Thursday, March 09, 2006

Property Rights vs Gun Rights Bill Set Aside

Swayed by a last-minute push from business groups, the Virginia Senate on Wednesday turned aside a bill that would have made it illegal for businesses that allow the public into their parking lots to adopt rules prohibiting weapons in locked cars.
At the risk of starting our debate all over again, I do think there's a question to be asked of the members of the Virginia Chamber of Commerce, which has led the opposition to this bill: Do you oppose firearms on your premises, or do you just oppose being told you have no choice in how you control your property?

Perhaps we can explore a new branch of this discussion: Would you boycott a business that welcomed firearms-carrying citizens, but opposed a mandate telling them they had to allow it under force of law?

A Pleasant Police Encounter

In my opinion, there is no greater misdeed than to punish the many based on the unlawful acts of a few--Chief Larry Buechler

Dear Chief,

I see the following open letter concerning semiautomatic firearms attributed to you.;=article&sid;=130

If this is your stance, you have my respect for taking such a politically unpopular, yet correct position. I just wanted to verify that you are truly the source of this post before passing it on to others.


David Codrea


Sorry, I have not checked this email address in a while. That is, in fact, my letter.

Best wishes,

Larry Buechler

Chief of Police

Thank you, Chief. I appreciate your having the guts to stand up to the establishment and be a voice for common sense.



Freedom-Subverting Statist Alliance

Gun Show on the Net has more to say about our friend the Gun Guy.

Preparedness Now! March Issue Online

If you don't know Pam Stegner, you should. She's a real authority on personalized disaster preparedness and response. I understand her radio program has begun rebroadcasting (click on the tower link on her site).

Pam's March Newsletter is now online. It includes a little speculation by yours truly on how I might be inclined to treat a home invader.