The belief that at the End of Days the dead will rise again is considered so important, it is part of the declaration of faith that most Christians and Jews perform at various times of their life and attendance to worship.
  While a number of Christian churches revised the original End Times prophecy from Isaiah 26:19 specifically include bodily resurrection, the common prophecy for all Christians and Jews remains that a transformation and redemption of the dead occurs at the End of Days.
  Excluding End Times prophecies implying the spontaneous creation of human bodies out of thin air, the principle function of this prophecy implies the redemption of the dead. In both Jewish and Christian esoteric writing, many philosophers have argued over the centuries that until the End of Days, all those faithful who have departed may not have yet entered Heaven. That until the arrival/return of the Messiah, the gates of Heaven are yet to be opened.
  A similar but less popular philosophy is that just as the gates of Heaven are finally open, the concept of Hell is also closed. That there will be no more damnation.
  Taken together, the implication of this critically important prophecy is that upon the End of Days, all souls will be redeemed.
  This however remains a highly controversial interpretation of this common and key prophecy. For many Christian groups adhere to the notion that the majority of the world is condemned to Hell and only a few are chosen to be saved. Such thinking is supported by the re-written scriptures of Revelation and other texts over the centuries which emphasized damnation as a key feature of the End of Days.
  However, the most enlightened and inspiring fulfillment of this prophecy is for an event and instrument to come into existence that effectively ends the war in heaven (heaven and hell) and redeems all souls. This then would truly and literally herald the dead rising again.

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