Gandhi, Rajiv
1944-1991    46 years
Indira's Gandhi's elder son, brother Sanjay.

President of India after his mother's
assasination (1985)

supposedly assasinated by Sri Lankan Tamil
separatists in southern India 1991

Italian wife, Sonia, children Rahul, Priyaka
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I am ready for an open discussion with Rajiv
anywhere; it would be perfectly good
in his parliament. What does he know about
religion? And what does he know about
politics? And just giving an address saying that
all over the country there should be an open
discussion – how is it going to happen? Who is
going to arrange it? Let it begin from the
parliament – I am ready. If Rajiv Gandhi has
guts, then I am in favor – religion should
interfere with politics! And by religion, I don't
mean Hinduism or Buddhism or Christianity; by
religion I mean religious values – truth,
sincerity, honesty, compassion...

                            The Razor's Edge, ch. 25
                    oshobob  The Living Workshop                                
                                                      People in Osho's Talks