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Software, Web, IT | EXPERTS phone: (716) 842-1439

Algonquin Studios

IT Services from Algonquin Studios = Happy Clients

Algonquin Studios is a professional services firm providing software development, IT services, web content management, web design and technology consulting since 1998. Our business and technology solutions solve problems for companies from many industries including legal, health care, financial services, and not-for-profit. We have offices in Buffalo, NY and New York City.

Buffalo ALA Chapter

Algonquin Studios to Co-Host IT Roundtable with Buffalo ALA

The event will offer Buffalo ALA members the chance to use Algonquin's Information Technology team as a sounding board for new ideas and a resource for advice or questions they may need answered.

Algonquin Studios Announces Sponsorship of 2011 LMA Virginias Continuing Marketing Education Conference

Algonquin Studios is proud to announce our sponsorship of the 2011 Continuing Marketing Education Conference being held by the Virginias Chapter of the Legal Marketing Association (LMA) in Richmond, Virginia on October 14, 2011.

Algonquin Studios Announces Launch of New Sites for Five Clients

We're pleased to announce new web sites for five of our valued clients in the health care, manufacturing and legal fields.

Web Design
Web Design
For companies that want to stand out as leaders in their industry and use the latest in web design, marketing, and web content technology, our custom web site design services provide the very best investment from a team that combines a perfect blend of creative and technical skill.
QuantumCMS - Web Content Management System
Custom web content management, website design, seo, and hosting services. Manage your entire website without knowing HTML or programming. Industry solutions for legal, health care, and not-for-profit.