T.L. Davis

T.L. Davis
Join me on the road to political enlightenment

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Severing The Manly Parts

I don't know when it started, somewhere between believing the United States of America was the greatest nation on earth and believing it was full of self-centered, egomaniacal, narcissistic couch potatoes, a change took place. The American people began to buy into the European definition of Americans. My personal belief is that the elite in the U.S., who travel and get Euro-bigotry directed at them, abandoned the pride of being American for the comfort of wagging a finger at their fellow citizens from the French Riviera. They chose the other side in the face of Euro-arrogance and did not respond with patriotism.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

ASTROTURF: The "Restoring Voter Intimidation" Rally

The rally in DC on Saturday of every constituency, "you owe me something" group that ever existed in the United States will be gathering to show Glenn Beck a thing or two. Can you imagine the open and proud stupidity of this gathering of socialists and communists; of labor unions and whackos of the Cindy Sheehan variety? Do they really believe that no matter how many people they put on the reflecting pond that it will matter? Do they really think anyone will care?

Monday, September 27, 2010

Unions: The New Fourth Estate?

Unions have increased their numbers in the public sector to the point where it is difficult to determine which is the master and which is the mutt. When the employees can hold the employers hostage; when those same employees, by law, can confront and intimidate their bosses; when negotiations can come with an implicit threat of violence it is nearly impossible to determine who is running the store, but we know who is toting the bill.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

3D Constitution

At first glance the Constitution is merely a conglomeration of words, a gathering of ideas, a blueprint of something important, but it is flat. It is a 2D piece of paper with words and thoughts and one either agrees with it, or they work against it. Our president is at war with it; he barely acknowledges it except to the extent he can use it against his opponents.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Illegal Immigration Reform: The Undocumented Worker's Worst Nightmare

Illegal immigration reform, the undocumented worker's worst nightmare, is an issue as complex as it comes and I suppose that means there is some justification for the idiotic reasoning behind it.

Here is why it is the undocumented worker's worst nightmare, which leads into the idiocy directly. First, if one is an undocumented worker, that means people are willing to hire such with the implicit understanding that by being undocumented (read: illegal), the price to be paid for the labor is reduced to a point to make such employment worth the risk of being caught at it. To reform it means to eliminate the job for which the illegal immigrant's skills are a perfect fit. The employer is NOT in the market to find an American, he can't use a lazy American for the work he needs done. So far, it is a mutual loser for the illegal immigrant and the employer, a loser the advocates for illegal immigration reform refuse to acknowledge, because they don't care about the actual mechanics, they are just looking for votes.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Mellow Fidel

Jeffrey Goldberg of the Atlantic brings to us a vision of Fidel Castro one might only imagine. It is the vision of a considerably mellowed Fidel, who now recognizes that communism minus the billions of dollars funneled to it by the Soviet Union simply does not work. Raul, his brother, now runs Cuba and is allowing the sorts of reforms that Fidel, still faithful to the fantasy of communism, if not the reality, was unable to tolerate. It would be better for all involved if Castro, either one, had the juevos to go ahead and dump the communist model, let families reunite, and encourage the sort of capitalism that once made it a great place to visit.

Taking Issue With The Prez

Barack Obama loves to make the analogy that the Republicans have run the car (the economy) into the ditch and, as he famously says: "Now, they want the keys back, but they can't drive."

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Rethinking America-Education

It is the natural way of things that one considers normal that which they have experienced. There is no institutional memory of the human being. Since almost everyone alive today passed through the public school system, nothing would seem more natural. Even those who have attended private schools understand nothing else and would probably advocate for nothing other than what they have experienced. At some point, however, there needs to be an objective point of view brought to bear on the issue.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Vision? We Don't Need No Stinking Vision!

Progressives, leftists, Marxists, socialists, however one might want to term the group of people inhabiting the White House and Congress, many teaching spots and professorships, the movies and news shows all seem like children to me.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Operators of the Hate Machine

All right, let's stop messing around. There's no real confusion over who is operating the hate machine in America today. From our very own President: Barack Obama, who calls in SEIU anytime he has to give a townhall to counteract the negative protests for his agenda for socialization or is that Organizing For America, I forget when two organizations have the same purpose. As if Organizing for America isn't an organization with a nice-sounding name that really could be anyone: a teacher's union, a local of SEIU, a bunch of college kids paid to protest or the homeless gathered up and handed printed protest signs. It could be any of THOSE special interests of Barack Obama's.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Through The Smoke Of Civil War Guns

Lost in the smoke of civil war guns unloosed by the Murkowski, O'Donnell, Crist, Spector, Rove, Brooks issues is a very important task: figure out how to stop the nation from going into the stagnant sewer. Wake up, shake it off, work through it, put your over-sized egos and out-of-porportion craniums to work on the job at hand.

There's only one thing that is absolutely clear; while we have all been working against one another, the opposing team has been moving the football with alarming speed. The Tea Party Movement is nothing more than a good coach, a cheerleader and a trainer all rolled into one, whatever one needs, they can find it in the TPM. Ask and ye shall receive. The TPM doesn't want to hurt anyone, they don't want to destroy, but they don't want to be dismissed either. No one wins when the juice of the lemon gets squeezed out onto the ground and the rind is thrown away. It can either make lemonade, or a damn fine cocktail; your choice.

I understand the power struggle, but watching this internecine fighting is like watching two actors bumping each other to be "upstage" of the other, all the while ruining the show for the audience and damaging their careers. There is important work to do, boys and girls, and that is to reach out to those who would be our allies; the independents, the libertarians, the unaffiliated and the just downright pissed.

First, we have to reach out to each other. As it stands, the Tea Party Movement is reaching out desperately to the establishment GOP and getting nothing but spit in their hand for their efforts. Swallow your dang pride and find a way to work together. The target is not the Democrats, we won't ever win them over. Reach out to the minds capable of openness; the independents and the unaffiliated, maybe even the unregistered.

Here's the deal: if the GOP establishment can't figure out how to get along with their own supporters, how on earth are they supposed to be trusted to deal with the opposition?

Now, if you want to know how to do that, how to get along with your supporters, that's one thing. If you want to know how to avoid it, well, then we might have a problem. It is time to act, not to blame others or avoid reality with the blindness of an unwilling witness. It is time to address oneself as either a patriot or a dilettante; either practice the art or get out of the business.

The Constitution is one area in which the Libertarians can agree with the Republicans and the Independents and those who are unaffiliated. Focus on restoring that, focus on ditching some of the things that interfere with liberty and justice. Repeal that vile affront, Obamacare. Heck, there's plenty of work for a political party to just work backward from where we have gone over the past several decades. Find that piece of land all of you can stand on and start from there. Anyone who understands battle realizes that the way to defend a piece of real estate is to first agree on where that real estate can be found.

While you all are playing around, there are lives in the balance: small businesses just barely hanging on; mortgagees who are just a few months from homelessness; children being pulled from their private, church-run schools their parents give up every luxury to let them attend; charities are going without vital funds to protect the vulnerable. To be blunt, America doesn't give a squeezy damn about your pride when it comes in conflict with the things above, so bury it.

Cross-posted at WASHINGTON REBEL.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Bring Out Your Dead!

As anyone with a sense of humor will recall, there was a scene in Monty Python's "Holy Grail" where during the Black Plague that swept Europe people made money collecting the dead from family members too afraid to touch the corpses. They pushed a wheelbarrow through town shouting: "Bring out your dead!" It was kind of a play, in my mind, as a reverse peanut guy at the ballpark.

That image is one I feel appropriate to the current political climate on both sides of the aisle. Where Republican incumbents are not even safe from primary challengers like Christine O'Donnell and the left is just sweating bullets hoping Obama doesn't come to their district and force a photo-op, the dead are just waiting to be heaped on top of the wheelbarrow of history.

The Tea Party, even for the years they have suffered from demonization, has pushed its agenda forward. It is an agenda of returning to the values that made the country great. They have not been successful in every race or every cause (Obamacare was passed nonetheless) but they have been stalwart defenders of the disenchanted, forgotten, dismissed electorate throughout the nation. To say that their strength is growing is an understatement, it is exploding and not necessarily with membership, but with sympathy.

There was a time when the Tea Party could have been destroyed by bad press, by some stupid racist making a big splash in the media, the allegations of John Lewis might have been correct, even if uttered by an ingenious plant, but that didn't happen and the Tea Party message has gotten out to the average Joe and Jane America. It has survived the worst the media could do to destroy it.

Not everyone is going to carry a sign or fly to a rally on the Washington Mall, but there are millions and millions of people who have never been within sight of a Tea Party gathering who have taken secret solace by the mere presence of ANYONE who can scare the bejeezus out of the politicians on both sides of the aisle. The hubub over the O'Donnell primary win proves everything the average Joe needs to know, someone is out there on their behalf and they are shaking things up. There is a place to go to get political satisfaction for the cold shoulder offered to them by their representatives and senators whenever they call to complain.

The Tea Party doesn't have to destroy every incumbent, it doesn't have to put a boot to the backside of every bum in congress to prove that it is of the people, by the people and for the people, that has become apparent. It is not even a partisan thing, it is a Constitutional thing, it is a what-is-right thing. It is about whether America should be true to its founding or some evil mutant of what it was intended to be. I believe there is a large contingent of just plain Americans who want the country to be what it is advertised as being, and now they have a champion. That champion is right now shouting to congress: "bring out your dead."

Cross-posted at WASHINGTON REBEL.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Hunting RINOs

America is undergoing major renovations. It is a time of upheaval, of reorganization, of realignment, of significant readjustment. Whatever you believed in the past is probably irrelevant. Does my bank have any money? Who knows? Do car companies still sell cars? Who knows? What is the value of your home? I don't have a clue. Where should your children go to school? Not to the teachers union local 1352, I can tell you that. If you don't pay your taxes will you go to jail or get a cabinet post? Depends on who you are.

The leaders of this nation (most of whom are still in office) allowed this all to take place. If they didn't understand the implications of what was going on, they should be shoved out of office. If they did understand the implications of what was going on and thought they could ride out the storm from their safe seats...I think it is a great testimony to our fine republic that they are not hanging from ropes out front of the Capitol building.

And yet, they think the fact that there is a Tea Party is somehow unruly and disrespectful? I say it is with the greatest amount of absolute reverence for the nation and the members of the U.S. House and Senate that they have not been brought out front, on the steps of the capitol, and made to answer for their incompetence.

The magnitude of injustice heaped on the good, honest taxpayers of this country is breathtaking! The response to that has been the Tea Party Movement. Honestly, they consider the Tea Party Movement unruly? Go to an SEIU protest sometime, pal.

Right now, the Tea Party is just hunting RINOs (Republicans In Name Only): those who have proclaimed their support for the Constitution, the rule of law, the integrity of our borders, the security of the nation, the reduction in debt, the reduction of government intrusion into the people's lives and pocket books and voted to do just the opposite. I don't know if it is out of some compromise with the Democrats, some idea of getting something better by trading something not as good. You know, that is all "Inside Baseball" sort of stuff and has nothing to do with the fact that they have betrayed the trust given to them by the people.

But, after all of this, let me reassure the Republicans who snivel and whine at the treatment they have been given as of late: wait 'til the general election. What support you have felt wane is a distancing the people have for your friends and companions in the House and Senate who have pretended to be one thing and voted another. This has been the reckoning for the Republican Party, not the whole of the government, that is next. Stay tuned...

Cross-posted at WASHINGTON REBEL.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Learning To Talk American

Americans have been conditioned to speak in code over the past several decades, in effect becoming a nation of mealy-mouthed equivocators. There is a case to be made for the sensitivity brought about by this way of speaking. I am not suggesting a return to the brutal honesty of yesterday accompanied by ethnic and racial epithets that so easily rolled off of the 20th Century American tongue, but there should be some room for brutal honesty minus the ethnic and racial eptithets instead of where we are afraid of our own thoughts.

Through all the mediums of communication most are dominated by liberals: newspapers, television news programs, magazines, public radio and television. The entire education system is dominated by liberals who are kept in line by unions and teacher associations and the socialist/communist support of professors. The entertainment industry likewise is dominated by liberals. All of these act in concert to produce a sort of mind control over the masses. They, by power of their ability to influence and teach, reinforce the new language of the left. They produce in the average citizen a world in which criticism of the left is met with swift and severe punishment as being intolerant and close-minded, things that are commonly reviled today.

There is no way to get off the train to totalitarianism without reclaiming a method of speaking about the forces aligned against liberty in an open and direct manner, i.e., learning to talk American. The Tea Party Movement has gone a long way in this direction, reclaiming the language of the Constitution as a starting point and edging out from there, but they need to be joined by more than just a few others.

It is enough for now that the kind reader evaluate to the degree they have fallen for the trick and had their dialogue manipulated by the left. In most conversations, not so much here, I only refer to the left as the violent left. By pretending that the opposition, in this case the Tea Party Movement, is violent and racist the violent leftists have been able to manipulate public opinion and they are supported in their efforts by the education system.

I've seen whole classes of school children sent in and amongst the Tea Party crowds looking for and identifying what they considered racist signs.

To give you an idea of how this was done I spoke with a few of these students and asked them to bring evidence of racist signs to me and I would be sure to confront the individual. In a few moments the kids came back breathlessly with evidence of racist intent.

"There was a sign that was racist, it said: 'Somewhere in Kenya is a village looking for its idiot'."

Yes, I confronted the person and asked about the intent of the sign to placate the kids, but it was obvious that this was merely a way of poking fun at the intelligence of Barack Obama. To them, in their leftist manipulated minds, Obama was being called an African, which they then extrapolated as being equal to being called a (and here's where even I tremble at the use of the word because I detest it for its dehumanizing intent, but in the spirit of reclaiming language I will use it) n****r.

I explained to them that is was not the intent of the sign carrier and they accepted that explanation. These were good kids, but they had been manipulated by their teacher and by the news. They saw what they were told they would see. They were supported in the view by the counter-protesters across the street, the union members who came out in force, specifically SEIU, to provide cover for all of the others.

This is done over and over again in our society. The only answer to it is to reevaluate one's language to see how far has it been drawn in a diversionary direction away from calling violent leftists what they are. Learn to talk American. Don't be afraid to tell your school teacher what you think, because I can guarantee you that a lot of those people I met at Tea Party rallies were counter-protesters from unions and a good many were teachers. Shine the light, be the beacon. Damnit, talk American.

Cross-posted at WASHINGTON REBEL.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Leftist Turn At Denmark

I suppose it makes me an insophisticate, a rube, a hick, because I don't understand the appeal of totalitarianism. The intellectual appeal of Stalinism escapes me. I know this is a condition of my limited intelligence because all of the smart people endorse it. Oh, to some extent they pretend to be in favor of socialism, the innocuous European-type of socialism that has led to so much social evolution.

I saw this sort of socialism up close in the early 1980's in Denmark while serving in the U.S. Air Force. It was a time of Reagan and the neutron bomb, of Soviet aggression and the Cold War. Denmark, squeezed by the Soviet Union geographically and by Europe politically, saw America as the ugly cousin to their sophisticated worldview. The words "neutron bomb" would be the only recognizable words in a newscast issued from hidden speakers in a local pub and the girls would launch into political diatribes us jet mechs could only shrug at and wait to end.

I took from those events the idea that Americans were dirty and aggressive, mean, rude and dangerous to the rest of the world. I saw, through their eyes, the America I had never considered. I was perhaps a good example of the ugly American. I was violent and arrogant, confident in my ability to do damage to any combatant.

It occurs to me now that the view of America the Danes held are now those of the American left. That there is no ownership of American fault on the left, that by turning on America, the left has reserved for itself the intellectual superiority of the Danes. But, the problem I saw with the Danish viewpoint is the one I find detestable in the American left, i.e., one where the power of America affords them their view. Their snobbish disdain is not possible without the might and fortitude of American might. It is, I suppose, the self-loathing that this inner contradiction causes as it does in the spoiled brat who hates her parents because she is dependent on them, that causes one to smash a mirror, to turn traitor, to point accusingly at one's own people, like a Nazi collaborator, a person like the hero of the left: George Soros.

I have long tried desperately to understand the appeal of Stalinism and just can't seem to understand how someone who lives in America, with what freedoms we have left, under the protection of a strong nation, could advocate for its destruction and work to weaken it at every opportunity, to make it vulnerable to overthrow, or internal disassembly. I don't understand why, if this is their goal, it can never be admitted to, that everything has to be done surreptitiously and with deceit.

Well, the fact is they don't endorse Stalinism. They don't wish to emulate Castro, or live under a communist regime. The sad part is the American left is just anti-American. I thought, as a result of logic, that if one is dedicated to the destruction of liberty, democracy, republicanism, capitalism, consumerism, materialism that they must, by deduction, be FOR something else, like socialism, communism, totalitarianism, Stalinism, Marxism, but it now occurs to me that they haven't thought it through that far, not the average Joe leftists. The average Joe leftists doesn't feel anti-American they just feel anti-redneck, anti-hick, so they deny that they are socialists, Marxists, or Stalinists. Sure, the leaders, the smart ones who intend to benefit from the great transformation understand where the train leads, but the general populace, those leftists in the cattle cars don't know. They simply see people like me, recoil, and support whatever doofus comes along who promises to put me in my place.

This willingness to be led and deceived makes them the perfect proletariat for the purposes of the future totalitarians.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Aunt Josephine of Islam

There is a lot being made of the fact that the "majority" of Muslims are peaceful and wish no one harm. They seek only to worship Mohammed and Allah in peace and tranquility far from bomb blasts and machine gun fire. Theirs is an idyllic world of peace and harmony and it is only the few, the bad "minority", that will kill for Islam, for Allah, and according to dictates from the Quoran.

In all seriousness, when was it the "majority" of any nation, religion, sect, caste, cult, or political organization who conquered any other? Has this ever happened? When did the majority of Rome, say, not just the soldiers, but the whole city-state of Rome tromp out into the hinterlands and overwhelm and destroy another land? Never in the history of the world has this happened. Every violent conquest has been done by a minority of the people, they are called "armies."

During World War Two the rest of the United States was peaceful and wanted nothing other than to go to work, to go on a date, to raise a garden. It was the minority of those in the military who were engaged in the utter destruction of Japan and Germany. To that end, the minority went about breaking things and killing people as efficiently and effectively as possible. But, Aunt Josephine, she was content with her garden and playing Bridge with her friends. She meant no one harm.

Today, we are faced with exactly the opposite of that world. We recognize the army, i.e. Al-Qaeda, The Taliban, Hezbollah, Hamas, etc, but we are also being infiltrated by increasing numbers of Muslims in Michigan and elsewhere. This is the domination of the majority, the Aunt Josephines of Islam, coming to America to overwhelm the society, the culture and to institute among us Sharia Law. This is hostile, even though outwardly peaceful, the ultimate intent, the threat, is that it might not remain peaceful unless we go along with our own subjugation.

Not long ago I read a piece where a judge had refused to grant a restraining order to a woman beaten by her Islamic husband because the judge said that the husband had done so out of religious dictates and that there is freedom of religion in America. Okay, this is the overwelming of a nation with the intent of subjugation. We are in the midst of the majority of Islam (over a billion people) entering different nations, including the United States with the intent to do as they have done in France and create a whole separate society, a culture based on the Quoran. Not all at once, they are not storming the gates, but little by little the invasion has commenced. Just because it lacks arms and explosions makes it no less real and no less effective.

While I hate the concept of book burning, perhaps it isn't the horrible idea everyone thinks it is. Let's burn the Quoran and just see who among the "peace-loving people of Islam" will attempt to kill us for it. I would not kill them for burning a Bible. The Bible is in my heart, not my hand. The only way you can burn the Bible in me is to burn me. And, I think that is their ultimate aim, is it not?

Cross-posted at WASHINGTON REBEL.

Friday, September 10, 2010

America, Once An Oak

America once stood as an oak among nations. Its people were dedicated, hard working, serious, and driven on by the obvious superiority of their beliefs. They did not believe themselves superior (okay, some did) they believed the system was superior, that the founders had struck upon the magic combination of capitalist economics and republican government as a form that was superior.

But, as anyone working in a solid company knows, success breeds its own demise. As a company grows bigger and stronger based on an ideal of good service, reasonable prices and dedicated employees, it attracts greater talent. It grows too big to be run by the people who understood how the seed grew to an oak.

Talented new hires come to a successful company, they take for granted that the company is a success, so they start looking around for a way to put their brand on it. It's okay to work for a great company, but if one is divorced from its success, then it just isn't as fulfilling as it could be. They seek the "well, it was a great company, but when Bob got here, wow!" justification.

There are, also, those who come to draw from the success of the great company. It is wealthy, powerful, and these people see that if they can find a mid-management position they can benefit from the strength of the company while doing less and less work until, if they manage it right, they can retire without having done much at all.

And then, there are the others, those attracted to the company to take from it what is not nailed down. These are the people who see only the shiny cars they might steal, the cash registers, the merchandise. The company, for them, is a slush pile waiting to be raided.

Somehow, in this backward evolution, we have put in charge of our government the last group and ostracized and demonized the founders, the miracle makers. Until we find a way to infuse the nation with people who understand the miracle again, who see the brilliance of who we have been, we are lost.

Cross-posted at WASHINGTON REBEL.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Two Heads, One Rotten Fish

If you cannot see the correlation between the Dove World Outreach Center and the Ground Zero Mosque (and yes, you can read something into the fact that I didn't call it the "Freedom Mosque" or whatever PR name the NY Times has given it by way of aid and comfort) you must be blind, dumb, or out to lunch.

These are exactly the same messages and whether Terry Jones understands it and is crafty enough to cloak the meaning of his demonstration, or not is irrelevant. The fact is, each party is interested in doing something well acknowledged to be within their "rights" to do it, but in poor taste and insensitive.

The Dove World Outreach Center has the right to burn the Quoran, but it would be better if they did not. The sponsors of the Ground Zero Mosque have the right to build it, but it would be better if they did not.

There are two heads for the same rotten fish.

I understand what Terry Jones is trying to say, even if he does not. It is a nuanced statement probably beyond the intellectual prism of Barack Obama, Eric Holder and perhaps even General Petraeus given their responses to the idea of burning the Quoran.

It is not a question of whether it is a good idea or not, it is a question of whether our leaders would take the same position they had for the mosque if it were a Christian planning to do something fully within their right, though insensitive and arrogant. And guess what? They did exactly as one might surmise, were this a hypothetical, they chose their side, and it was with the Muslims and against the Christians.

Simple ain't it?

Now, for the exit question: which person or group am I referencing when I say: Two Heads, One Rotten Fish?

Cross-posted at WASHINGTON REBEL.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

If You Burn It, They Will Come

General Petraeus admonished Terry Jones and his church in Gainesville, FL not to burn the Quoran (That's how I've been spelling it) for fear that the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan might be targeted and that such an act would hinder the war effort.

Well, if there is a reason not to express oneself freely in the United States of America, a land where I have watched Christianity debased and aggressively attacked by supposed "artists" and kept mum due to the ideal posited by the founders that suggested freedom of speech is as important as freedom of religion, I guess that would be it.

I don't want to see the troops come under greater fire, or be put in harm's way just for some stupid gesture by a church and a leader I neither know, nor endorse, nor support in any way other than as an American who believes in the sanctity of the U.S. Constitution.

I'm not sure what Petraeus was getting at, though, and I'm not completely sure he should be saying anything at all. In my understanding of the military (having only served in the Air Force) it is not the place of a general to make social commentary on the actions of American citizens. And, I am a fan of General Petraeus, but really, it is not your place, General, to comment on the actions of the citizenry in any way, especially where it concerns Constitutionally protected rights.

So, by heeding all of this sudden advice, what are we saying about America? That we are cowards? That we are no better than the feminists who won't criticize Islam for the spousal abuse they not only practice, but advocate as a religious rite? That we are no better than the homosexuals who duck the issue of homosexuals being murdered day in and day out in Muslim countries? I challenge the liberal morons to explain to me how they can be rabidly anti-Christian and eerily silent on such offenses of Islam. How is that logically possible? Isn't religious zealots their favorite targets whether there is legitimate ammunition or not? And yet, with all of the ammunition Islam offers and they don't say a word?

Very simple: They are NOT afraid of Christians, especially American Christians who are TOLERANT of the abuse and harassment of the left. Instead, American Christians spend time trying to discuss rationally the advantages of Christianity and defend their world view, taking time to answer questions, whereas Muslims will simply track your Feminist/Homosexual ass down and put a sword to back of your neck.

I don't want to be compared to such cowards, so I will say this clearly: "Burn the Quoran until they stop burning the flag. Religious tolerance is only extended to those who would offer it. I will not bow to the edge of the sword."

Maybe this is the stand we need to make. Maybe this is the place where we learn to fight for the rights promised under the Constitution. Maybe it isn't only the government in general we need to defend our rights from, perhaps it is the Muslim masses who are putting our dedication to the test. The government is nothing more than an appeaser to these aggressors anyway. Courts refuse to issue restraining orders to abusive husbands because the crimes were committed within the boundaries of religion. SINCE FREAKING WHEN? Cowards!

Cross-posted at WASHINGTON REBEL.

Monday, September 6, 2010

SOROSIS, A Disease of the Mind

George Soros, a convicted felon, has dedicated his life to tilting at windmills. Were it not for his billions of dollars he would be seen for what he is: a fraud and a fool. The left has latched onto him like a government bureaucracy and will not let him go. Who would want to walk away from that sort of cash? They used his cash to go after George W. Bush (maybe he didn't like the trademark enfringement of the name George). They used his cash all during the Bush presidency and yet, as with all liberals, effected no change for all of the money spent. They have spent his money on harassing the Tea Party, but it has only gotten stronger; they spent his money in ad after ad, on MoveOn.org and John Podesta's little project and while they might have stirred the pot, nothing substantial has come of all of that cash. Usually, the left finds a way to make tax dollars do this kind of tilting at windmills, but when you have an open pocket, why not? Right? 

So, they are dedicated to propping him up like a scene from "Weekend At Bernie's" and lavishing praise on him despite the fact that he has obviously had a mental breakdown.

From a poor Jewish boy taunted and terrified by the Nazis, enlisted to turn on his own kind, only to be saved by his father, who then had to treat him like a Godson in order to save him from the Germans, George has become somewhat of a Nazi himself. His brand of "democracy" that he spent the early part of his fortune defending and attempting to spread, now is inconvenient for him.

The contradiction between his youth and his early adulthood to no-holds-barred defense of Nazistic tactics such as labeling conservatives and Republicans with epithets and then dedicating his organizations and money to tracking down Tea Partyists to run them out of the conversation is indicative of a mental breakdown instead of an evolution of critical thought.

One wonders where the real George Soros is. Where is the boy who should be working to defend the free world from Islamists seeking to destroy the Jews as the Nazis had before? Where is the boy who understood the value of loyalty? Where is the George who could actually enlist his minions to help Africa as he has tried to do on occasion? Why would the new George spend so much time and effort to become a Nazi rather than to ensure that the world never suffer from that scourge again?

The George Soros who has been captured and brainwashed by the Leftists liberals in order to suck him dry of cash should break free! Run from them George! For no child who lived a life as Georgie had could turn into the monster dedicated to the destruction of democracy and freedom without some form of disease of the mind.

We pray for thee, George.

Cross-posted at WASHINGTON REBEL.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

November Third

If you thought November 2nd was going to solve something you were wrong, wrong, wrong. I have warned about this before, but it just doesn't seem to be sinking in. Listen, Boehner is an idiot like all of them. There is a level of respect these people just don't deserve. I've tried to give it to them. I have selected a number of them I thought were worthy of a bit of respect and all that I have gotten for my trust and admiration is betrayed. When I counted on them, they melted before the lights and cameras.

You can't expect too much from these creatures. They operate on an entirely different plane than anyone else. All one needs to do is take a trip through the halls of Congress to figure that out. They have staff like other people have socks. They have expensive-suited lobbyists waiting for them on leather couches when they come off the floor. There are a couple of men I have met who were also members of Congress who were worth a damn, but not many. Rep. Steve King of Iowa is one.

If you think the Tea Party Caucus is going to be different, you had better be prepared to enforce your views. Do not get too close to these people, not so close that you can't call up and complain when they try to abandon everything that caused you to work so hard for them all summer.

November 2nd is not the END of anything, it is the beginning and for everyone you work for, be prepared to go back to them and ask them what the heck they are doing when they let the leadership walk them away from their commitments to you. Be prepared to make at least one trip to Washington in 2011 to "visit" them and remind them of who you are and what they promised. This has a lot to do with a post I made over at Washington Rebel called "I Have But One Life To Give."

As a bit of warning, here we go: Boehner and Cantor don't really want to repeal Obamacare.
And this: News Real Blog

Cross-posted at WASHINGTON REBEL.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Paid Prevaricators or The Treason of the Press

While there is scant evidence, one tries desperately to believe that the media is not actually party to its own destruction. It goes counter to logic that a respected industry would willingly, almost energetically, participate in its own demise. It is not a suicide, exactly. What the mainstream media (inject lamestream, MSM, or any other newly-minted term one might use to describe the overall media) seems bent on is some sort of suicide by cop, in a sense not wanting to actually do the deed, but actively engaged in provocative gestures intended to bring down the wrath of justice on them. Perhaps this is why they so willingly identify on some varying levels with the Discovery Channel gunman.

Of late it has been increasingly obvious that the media will simply refuse to cover things that do not promote their world view. While this has been known for some time and the concept of a "liberal media" is not new, I think there is a desperation that goes beyond the typical understanding of that term. The rise of the Tea Party put a special lens on this quirky aspect of the power of the pen and, I believe, sent the paid prevaricators over the edge. It was the sudden realization of loss of control over the official message that forced them to retrench deeper and deeper into a delusional psychosis.

The first I recall becoming aware of this evolution of the press was during the Tea Party Convention in Nashville, TN. Breitbart was addressing our meeting and had been relating a story about O'Keefe and his arrest for allegedly tampering with the phones in Mary Landrieu's senate office. He told of how the press jumped on this story, joyous at having criminal evidence against a person they detested. They blasted the details of his arrest on the crawler at the bottom of their news programs. "O'Keefe arrested on charges of trespassing..."

What they forgot, as Breitbart pointed out, staring at the back of the room, where their cameras were lined up, was that NONE of them had bothered to report who the hell O'Keefe was! Why? Because they had refused to print the INITIAL story of his personal sting against ACORN by posing as a pimp wanting to get information on how to set up an under-aged prostitution business. It never made the newspapers, or the broadcast news, or even most of the cable news other than FOX. Why you ask? (humor me) Could it be because ACORN is a Democrat-friendly voter fraud factory closely associated with a Democratic president?

Let me just say it: SHOCKING! Utterly and completely despicable. It is a betrayal on a magnitude just unparalleled in American history. It is an abdication of responsibility. It is the breakdown of a trust, a priviledge extended by all of society in exchange for something damnit, in exchange for the TRUTH. The truth does not belong to a Democrat or a Republican, it belongs to the people and by extending to the press specific privileges of freedom the average Joe does not enjoy, the average Joe damn well expects and deserves an honest accounting of the events to which he is not privy.

Why? Because the understanding is that not every citizen can be given access to public events, to speak personally with officials of government, to go to the war front to discover the nature of the battle. These positions are reserved specifically for the PRESS in order that they might bring back to the wider population an honest accounting of the events so that each individual citizen might make a personal determinaton based on the same, accurate facts.

The purpose of that position, The Reporter (keep in mind the title is not The Diviner, or The Translator, or The Promoter) is to report. The power of that position is great and the character of the reporter must be equally great or you get what we have now, reporters of such low character as to be unable to resist the temptation to create for them and their friends a new and unique set of facts that reinforce their world view.

What we have now is a moment in time when the White House Press Secretary claims he does not know if the president is aware of Black Evolution Theology when in fact the church Mr. Obama attended for 20 years is a MODEL (and this from the the founder of Evolution Theology) for the teaching of Black Evolution Theology. It is on their website and while Mr. Obama claimed that he left that church when the preaching of Black Evolution Theology became a campaign issue, he nonetheless knows, if for no other reason than he had to leave the church to save his candidacy for the presidency, that it is NOT mainstream as his press secretary claimed!

Now, the fact that none of these cheeseball reporters will do their job, the very privileged job myself and every other citizen deserves from them in exchange for the privileges of the 1st Amendment, shows just exactly the level of character they have. Just say it Gibbs! Just say YES, he practices Black Evolution Theology, that he believes that Reverend Wright holds mainstream Christian views and he will not turn his back on it any easier than he could turn his back on his white racist grandmother. Just say it.

Cross-posted at WASHINGTON REBEL.   

Thursday, September 2, 2010

A Shoebox For Your Soul

From the breathing behind you, you know someone is there, looking over your shoulder. You don't want to look back, to confront them, so you mind your business. You don't think they will hurt you if you mind your business, if you take care of the things you have always taken care of. Perhaps they will move away, go somewhere else. They don't take people who are innocent, do they?

There are rights, right? Even if there were a mistake; even if there were some horrible error that put you on a list that would get worked out, wouldn't it? They don't just haul people off; there is a structure, a framework, a procedure that must be followed. There is something comforting for you in the procedure as you contemplate what the person behind you might possibly want, even though you don't remember how the procedure goes, how it works.

You're standing in line, with your shoebox of belongings, the items they allowed you to keep because you work hard. That's what has saved you thus far, the work, the hard work and long hours and you've managed to keep the things in the shoebox, more things than some of the others and you're proud, but not too proud. You don't show it off, because you might attract attention. Someone might use the shoebox to punish you.

Even with the menacing breathing, you don't think they will take you, because you have done nothing wrong. You keep reciting it as a mantra "they don't take people who have done nothing wrong" but you forget who it is who decides what is wrong. It has changed, the people who decide these things and the way they go about deciding it, all that has changed, but you haven't noticed, you have been doing all the right things, at least the things that were right before, when you learned what they were.

Then it comes, the announcement:

"All those with shoeboxes filled with material goods..."

And, because you worked hard and long and accumulated the goods, more than others, you find yourself under scrutiny, under the breath of the inquisitor. It is your turn, you see, since in your hard work you had not made them abide by the procedure, by the method, and you subjected yourself and your fellows to their mere pronouncements.

You are the one.

Cross-posted at WASHINGTON REBEL