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Since the "New Look" change a while ago - we are still thirsty for feedback but sadly get very little. Can we ask for one or two regular visitors to volunteer to regularly report, mentioning any link or display problems, and Email us with info. Some errors can be hard to track down and so outside help is most useful.

"Gun of the week" has been running for some time - let’s hear from you. Like - not like? Any other suggestions?

Thank you - JPFO Webmaster.

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Alerts & "Bounces"
Points to note with the JPFO alert emails.

Alerts can sometimes bounce!

Note - (July 2011) We notice sometimes that out of the thousands of alerts sent out, there can be rather high numbers of "bounces" - on checking with our provider it would seem that now and again an ISP makes some change to their email settings and that can result in non-delivery to those using that ISP.

If it happens to be something like Hotmail, Yahoo or even gmail - then many can be affected temporarily. For those who miss out on one of our sendings, we apologize, but the provider does try to stay ahead of things when they can by making changes in their own settings to reflect ISP changes and so control the bounces, which we like to see as zero!

If in doubt, please check the alerts archive to make sure you have not missed anything. Also, if you get alerts do please open them!

Chris, Webmaster.

Why Join?
Why you should consider joining JPFO.

Why Join JPFO?

JPFO tries to be an educator by supplying "intellectual ammunition" - the idea being that we provide information for folks to use the best they can, to further the fight against "Gun Control". We are tax exempt and cannot lobby or endorse but, for sure we can give you the fodder you need such that you can do your bit the best way you can. The fight to preserve our 2A is vital.

Researching to find data, writing articles, as well maintaining the site - all takes time and expense and so, help towards keeping this active and vital is essential. We would encourage anyone who finds our efforts worthwhile to become a member, or even donate - it all helps us survive and continue the hard fought battle.

Please dig deep, use the search, explore through our menus - find even old pages and pass them on. Dissemination of material is invaluable.

Out of the Frying Pan?

October 5th, 2011
Out of the Frying Pan?

Rumors are surfacing regarding the U.S. Department of Justice’s plans to abolish the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (BATFE). The blood soaked debacle of BATFE’s "Operation Fast and Furious", the blatantly felonious scheme of running guns to murderous Mexican drug cartels, may have put the nail in the coffin for what is almost certainly America’s most sordid federal agency ……

Read the entire article.

Yours in Freedom, The Liberty Crew at JPFO
Protecting you by creating solutions to destroy "gun control"

Alert Copy Alerts Archive 

Recent JPFO Alert, 1 of 3 … Oct 3, 2011 – (hover cursor to pause)

Is this going too far? Watch a controversial video of Andrew Breitbart, voicing some very strong opinions. Then share your honest opinions using the poll that follows. We will publish the results after a few days have passed.

Recent JPFO Alert, 2 of 3 … Oct 1, 2011 – (hover cursor to pause)

JPFO’s "David and Goliath Award" 2011! David Codrea of "Gun Rights Examiner" and Mike Vanderboegh of "Sipsey Street Irregulars" (both unwavering pro 2A blog writers) have performed a service to America that is far from being fully weighed. They blew wide open "Fast and Furious".

Recent JPFO Alert, 3 of 3 … Sept 27, 2011 – (hover cursor to pause)

JPFO's Charles Heller on Armed American Radio Charles talks with Mark Walters of Armed American Radio, while returning on Monday Sept 26th from the weekend Chicago Gun Rights Policy Conference. One section looks hard at Colin Goddard’s thinking that "Guns are not the answer".

The Gang Movie

This deep digging documentary movie was released in 2007 and runs 85 minutes. It contains material that many would find hard to believe, as it exposes the abuses and inconsistencies of the out-of-control agency BATFE.

Purchase a copy from the JPFO store, learn the facts, and then pass that information on to those who might have any doubts. Current events concerning the "Fast and Furious" debacle, otherwise known as "Gun Walker" just amplify the degree of corruption that exists, and has existed for so long. Go visit the Gang Movie Site and learn more. You can also see a short trailer here on JPFO.

Discover JPFO films. Click on images below to either obtain the "Triple Play" DVD and/or download and watch the three films it contains.


We show this, below, as a regular interest feature.

JPFO’s "Gun of the Week" … The Makarov was for quite some time available at a very good price and usually Bulgarian origin. Supplies seem to have diminished over time, as well as prices having increased significantly. This specimen shows what appears to be a Russian triangle on left side (see inset picture), and is a more unusual version. The 9mm Makarov round is 1mm shorter than the 9mm Luger, at 9x18. Not a lightweight but still pocketable.

Since the loss of our Founder, Aaron Zelman, back in December of 2010, the JPFO current team has vowed to not only continue his mission but, best we can, expand on it and aggressively maintain the thrust of JPFO’s objectives. We produced a new-look site layout which is an attempt to make for more page space, more interest, and helpful navigation. Your support is essential and appreciated - please join or donate to help the efforts.

What many new visitors may not realize is that over 11 years and more, the site has accumulated a wealth of information and so, apart from using the links in our navigation menus, it is well worth researching through our search option in the upper right of the header, although older pages may often come up. JPFO tries to educate and provide "intellectual ammunition" to help people be better informed and so better able to fight the fight themselves. It is through representation by the individual that progress can be made in protecting our fundamental rights.

The sad fact is, that the anti gun movements feel that a ban across the board is essential, and yet we all know through simple logic that banning of guns, and so depriving law-abiding folks of their innate right of self defense, is a recipe for not only a destruction of the Second Amendment but also a refusal to acknowledge that all the criminals will as always, remain armed and dangerous. The battle is hard but has to be sustained and Genocide could be right round the corner.


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visitors since July 2, 1999


Meet JPFO’s New Director

Executive Director, Charles Heller,
talks with Mark Walters on
Armed American Radio, 9/26/11.

Download the file or listen by
using the player below.

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Rabbi Dovid Bendory
JPFO's Rabbinic Director

What makes JPFO's Rabbi Bendory "very, very nervous"?

Listen to JPFO's Talkin' to America Interview, and discover the "Ten Commandments of Self Defense" (2 CD set).
Read and listen