September Eleven

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Shadows Come

I listen to the voice of the train making it’s way east, a cacophony of whistle and thunder and clattering, muted by distance, but sharp edged as it resonates across the river. Now the whistle blows – but growing quickly fainter… the thundering…the clattering… gone. And now the sounds of the birds gathered at the feeder chatter back into my hearing, the swish of a passing car on the road below, all cocooned by this village’s velvet silence.

These homes.., these slightly tilting, nary-a-plumb-line-to-be-found homes stand as sentinels along the banks of the Ohio. I often wonder who their owners were, that such a small town could boast this avenue of once grand ladies, their grandeur rather forlorn, more so for never having been abandoned. And all these lady’s feet have been washed by the Ohio River, indeed, that river threatened many a time to climb right up their skirts…….but they stood. Their foundations shift, cracks write long lines of narrative across walls that have seen more human lives than can ever be written, all part of a village with roots over two hundred years old, built when the land supported people who were, well, true Americans……

The wind skitters through the branches now, trailing a shawl through early fallen leaves across lawns grown weary of trumpeting summer’s fecundity. Autumn has sent harbingers of her arrival and summer seems eager to bid adieu.

Normally I would snuggle cozily in the anticipation of winter’s cold, but now upon this land march harbingers trumpeting ill winds and evil weather unlike any we have ever known in all of our nation’s history. There may be no warmth to snuggle in and our hands may be stayed from putting food in the larder, and the grandchildren we normally would be buying early Christmas gifts for become the sum and substance of the only reason we live because now…now we can’t see their lives unfolding as ours did, or as our parents and grandparents did. We are realizing that we have to imagine a future where they must learn to fight for their very lives and Christmas, if even allowed to continue, will never be the same ….. Is this what people in the past felt like when the shadow of war and tribulation approached?

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They Are Not Going to Let us Hide. They Are Not Going To Stop


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Ruminations: On Screwtape

I’m re-visiting C.S.Lewis’s Screwtape Letters. For those unfamiliar with the work, Screwtape is a devil mentoring  his novice nephew on the art of leading a human to hell. God is referred to as “the Enemy”. Said nephew is losing control of his charge and Screwtape is exasperated with him.
Instructions from the devil...

“And now for your blunders. On your own showing you first of all allowed him to read a book he really enjoyed, because he enjoyed it and not in order to make clever remarks to his friends. In the second place, you allowed him to walk down to the old mill and have tea there… In other words, you have allowed him two real, positive Pleasures. Were you not so ignorant as to see the danger of this? … How can you have failed to see that a real pleasure was the last thing you ought to have let him meet? Didn’t you foresee that it would just kill be contrast all the trumpery which you have been so laboriously teaching him to value?… As a preliminary to detaching him from the Enemy, you wanted to detach him from himself… Now, all that is undone.

Of course I know that the Enemy also wants to detach men from themselves, but in a different way. Remember always, that He really likes the little vermin, and sets an absurd value on the distinctness of every one of them. When he talks of their losing their selves, he only means abandoning the clamour of self-will; once they have done that, he really gives them back of their personality, and boasts (I am afraid sincerely) that when they are wholly his they will be more themselves than ever….

The deepest likings and impulses of any man are the raw material, the starting point, with which the Enemy has furnished him. To get him away from those is therefore always a point gained…” Source

He really likes the little vermin…” I love that! Because He apparently does, otherwise, I’d have been turned into a smoking cinder a long time ago, though I have a hard time imagining what about me God might like.

“..and sets an absurd value on the distinctness of every one of them..” I always find it edifying to observe the political agenda of the left can usually be distilled down to a pointed attack on an attribute or quality a child of God is endowed with. The left’s hydra-headed monster of multiculturalism and political correctness serve to erase all that is unique and distinct amongst all peoples. I can not imagine why the resulting amorphous blob is appealing. Contrary to the left’s skewed perceptions, America has been the most amazing example of many peoples coming together without violating their hereditary cultural identity. But again, examining the target of the left’s arrows will likely reveal what the enemy fears the most. And the enemy, be they in human or demonic form, reviles the fact that when a human surrenders to God, the uniqueness He has endowed us with individually blossoms into full fruition.

“When he talks of their losing their selves, he only means abandoning the clamour of self-will..”. Aha!  Self-will. Well, as life reveals,  that which can be of great blessing has within it also the capacity of great evil. Self-will is the arena where  my – and I suspect the same is true of most – fiercest battles lie. And I say I battle God, but I only battle this self-will. The individuality that I so covet and vociferously defend becomes an idol if not shaped by God’s hand, sculpted by the wisdom that His instructions impart.

At the risk of crass comparison, God’s gifts are like the free software you can download for 30 days. For the software to function at full capacity it will have to be registered or functionality will be limited. I am going to go with speculating that, in God’s kingdom, repentance constitutes registration. Now, once the software has full functionality, you’ll only benefit from it’s capabilities if you learn it. If you immerse yourself in it’s properties, it will excel. Likewise, what God has given us must be explored, absorbed, imbibed, and drunk daily in order for us to function as the blessed creatures He designed. But we must immerse ourselves in God’s word, per the instructions in God’s version of the “README” file; the Bible.

So, continuing with this analogy, if you fight God, it’s rather like fighting software. I always end up at cross purposes with the various programs I use. I hate reading instructions. By neglecting to do so, I butt heads with the reality of the programming. I have to read the instruction to obtain the desired results, no matter how much I am inclined to regard my own wisdom superior to the programmers. And, bottom line, the same is true with God’s programming. I am a spiritual being clothed in flesh, engaged in a battle that, should I fail to win, my soul is forfeit. The stakes are high. I either accept God’s programming, learn it and yield to His power, or I spend more energy extracting myself from crashes than fulfilling my purpose. And the old devil loves it when we are stuck in a rut.

Here’s the thing…if we take at face value that we are are built to fit God, designed to serve Jesus, our purpose divinely imbued into our very being – if we accept that *** – than to act counter to our design is to invite ultimate failure. A Ferrari will run, even if driven as an off-roader using low grade fuel and cheap oil, but, it will eventually collapse, well short of it’s expected lifetime. Human beings are tantamount – much to Lucifer’s never ending ire and repugnance – to a Ferrari amongst God’s creations. But we refuse to take our design, or Designer, seriously. We don’t use the README file. And much like we curse the programmer of software we can’t get to work, we curse God when our lives crash.

Software crashes are survivable. Soul crashes – not so much.

*** If you do not accept the premise, which is fine by me, don’t attempt rebuttal. We have different realities.

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Who Is Lt Col Courtney Rogers? We Need More of Her Clarity

Googling for more on this quite excellent woman, I uncovered precious little. It’s a damn shame there are no candidates with the ability to so clearly and bluntly lay out the position of American patriots of faith.

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When I Consider This, I’d Just As Soon Have Jesus Get Here. Soon.

I don’t really pray for America quite the way I, perhaps, ought to. When I pray for her, it is usually either prayers of gratitude or contrition, out pourings of remorse for all the blessing squandered and abused. I’m thinking mainly about the blessing of freedom. An extraordinarily potent drug when not constrained by the laws of God, laws that He scribed into our hearts; “..saith the Lord; I will put my laws into their mind, and write them in their hearts.”—Hebrews 8:10.

God would always have man to be free. We are designed to be free. But not wantonly debased and “free”  of moral conduct. That is slavery. The only freedom possible as humans is as beings living lives honoring God. Disregarding those laws that He encoded in our hearts results in fallen man, and therein the devil dances, be it with high tech, or tribal gangs raging on the street, or abortion mills or crematoriums….. it always ends with man being debased, reveling in spiritual vomit like a cur in an alley too ravenous to care what it eats. And evil always taste damn fine in the beginning…..

What I believe we are now witnessing is freedom subverted to usher in a particularly insidious form of slavery, a wicked blend of totalitarianism that goes beyond any self-defilement man has so far conceived.  So, a certain fear keeps me from earnestly praying that our nation survive. Or even that the human race survive. At least not if we remain on the trajectory we presently are on. Of the plethora of travesties man has abused his freedom to create, advances in genetics and technology enabling man to materialize their most grotesque visions of what humans “ought” to be, chills me to the bones.

Here is a simple definition of the ideological ogre propelling this to which I refer:

“Transhumanism is a transnational technocratic trend that promises to break through human biological limitations by radically redesigning humanity.” (Link)

Defying God

Defying God

And briefly, some of their thinking. In an article commenting on a debate within transhumanism concerning an event they call Singularity; “the point in time when artificial intelligence surpasses human intelligence prompting the exponential curve of technological growth to go vertical…..that through modeling the human brain artificial intelligence will become conscious. In fact, he goes so far as to argue that machines will have spiritual experiences and will even worship

The scientific paradigm of materialism reduces humanity to a byproduct of chemistry and physics. But if my thoughts are merely chemical reactions, then I would have no good reason to believe they are true. Atoms and chemical reactions just do not discern truth. In this way, scientism (the belief that science is the only way to know truth) is self-defeating. The atheistic material reductionist view of consciousness is that it is an emergent property of the brain. This is the dominant scientific view point.
The understanding about consciousness in the case of artificial intelligence is that consciousness will arise from the material structure of electronic hardware as an emergent property. Emergent properties are seen from a bottom up approach.
Given the naturalistic worldview, spirituality and consciousness are merely functions of the brain. If that is the case, then consciousness is also on the top not on the bottom. Therefore it’s an effect not a cause. Accordingly, consciousness doesn’t cause things. It’s simply the effect of fatty tissues, neurons and information. In the case of AI it is just a physical thing, computer hardware, programmed with software that allegedly produces consciousness. If the computer is producing consciousness, then consciousness is similarly an effect.(Link)

Now if you follow this link, you will see where this debasement of humanity shall lead. There are the chips that we are all aware of, though perhaps not the with the latest refinements (from the link above):
“..”A hair-thin electronic patch that adheres to the skin like a temporary tattoo could transform medical sensing, computer gaming and even spy operations…”
“…Once brain activity is identified and able to be monitored, it will not be too long until this can be tied into the Skin Tattoo….”
“…The coming system will be able to monitor thinking as it will be all tied together through Wi-Fi….”

Not content to merely crawl into your skull and monitor all that a man may think, these would be gods hope to rape you of those very thoughts…

Scientists Successfully Implant Chip That Controls The Brain; Allowing Thoughts, Memory And Behavior To Be Transferred From One Brain To Another

Moral Judgments Can Be Altered: Neuroscientists Influence People’s Moral Judgments by Disrupting Specific Brain Region

Man Will Never Be God....

Man Will Never Be God....

The spirit that now emanates through the ideology of the various ‘isms is a very old evil. A seething, vile evil. It rots to the core those who surrender to it. But throughout all recorded history there have always been the remnant who hold to their very being the truth of freedom and the dignity of a human race created by God. In one part of the world or another, in every era, man’s innate hunger for God, truth and freedom has always risen up to stand against the tyranny that fallen men devise. But now it seems these elitists would even deny a simple man the solace of memory, identity and the sanctuary of his own soul.

Short of a tidal wave of global repentance, I see nothing and no people with the strength, voice, and moral fortitude to hold at bay the howling wolves that now believe they smell the blood of humanity on the waters. Better Jesus come than to allow old Lucifer to so thoroughly eviscerate the human race that there remains nothing but shriveled husks, devoid of all humanity, shriven of even the ability to imagine God.

“…ultimately, the singularity is not at all what transhumanists expect. It will not mark the crowning achievement of mankind to godhood and the transcendence of machines…..The real singularity will be when God decisively intervenes into the world in what is known as the Parousia or second coming of Jesus Christ. Indeed, defined this way, I believe the Singularity is near.
from The Singularity is Near in Logos Apologia

I find myself much more inclined to pray for that.

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The Call of the Left: Darkness to Darkness….

They come for the children...

When killing a tree, you do not hack at the limbs. You go for the roots. You poison the soil.  So that the tree drinks deeply from foul waters, and the toxin is in every leaf, potent in every piece of fruit.Thus when you seek to destroy a people, a nation, you seek to control the youth, the culture and education. You dominate the narrative. You dishonor the sovereignty of an individual’s soul and mind and inculcate him with visions alien to his heart, to his nature. You rip the gift of free will right out of the hands of the child of God. But who? Who is susceptible? What soil can most easily be saturated with poison, when is a tree most vulnerable? Why did some succumb to the nihilism and utter hypocrisy of the sixties, and some not? Why now do we watch the West writhe in self-loathing, contorting to postures of subservience to inferior cultures, self-flagellating with the barbed whip of PC?

It has been my experience and observation that the left’s approach, their outreach, was, and remains, calibrated to the rhythm of pain found in every human heart.  It’s overtures are meant to, almost symbiotically , mesh with the emotional travail that every human soul must, inevitably,  persevere through. It seems almost as if the lure is most seductive for those most uncomfortable, most dissatisfied with their human-ness. The left calls to those who are emotionally crippled as darkness calls to darkness, sadness to sadness, despair to despair. It is a siren call that is unheard by those of sound mind and spirit, it’s invitation to self-destruction doesn’t resonate with humans who are exuberant in their living, cognizant of the genius God invested in their creation, determined to plumb the depth of every treasure granted man in spirit, in mind , and in the bounty of the earth. A human being such as that will find no lure in what the cultural left offers.

But during the sixties there was utilized an inestimably effective system by which to launch the cultural missiles used to achieve the society we now see rotting around us. Rock & Roll; an instrument of cultural destruction, a daisy cutter that would serve as bunker busters inside every American family’s home, shredding morals and ethics, decency and normalcy, like shrapnel through flesh.

Self loathing

Self loathing

There was no lie that couldn’t sound like the most profound wisdom when ushered in on the hypnotic strains of the Moody Blues, no perversion more delicately offered when tendered by the quixotic Pink Floyd or Spirit. There was no anger that failed to ignite when roused by that bitch rock and roll, no tradition that couldn’t be butchered with the collective shrill ululations of the Rolling Stones or the innocuous melodies of the Beatles. Nothing was sacred. Not family. Not God. Not country. Not life. And that is how the devil works. He comes in looking pretty, sounding good, zealous with energy. He lies. He nurtures pain with promises of panaceas. And he more than delivers, however, it is very much to the devil’s advantage that humans are not in the least careful in what they wish for, lust for, sell their souls for…

If there is no god, and life has no value and human beings are execrable creatures, if history is revised and language re-framed in order that all that is sacred and honorable is stripped from consciousness- well, then you achieve what we see around us now, generations so removed from a moral mooring, so removed from reality that depraved indifference is fast becoming the norm rather than the rare psychopathic condition it once was. Having once been equally depraved, remembering the hardness of heart, my embrace of cynicism, my idiotic false sense of power that nihilism deceives with, as if by aligning yourself with death, death will then spare you. Of course, all of that accompanied by the visceral cadence of the music seemingly written to specifically imbue the spiritual sinews of our very souls with it’s ever-so danceable suicidal rhythm.

How long before something very elemental in the human soul protests, says; “no more.” Cause certainly there must be a response to this seemingly inexorable suicidal march the West is determined to execute in goose step obedience to the left. If there was an enemy of man, a jealous, vengeful, cunning enemy, he would devise such a degrading demise for our species. Because here is the thing. I have always found human beings to be amazing creatures. As a concept. I have speculated on who we would be had we not fallen. And yes, I am now quite willing to describe our condition exactly as that. Because certainly not a large number of us has lived up to the heights we were designed for. And, most certainly, the left and it’s legions work to ensure that we never do.

To be continued….

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Hating Christians, Hating God

It’s tiresome and repetitive and yet Hollywood just can not stop themselves from grinding that ax deeper. Hating Christians ought to have far exceeded it’s shelf life, but Hollywood is mired in an anachronistic world of pagan earth worship. The sages of that nether world remind me of the priests that attended kings as interpreters of signs and portents, wringing prophecy out of rat’s asses, substituting dire frenzy for wise counsel. Of which neither they, or the priests of Hollywood, have to impart. And their latest attempt to paint the villain with a coat of Christianity is also their latest failure.

Sympathy for the Devil

Speaking to CNN recently about the new thriller about an openly atheist hero and a Christian Villain, he compared the film to “Brokeback Mountain,” a film which he feels made people more accepting of the gay community.
Atheists hold a valid point of view according to Chapman who is urging Christians and all believers to see the new film.

“There are a lot of us, we are thinking people we care about many of the same issues as believers, and yet we are rarely heard and widely hated,” says Chapman.

He concluded: “I hope atheists who are still in the closet will take heart from the film and think. I am not alone”


Bang your head on the ground until infinity, pour blood on clay idols (or sell the blood of slain infants in 2011 Babylon), worship the earth as earnestly as you want – only evil or silence will answer. Whatever goodness or wisdom atheists may have, is borrowed. They don’t own it and Hollywood can not bestow it. It’s called grace. God has a habit of imparting it and we all are it’s benefactors, or we’d be the dust we damn well ought to be given the never ending stream of insults issuing from us to God. Atheists constantly attempt to whitewash themselves using the paint of a moral code directly attributable to the God that they reject. Christians who are “villains” are acting outside of that moral code, not in accord with it. In other words, they are behaving in an UN-christian manner and do not represent the faith.

And ‘Christian’ is a useless word anymore, since so many pretenders, leftists and weak willed Christians have absolutely defiled “the Brand’. But God was there before any Christian existed and His Word is eternal. It is He and that Word which gives witness to who He is, instructs us in how we might actually live a life – soul intact – forever,and finally,He judges us. And the choice, of course, is ours. The fact that judgment is inevitable doesn’t abrogate the freedom with which we choose the state of soul we are in when we finally meet it. And disbelieving it all doesn’t forestall it’s coming.

And then there are those who truly believe they will defeat God and all his nasty Christians. Such as Lucifer. In modern times, the name Saul Alinsky – whose widely studied manifesto is dedicated to “the first rebel; Lucifer ” – comes to mind. Certainly an apprentice to the devil par excellence and one of the key choreographers whose work is used so adroitly by the present powers that be.

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Then God Gave Them Up

I have been listening to a preacher who teaches that if man does not grasp how hideous sin is to God, that we can not begin to measure the magnanimous character of His love. A parent understands this on a vastly smaller scale. The love for your child covers a multitude of their sins. Fortunately, my children have never tested my love, my patience, certainly – love, that has never wavered. But I ran into this link, this atrocious nauseating photo essay depicting a vile and blasphemous “celebration” of Easter… and I had to acknowledge that if one of my children could countenance this filth, I would mourn them as if they had died, because certainly, their spirit is dead. Any human being who could abide the degradation that is depicted has been reduced into a lesser being, has become exactly what that old devil Lucifer has always argued that the human race actually is; unworthy, rapacious, lustful, fleshy louts with absolutely no right to God’s grace, His love, His forgiveness. Lucifer’s whole point in despising God is because God preferred us, human beings, to him. That God adopted us, made us His children. Lucifer has ever been about proving to God that we are unworthy. This orgy would certainly seem to affirm that.

And yet, God could forgive that, would forgive even that, if any of these ‘celebrants’, who are His children, actually repented**. And that forgiveness indeed is far more magnanimous than a mere human heart could conjure.

It is tragic how denigrated language has become where words like repent, sin, depravity and God, grace, forgiveness are of no import. More to the point, actually, what is appalling is the growing prevalence of hardened hearts that can no longer measure sin, hearts whose calibration is so skewed that the atrocities that increasingly pass before our eyes are impotent to repel us or shame us. But then God quite clearly promised that He would give man over to his lusts. And so he has. And that is the frightening part. God gives mankind over to the desires of their hearts and the raw, God-less heart of man knows only the most foul darkness and deceit. The fact that what is depicted in this photo essay was witnessed by children with parental permission attests to that.

And God says we have no excuse. Were a man’s heart to seek truth, God provides abundant proof of who He is.

18 God’s anger is revealed from heaven against all the sin and evil of the people whose evil ways prevent the truth from being known. 19God punishes them, because what can be known about God is plain to them, for God himself made it plain. 20Ever since God created the world, his invisible qualities, both his eternal power and his divine nature, have been clearly seen; they are perceived in the things that God has made. So those people have no excuse at all! 21They know God, but they do not give him the honour that belongs to him, nor do they thank him. Instead, their thoughts have become complete nonsense, and their empty minds are filled with darkness. 22They say they are wise, but they are fools; 23instead of worshipping the immortal God, they worship images made to look like mortal human beings or birds or animals or reptiles. Romans 1:18-23


1 The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork. 2 Day to day pours out speech, and night to night reveals knowledge. 3 There is no speech, nor are there words, whose voice is not heard. 4 Their voice goes out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world. In them he has set a tent for the sun, 5 which comes out like a bridegroom leaving his chamber, and, like a strong man, runs its course with joy. 6 Its rising is from the end of the heavens, and its circuit to the end of them, and there is nothing hidden from its heat. Psalm 19

And there we come to what so few understand. It is something I think I have always known, but now the knowing of it weighs on me. What does the world look like, how do human beings behave when God finally removes His grace? For it is manifest in the simplest things we so easily dismiss; the breeze through spring branches, the color of the sky after a storm, the savor of home cooking, the haven of home and family – music, dance, science, art, man’s genius, this earth that man now thinks he owns – all of it we use by God’s grace. By His permission. The genius of a 1000 Stephen Hawkings has yet to create a thought that hadn’t already been owned by God. We are here by grace and all that we hold to be beauty and honor and love are but wispy wavering reflections of what God practices in the Kingdom He owns. Yet He has for centuries (our time) shared His bounty with us.

Until He doesn’t.

With caution I present this link. Be forewarned it is repellent beyond speaking. It is depravity.

And here is an alternative to the link. Romans 1. It describes the debauchery the link’s images record. It is eerie how old evil is, yet it’s face never changes. It invents nothing new, though those who would defend this believe themselves to be evolved. No, the link need not be visited at all, but Scripture has described it accurately.

Therefore God gave them up in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, to the dishonoring of their bodies among themselves, 25 because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever! Amen.

26 For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature; 27 and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error.

28 And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them up to a debased mind to do what ought not to be done. 29 They were filled with all manner of unrighteousness, evil, covetousness, malice. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, maliciousness. They are gossips, 30 slanderers, haters of God, insolent, haughty, boastful, inventors of evil, disobedient to parents, 31 foolish, faithless, heartless, ruthless. 32 Though they know God’s decree that those who practice such things deserve to die, they not only do them but give approval to those who practice them.

Though evil has always been with us, it never was welcomed, feted and honored as it is today. And there is only one character in this story whose gift is life and whose Word is true. This is a time of choosing whom you will serve.

**Repent. Oh my! What a anachronistic blip of a word to slip in there. Repent: To turn away from sin. To be done with it. To abhor in your very soul the spit you hurled in God’s face with every ungrateful breath you took before He was kind enough to offer to change your mind. By the way, it’s a supernatural process that comes from a regenerated heart. It can’t be faked. For long.

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For Lack of Preachers Like This Man,God Has Been Ill Served

I know that, bottom line, I am soft, spoiled, used to relative ease, a creature of comfort. There has been little in my life that called me to be anything more. And such is the evil of the culture we live in, a culture that summons our weaknesses, awarding each degradation we allow ourselves to indulge with approval and acceptance.

But every weak bone in my body tells me this man speaks the truth about God. And I find it hard to listen. It reminds me of the weakness of muscle I anguished through when first I ever worked out – where every sinew is screaming to cease, to stop, to go back to familiar comfort….and I know that spiritual sloth is likely not so easily defeated as physical, but Washer’s exposition of God’s word is too convicting, too challenging to ignore. I can’t. I can’t afford to.

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Soul Drift

We drift toward compromise and call it tolerance; we drift toward disobedience and call it freedom; we drift toward superstition and call it faith. We cherish the indiscipline of lost self-control and call it relaxation; we slouch toward prayerlessness and delude ourselves into thinking we have escaped legalism; we slide toward godlessness and convince ourselves we have been liberated.
from Desiring God

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Men Make Pathetic Gods

Man, as God, is a debacle. That’s all I can conclude as I watch this wicked dance of fools vying for power. The war for the ultimate throne and the ultimate Kingdom has raged since recorded history. It is what it is. The war between God and Lucifer. Good and Evil. Light and Dark.The ideologies, political and cultural systems that have emerged over time have always reflected that battle. And a portion of that battle now rages center stage in America.

But, what I ponder a lot is this ‘man-as-God’ fallacy, the fatal flaw in all totalitarian systems it seems. For one thing, as Man-God goes about expanding the reach of his purloined divinity, he starts devouring his own. Because even though man has deemed himself to be superior to God and to be the only permitted authority on earth, he has simultaneously pronounced that his own species is earth’s most pernicious occupant; alternately brilliant enough to destroy the planet, but too stupid to stop himself.

Nihilism, this vicious disdain for one’s own humanity, resulting in a continual decimation and extirpation of the potency of the human creation,is salient in leftism and matches pretty much the disdain Lucifer reportedly held for human kind.

Lucifer’s contention has always been that God had no right to deem man higher than angels when man is such a flawed and fallible creature. Satan stomped his foot, or something like that and was promptly expelled from heaven, and all his rebels with him. But he has been going about proving his point ever since. And the ideology of the left is surely crafted to serve his mssion. As opposed to the Judeo-Christian’s contention that we are children of God, the left caricatures us as everything from apes to parasites. And certainly that is one way to abdicate all moral responsibility. Just claim you are creatures incapable of holding a course aimed at true north and thus grant yourself forgiveness. And then castigate all those who reflect your moral turpitude back to you as wayward troglodytes clinging to useless gods.

Yet, even though the left contends that humanity is beyond depraved and humans ought to be herded from cradle to grave, mysteriously, only this very same flawed human creature can fix it. I mean, really, if I had such a low opinion of human kind, I’d be looking for a savior superior to us, not one of us. However, as it always turns out, there exist certain men who consider themselves qualified to usurp god.  Unfortunately, they are the men currently in power in this much besieged nation.

To be continued…

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I Wanted to Speak To A Child….

I saw a young boy ride up to the local war memorial on his bike, jump off and sprint to the several plaques arranged along this area of the riverfront. What was he looking for? What name did he think he would find? It was so unusual a sight, come to think of it, when most youth today are lethargic and detached. They slouch along with resentful bored faces, removed and unwelcoming. But this kid was animated and acted with purpose as he went from memorial to memorial looking for a name. And I was quite tempted to ask him who he hoped to find. But this is 2010, on the eve of 2011 and the world has become such, that when an adult stranger is seen talking to a child, the worse thoughts are put forth, the ugliest suspicions aroused. Worse, a kid these days can cast the most vile accusations and an adult can do little about it.

And it ought not be that way. Sexual deviancy used to be the rarity.  Society would not tolerate it and the law quickly punished transgressors. Men and women were not saturated with sexual imagery from childhood on nor were they encouraged to indulge their animal appetites as if it were their right.

The unthinkable has, however, become not only thinkable, but somehow normalized. It is not the pervert who is ostracized today, but the person crying for a return of the moral values that once ejected such freaks to the outskirts of society, if not into a prison cell or grave. So now, somehow, we who have no twisted sexual appetites must limit our actions, monitor our behavior, lest we be mistaken for the increasingly common sexual predator.  Similarly, air travelers must be groped because we have become a society that “tolerates” the evil of a twisted islamic ideology, much like we have become one who tolerates the pedophile and sexual deviancy of all manner and expression.. I can think of no more apt description of such a people as we have become than one given in scripture;

Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.
Isaiah 5:20

And I could go on, but I just wanted to express the sadness I feel when the occasion arises to speak to a child, it is marred by the caution that to do so in today’s twisted world is a risk.

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The Luxury of “Ordinary” is Gone…

As I sit at my desk, performing my tasks on this winter’s day, I am haunted by thoughts of the ordinary. That which is now considered ordinary, may soon become rare. I listen to the crusty grinding of the slowly progressing garbage truck and I am reminded of my fears that a village as small as this will be unable to survive the blight of Obamunism. When simple ordinary services can no longer be rendered. When the threatened tax on mileage or exorbitant penalties for distances driven make rural living beyond the grasp of most..The men in this present government are like ogres with scythes, ready to lay low America’s rural areas as they herd everyone to their damnable cities.
winter roads
I spike up the heat for a long shower, throw some coffee on to brew and listen to the morning diatribe on the radio. All exceedingly ordinary activities, and all threatened by Obama. From onerous energy restrictions, to the anticipated astronomical leap in food costs, to suppression of speech; every aspect of my every day is darkened by the cloud that Obama has ushered in over the land.

My home faces the river, a view that gives me continuous contentment. Barges loaded fat and cumbersome with heaps of black coal are a frequent and welcome sight. Low to the water, weighted with bounty from the earth- because that is what fuel is. Bounty. One does not live well without affordable and convenient energy. I wonder what those river captains in those tugs think as they watch their barges loaded, as they push tons of mounded coal down and up rivers throughout America. What do they think of a “president” who has all but cursed the industry that pays the freight that pays their salaries and perpetuates one of the myriad, purely American, industries that Obama and his foul posse of zealots seek to destroy.

Think how they have brutalized the automobile industry. In one fell swoop, dealerships across the country were cut off at the knees. I was raised in the automobile industry and understand well the rippling ramifications across countless trades that such boorish and petulant actions have caused. And boorish and petulant are common qualities of the retribution-minded political class now operative. A political and intellectual class that, were they represented in one person, that person would be judged to be sado-masochistic and suicidal and put away for fear of the destruction such a combination will produce.

Because you need to look out your window and start counting the things that the political and cultural powers that now operate through the auspices of the United States government seek to deprive you of, trying to convince you that you are far too selfish to hang on to what you own, bitter clinger that you are. Be it long road trips or a home in the country or the vehicle you buy your teenager for his first car, to the death panels that will administer last rites to your parents, or the grandchildren you will never have because government mandates preclude your children freely having children… all you love is forfeit….

In the name of what? Safety? Equality? Change? Fairness? How laughable, how ludicrous, the stuff a madman’s nightmares. To devastate the greatest civilized nation and shackle the greatest freedom this earth has ever witnessed for the sake of absolutely false, unctuous psychobabble disguised as “progress”.

Those who now seek so urgently to secure the power that Obama’s office offers them are people with brutalized and divorced souls. None other but the depraved can calmly discuss the logistics of eugenics, blithely deeming one class or the other as disposable. None but the blackest of hearts can sanction the murder of a child up to the age of 5 or 6 if said child is deemed defective. None but men and women of a perversely evil bent can devise curriculum to teach a child that anal sex is good and that there is no such thing as gender. Or for that matter, as parents, nationhood, or borders or God. These are the men and women who now wield power.

So, you must choose. Choose whom you serve. Because the luxury of ordinary, is gone.

to be continued….

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Death by Anonymity

the left erases face

Mark Levin in his Liberty and Tyranny quotes Eric Hoffer:

“Those who see their lives as spoiled and wasted crave equality and fraternity more than they do freedom. If they clamor for freedom, it is but freedom to establish equality and uniformity. The passion for equality is partly a passion for anonymity: to be one thread of many who make up a tunic; one thread not distinguishable from the others. No one can then point us out, measure us against others and expose our inferiority.”

I speak to this reprehensible, inexplicable conformity into which the left most earnestly seeks to inter us. I have always, always reacted viscerally against the notion of the”tribe”. Even when I was in the culture’s grip, nothing in me welcomed the intrusive insistence that we are one, we are the world.
It is this seeming implacable compulsion to erase significance, much like the unwillingness to comprehend the necessity of recognizing those absolutes that – regardless the obdurate denial by leftists – govern this world. And it is quite incomprehensible to me. I wither inside at the thought of the collective. I have no use for groups, find them ominous actually- especially if they chant.

I always am amused when it is suggested that those on the right are indoctrinated. I would suggest that there are very few who escape indoctrination on some level, to some degree. When I was much younger I used to imagine who I would be had I never had my world delivered to me via media and a public education – both entities sacrificing truth in their deluded social engineering quest. When someone denigrates your beliefs by suggesting that you couldn’t possibly have assembled your own point of view is insult enough. But to somehow be so lacking in self-awareness as to imagine that you yourself hadn’t also been subject to some indoctrination is simply obtuse.

Thing is, life usually can strip away conditioning that isn’t congruent with reality, assuming you spend much time in reality, something the ruling political class does very little of. Reality will not march to the Progressive tune of uniformity. To achieve this idiotic utopia, coercion must be used. Brainwashing, manipulation, and most grotesque, in my view, ravaging the language. Something that is done at such an alarming pace now I wouldn’t be surprised if they banned the dictionary for being so absolutist. How dare any tome claim to define anything. All is relative, everything is everything…”and they shall call good evil, and evil good…

In the seventies Neil Simon sang a certain sentiment that grated my every nerve. “If you can’t be with the one you love, love the one you’re with..” he pattered, putting into innocuous melody the mantra of faceless promiscuity. Nothing matters. No one person matters. Any pliant body will do. Love is relative. Everything is relative….

How insidiously quiet the shriveling of the human soul is, you seem never to hear the scream until it is fading away.

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