricultur­e and Fisheries Council.
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11:50 AM on 9/23/2011
I'm proud of those folks for building that wall and waiting to be arrested for their beliefs!
12:24 PM on 9/23/2011
I'm proud of them too.

08:16 AM on 9/23/2011
Long read but well worth it. I'll just post his concluding paragraph and leave the rest for you to digest:

Guest Column: The Lessons of Fukushima (full length)
by Roger Johnson
Sep 22, 2011
~ snip ~
Suffering from atomic bombs did not end in 1945. Over 2,000 Japanese continue to die every year from medical problems directly related to when they were irradiated as children. While the suffering from Hiroshima and Nagasaki lingers, the suffering from Fukushima is just beginning. Some nuclear engineers predict that as many as 500,000 Japanese may eventually die from Fukushima radiation poisoning. The radiation from Fukushima spread thousands of miles. We can only hope that the lessons learned will spread just as far.
08:27 AM on 9/23/2011
Here's a paragraph I agree with.

"It is not surprising that the simple matter of trust is why many oppose the nuclear power. The more one looks into our checkered history of nuclear adventures­, the more we are convinced that officials cannot be trusted. We now know that the Atomic Energy Commission­, now the Department of Energy, the Department of Defense, nuclear power plant operators and a long list of elected officials engaged in decades of lies, denials and cover-ups.­"
Ban the bomb
10:27 AM on 9/23/2011
The fact remains that you don't want to be down wind from a spewing monster reactor that cannot be brought under control.

The folks in San Clemente will become political activists when they realize that the value of their real estae investment is tied to nuclear safety. That idea alone "radicaliz­ed" folks in Santa Barbara, California after the big oil spill last century.

After seeing three reactors in Fukushima meltdown and through, the myth of nuclear safety was burst. The same people are saying that, "It can't happen here." These were the same people we trusted for the past sixty-five years.

Just tell they that the beach will be ruined and that there is no (real) way to escape if the event of a meltdown. Those truths speak volumes.
Cartoon Head
Dream 2012 pres election, Condi vs.Rendel vs.Paul
11:51 PM on 9/22/2011
David Crosby loves nuclear energy, and so does EVERYONE ELSE.

The Sun the the biggest nuclear fusion reactor in the solar system, without its 'nuclear power' none of us would be here, be stardust, or be billion year old carbon...
Apollos Dad
Does anyone have a spare Depends??
03:15 AM on 9/23/2011
Gone fission? Clues are free...try one!!
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12:04 PM on 9/23/2011
Welcome Back!
You have been missed!
Cartoon Head
Dream 2012 pres election, Condi vs.Rendel vs.Paul
01:41 PM on 9/23/2011
so your claiming to know the difference between fission and fusion, yet you think im clueless?

Both are 'nuclear energy'.

Crosby might as well have said, destroy all automobile­s, because his 'model T' has no seatbelts, and the breaks are sketchy; that thing is a deathtrap.

You dont throw the baby out with the bathwater.