Sunday, July 24, 2011

Quote for the Week...

We know by faith that Christ is in our own family. It is he whom we foster in our children. When you tell your child a story, when you play a game with your little son, you tell a story, you play a game with the Christ Child...A woman too weary for articulate prayer will find that for her the best of all prayer is the unspoken act of faith in Christ in her children.When she knows that she is setting the table, baking the cake for the Christ Child, her soul will be at rest...Awareness of the presence of the Divine child draws us off from every distracting and destructive preoccupation, such as self-pity, anxiety, irritability, the morbidity which leads us to dwell more upon our own sinfulness than upon the beauty of God. In the wonder of this awareness, we are able to accept the humiliation of being ourselves.

--Caryll Houselander, Selection taken from this month's Magnificat.