384-322 BCE    62 years

Greek:   Αριστοτέλης
Greek philosopher, naturalist, logician, etc.

considered the "father of Western thought"

father was a court physician, died when
Aristotle was 10
mother died early in his life too

married Pythias 1st wife
married Herpyllis 2nd wife, son born

studied under Plato at
The Academy in Athens

friend to King Philip of Macedonia
tutored Philip's son Alexander (the Great) in his
teenage years

died 1 year after Alexander
 For Socrates, Plato and Aristotle, and the whole
western tradition, thinking is the base. For Kanad,
Kapil, Patanjali, Buddha, and the whole eastern
tradition, seeing is the base. So Buddha is not a
philosopher, not at all; neither is Patanjali, nor Kapil
or Kanad. They are not philosophers. They have
seen the truth; they have not thought about it.

                    The Book of Secrets-Vol. 2, ch. 12
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