Faith & Family Live!

Faith & Family Live is where everyday moms offer one another inspiration, support, and encouragement in Catholic living. Anyone grappling with the meaning of life or the cleaning of laundry is welcome here. Read the blog, check out our magazine, join our community, learn more about our mission, and come on in! READ MORE


Meet the Faith & Family bloggers. We invite you to join us in encouraging and helping the Faith & Family community grow in faith!

Danielle Bean

Danielle Bean
Danielle Bean, a mother of eight, is Editorial Director of Faith & Family. She is author of My Cup of Tea, Mom to Mom, Day to Day, and most recently Small Steps for Catholic Moms. Though she once struggled to separate her life and her work, the two …
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Rachel Balducci

Rachel Balducci
Rachel Balducci is married to Paul and they are the parents of five lively boys and one precious baby girl. She is the author of How Do You Tuck In A Superhero?, and is a newspaper columnist for the Diocese of Savannah, Georgia. For the past four years, she has …
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Lisa Hendey

Lisa Hendey
Lisa Hendey is the founder and editor of, a Catholic web site focusing on the Catholic faith, Catholic parenting and family life, and Catholic cultural topics. Most recently she has authored The Handbook for Catholic Moms. Lisa is also employed as webmaster for her parish web sites. …
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Arwen Mosher

Arwen Mosher
Arwen Mosher lives in southeastern Michigan with her husband Bryan and their 4-year-old daughter, 2-year-old son, and twin boys born May 2011. She has a bachelor's degree in theology. She dreads laundry, craves sleep, loves to read novels and do logic puzzles, and can't live without tea. Her personal blog site …
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Rebecca Teti

Rebecca Teti
Rebecca Teti is married to Dennis and has four children (3 boys, 1 girl) who -- like yours no doubt -- are pious and kind, gorgeous, and can spin flax into gold. A Washington, DC, native, she converted to Catholicism while an undergrad at the U. Dallas, where she double-majored in …
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Robyn Lee

Robyn Lee
Robyn Lee is a senior writer for Faith & Family magazine. She is a 30-something, single lady, living in Connecticut with her two cousins in a small bungalow-style kit house built by her great uncle in the 1950s. She also conveniently lives next door to her sister, brother-in-law and six kids …
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Hallie Lord

Hallie Lord
Hallie Lord married her dashing husband, Dan, in the fall of 2001 (the same year, coincidentally, that she joyfully converted to the Catholic faith). They now happily reside in the deep South with their two energetic boys and two very sassy girls. In her *ample* spare time, Hallie enjoys cheap wine, …
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Guest Bloggers


Daria Sockey is a freelance writer and veteran of the large family/homeschooling scene. She recently returned home from a three-year experiment in full time outside employment. (Hallelujah!) Daria authored several of the original Faith&Life; Catechetical Series student texts (Ignatius Press), and is currently a Senior Writer for Faith&Family; magazine. A latecomer …
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Lynn Wehner

Lynn Wehner
As a wife and mother, writer and speaker, Lynn Wehner challenges others to see the blessings that flow when we struggle to say "Yes" to God’s call. Control freak extraordinaire, she is adept at informing God of her brilliant plans and then wondering why the heck they never turn out that …
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A Woman's Place

we can change the world

The very first Eucharistic congress was held in 1881 in Lille, France. The very first organizer, according to Vatican Information Services, was a woman.

It is not widely known that the idea to hold these congresses came from a woman, a French woman called Emilie-Marie Tamisier, one of the many lay people to dedicate their lives to the defence of the Church at a time in which anti-Catholic polemics... READ MORE 

Cry Room Conundrum

Are they all that bad?

For the first time in a long while, I am a frequent visitor of the dreaded Cry Room. It’s not my favorite place to hang out, but it’s our best option right now.

We’ve been in a very nice season for a long while. After what felt like eternity with our oldest four we finally had everyone trained with good behavior and had even managed to move to the very front of our church. When Henry came along, he... READ MORE 

Does NFP Need a Makeover?

After being both encouraged and discouraged by the response to my recent column at Crisis on the topic of NFP, I was especially interested to see this column addressing what the author, Ashley McGuire, sees as a real need for a “re-branding” of NFP in the Catholic Church:

... it’s marketed in a profoundly unsexy way. My NFP workbook features on its cover a woman in baggy pastels with a grocery bag... READ MORE 

What Moms Want

Here's your chance - how can your parish better support you?

Next Monday, I have the pleasure of providing a webinar called Catholic Moms: Building and Sustaining Small Groups to Support the Vocation of Motherhood aimed at sharing perspectives on what we parents—and especially we moms—“want” from our parishes.  I would love it if this team of experts could help me prepare my “homework” by pondering and commenting on the following questions:

*  How can your... READ MORE 

Saying Goodbye to Our Bishop

Please pray for the repose of the soul of Bishop John T. Steinbock

Rebecca kindly requested your prayers last week for my bishop, Bishop John T. Steinbock of the Diocese of Fresno.  Bishop Steinbock passed away early Sunday morning, surrounded by family and friends.  In his final months, he continued to fulfill his role as spiritual shepherd to all of us in the diocese, even as he battled terminal lung cancer.

I’m sharing my favorite photo of Bishop here, taken last... READ MORE 

House of the Lord

My Favorite Place to Pray

Have you ever been to a chapel or church dedication?  A few months ago I attended one at Holy Apostles College and Seminary. As we often hear of churches merging or closing, it was such a blessing to be at this event.

The dedication began with an impressive procession: faculty, religious, priests and donors, and finally students (that’s where I was). The seminarians in the front of the procession... READ MORE 

Happy Vocation News

I’ve so come to look forward to The Anchoress’ periodic vocation round-ups.

There’s no better evidence that the Church is young and alive as the pope once exclaimed.

Here, have a look.

"Charity is Hard and Endures"

A wise answer to discontent with Christianity

In response to Anne Rice’s well-publicized resolve to “quit” Christianity, Rod Dreher quotes a letter by Flannery O’Connor.

Like all of O’Connor’s writing, it is well worth reading. And considering the current scandals going on the in the Church, I think it’s very applicable today.

Here’s my favorite thought from the letter:

“You don’t serve God by saying: the Church is ineffective, I’ll have none of it. Your pain at its lack of effectiveness is a sign of your nearness to God. We help overcome this lack of effectiveness simply by suffering on account of it.”

But you should read the whole article.

Moms Supporting One Another

How do you lift up your friends?

For the past two nights, I had the privilege of visiting two parishes in New Jersey to speak with families about faith, parenting and technology issues.  Both evenings were full of grace, as I had the chance to meet online friends “in real life” and to make lots of new friends too.  I love speaking in parishes, and especially enjoy reaching out to fellow Catholic moms.

Last night, one of our Faith... READ MORE 

Broken Church, Broken Heart

How would you advise this mom if she were your friend?

I received a very troubling email recently from a mom who is obviously experiencing great despair about her family’s faith life.  I thought I would share a portion of her comments with you, as well as part of my reply in the hopes that you could perhaps chime in with some additional encouragement and recommendations of practical steps she might take.  Here is part of her email:

I don’t know what to... READ MORE 

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