And Another Thing

October 29th, 2011

Recently, a flyer was found at one of the Occupy sites asking when it was OK to shoot the police. And, just like clockwork, the Right emitted vast clouds of butthurt over this. The assorted comments are even funnier, if you go for that sort of thing.

Look, kids, it’s like this: the Government and their hangers-on are after one thing: to stay in power. They don’t care if the “problem” is an unwashed crowd of people longing for 1969 or a crowd of well-groomed people longing for 1776. Both groups are a threat to their unfettered access to the public teat and they will cheerfully kill each and every person whom they perceive as a threat to that.

Keep in mind that the thugs kitted up in their riot gear are getting some On The Job training chasing hippies, nothing more. We aren’t necessarily next, but we are for sure on the list.


I wasn’t going to link this, since anyone reading this should’ve seen it before getting here, but I changed my mind:

Occupy Cop

Beyond some obvious Lefty references, just how is this different than something that Mike would write? I get the whole Hooray For Our Side thing (bonus 60′s song reference), but at some point we have to put that aside and deal with what is in front of us.

WIth Friends Like These…

October 29th, 2011

Who need enemies?

As you should be aware by now, a Texas gun shop has released an ad for a CCW class in which he (the narrator and presumed owner of the business) has flatly stated he would not allow liberals, Obama supporters and non-Christian Arabs to attend.

Now, I’m not going to tell you what my opinion of this is, nor am I in the least interested in what yours is. Like assholes, everyone has one, and nobody is interested in yours, m’kay? Certainly not me.

What I want to bring attention to is Uncle’s maxim of “Don’t scare the white people”, which is another way of saying that one should state one’s opinion without giving offense. Except that at times one cannot, and as usual, Sebastian and Uncle, glow-in-the-dark White People extrordinaire have both criticized it. Along with the usual assortment of fawning butt-boys in the comment section, to include our fair weather friend Clayton Cramer. You know him, the one who rails against homosexuality whilst ignoring the fact that these are fellow Americans regardless of what you think about their behavior. And who thinks that openly carrying a firearm is a Bad Idea, despite the fact that the Constitution has that whole ‘bear arms’ thing without any exceptions or conditions.

In closing, I’ll remind you of what Concerned American has been saying for a few years now:

We’re screwed.
There’s gonna be a fight.

Yep. We are screwed. We’re up against not only those who would disarm and control us, but also against those who claim to be on our side.

And after we’re done fighting the control freaks, we’re going to end up fighting our soi-disant allies whose idea of Freedom is to infringe stuff that the Controllers either support or haven’t gotten around to yet.

Swell. Just swell.

By Their Works Ye Shall Know Them

October 21st, 2011

I admit there are times that I’m convinced that all is lost. Then I see something such as this:

Go get ‘em, Sparky! With that kind of incisive and intuitive thinking the Oval Office is well within your grasp.

Delayed Posting

October 20th, 2011

Earlier today, Professor Reynolds noted a big-ass rock that narrowly missed us in 1883. He then spoke of alternate history books and included a link to an earlier post about alt-history books.

I will deplore in passing his warm thoughts towards the Human Run-On Sentence, Harry Turtledove, and instead will try to upload here another story mentioned by SM Stirling called The Peshawer Lancers. It’s about the aftermath of a meteor storm hitting the Northern Hemisphere during the latter 19th Century.

S. M. Stirling – The Peshawar Lancers

Update: That actually worked! Heh! Plus, there’s a mention (in the first few pages) of the Metford rifle, which of course is the Lee-Metford. Normally denoted as the MLM (Magazine Lee Metford but also the MkI and the Long Tom), this rifle would have its’ barrel shortened, the magazine capacity increased from eight to ten, a charger bridge installed, and would be rechristened as the SMLE. FYI the Metford part was shallow rounded rifling designed to use black powder and lead bullets without excessive fouling and to allow easier cleaning (black powder fouling loves to lurk in the squared-off corners of the grooves). Unfortunately, the Metford barrels only lasted about 6000 rounds when used with smokless powder, so the barrel was redesigned at ROF(E), that is to say the Royal Ordnance Factory at Enfield, hence the name Lee-Enfield. Of course, when the barrels were swapped out, the rifle was known as the MLE (Magazine Lee-Enfield)

Never forget (even if I do) that this here blog is an Enfield blog. Heh.

Spell Check!

October 20th, 2011

It’s noontime here on the East Coast, and according to as-yet unconfirmed news reports, there’s a new way to spell Ga-/Kha-/Qa- dafi/daffy:


Since that’s finally been settled, you can now concentrate on the important stuff, such as keeping an eye on the Furry Hordes bent on stealing all ur noms.

Kent’s Post

October 19th, 2011

I disagree somewhat with Mr. McManigal in that some of us require some level of adult supervision, but his posting here is pretty much Right On The Money:

Dogs vs. Cats

October 19th, 2011

The biggest difference between dogs and cats is that cats network. Couple that with the absolute faith that seemingly all of Felinidae shares, that humans have noms, and you end up being under 24-hour surveillance.

Here we have Zeus, an 11 year-old Maine Coon residing in Boulder, getting a SITREP from a member of the local Maquis.

And of course there’s a secret handshake:

Interesting Site

October 17th, 2011

Thanks to Linoge, here’s a site that’ll let you compare many handguns.

As Linoge noted, any informational gaps is due to the manufacturer not publishing it.


October 17th, 2011

PROTIP: Make sure that your cache is buried someplace that others won’t stumble upon by mistake.


That is all.

Oh, Internets

October 13th, 2011

The Marines have a blog. No, seriously, they do. I haven’t really looked around yet, and considering that some things cannot be useen, I might not.
Anyway, I was looking around for some Doomer Porn, which isn’t terribly useful, and found a link to download all sorts of USMC manuals, which are very useful.
