
4 Responses

Ron Paul Video Archive – 02/2010

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How is this man NOT PRESIDENT?!?!?!??!

Baffling. *insert banging head emoticon here*

Well there's a very simple reason that this man is not our President, and its that the American political system is owned and controlled lock stock and barrel by America's banking system and anyone who thinks that we actually have a democracy here is an absolute fool. Yeah, you all get to vote, but they choose who you can vote for, and short of mass action by America's entire population this is not going to change, ever !.

I was watching the straw polls prior to the last presidential election and Ron Paul was coming in with over 40% of the popular support, which was more than 3 times that of any of the other candidates. The Republican party knew full well that if they had run him for president they would have won the greatest landslide victory in American history, with full control of both the senate and congress. The Republican party was told by the banks however that they were going to throw the election rather than let him run, and that's exactly what they did, and with the Banks manipulation of the media during the presidential debates, most of the sheep were not even aware he was a candidate even though he hung in right till the very end.

A country and economy simply cannot sustain itself when the majority of its productive effort is being bled off by parasites who contribute nothing to it, and it has long been past the point where they are consuming our sustenance faster than we can create it. Short of mass action by America's population to destroy America's banking system and restore a government and economic system by and for the people, America will not survive beyond the next couple of years, if we even have that long. Until this is done, everything else which is being discussed here is a moot point, and if anyone here actually wants to elect Ron Paul for our president, and does not want to wake up homeless in the land that their fathers conquered within the next very short while, then this has to be accomplished first, and you will have to do it as the politicians "they" elected on your behalf never will.

We're trying to get something like this organized on the sound money blog, so if anyone agrees, then get on there and help is try to make it happen. Contribute if you like, and if not, then just scroll back through the many posts there and start forwarding the ones you like to the people on your email lists and let them circulate. Once people have been exposed to enough information that they have figured out whats been done to them, we can propose a plan of action.

I sincerely hope you do mark Pace. Question, why didn't you vote for Ron Paul in '08? I hear soooooo many people say that they "...would vote for Ron Paul in '12"; yet none will say for whom they voted for in '08. My guess is nobody sincerely wants to admit that they voted for Hussein Obama. Although I do understand their hesitance in admitting to being a part of what has caused more damage to our country in a mere 2 years, W did in 8 years.

Things will continue straight down the hill for 2 more, I have NO DOUBT. We will have the opportunity in 2012 to change this destructive course, I am just extremely fearful that the collective WE - will screw the pooch once again.

Retired/Disabled Veteran

I'd vote for Ron Paul 2012!!!