
Hardware 2.0

Adrian Kingsley-Hughes

Visual proof that the iPod is on the way out

By Adrian Kingsley-Hughes | October 14, 2011, 5:50pm PDT

Summary: Apple drops the ‘iPod’ from iOS 5 and the iPhone 4S.

Want proof that the iPod is on the way out and that the iPhone and iPad is where it’s at? Take a look at this:

I was at the gym earlier today and I needed some tunes to motivate me to bang out my squats and deadlifts, so I dug my iPhone out of my gym bag and went for the familiar ‘iPod’ icon (an icon I reach for so often I instinctively knew where it was … muscle memory is a cool thing!) … only to find that it was nowhere to be seen. For a second I started to panic, thinking that my iOS 5 update had somehow gone wrong but then I saw the ‘Music’ icon. I hesitantly tapped it and the familiar ‘iPod’ controls appeared.


That’s right. The ‘iPod’ icon is no more. It’s no longer present on the iPhone 4S and it’s not on any iOS 5 powered device. It’s gone. History. Goodbye.

The decade-long reign of the iPod is coming to a close.

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Adrian Kingsley-Hughes is an internationally published technology author who has devoted over a decade to helping users get the most from technology.


Adrian Kingsley-Hughes

All opinions expressed on Hardware 2.0 are those of Adrian Kingsley-Hughes. Every effort is made to ensure that the information posted is accurate. If you have any comments, queries or corrections, please contact Adrian via the email link here. Any possible conflicts of interest will be posted below. [Updated: February 23, 2010] - Adrian Kingsley-Hughes has no business relationships, affiliations, investments, or other actual/potential conflicts of interest relating to the content posted so far on this blog.


Adrian Kingsley-Hughes

Adrian Kingsley-Hughes is an internationally published technology author who has devoted over a decade to helping users get the most from technology -- whether that be by learning to program, building a PC from a pile of parts, or helping them get the most from their new MP3 player or digital camera.

Adrian has authored/co-authored technical books on a variety of topics, ranging from programming to building and maintaining PCs. His most recent books include "Build the Ultimate Custom PC", "Beginning Programming" and "The PC Doctor's Fix It Yourself Guide". He has also written training manuals that have been used by a number of Fortune 500 companies.

Adrian also runs a popular blog under the name The PC Doctor, where he covers a range of computer-related topics -- from security to repairing and upgrading.

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