Monday, October 17, 2011

Ya wanna laugh until you wet yourself?

Read that headline;
"IRS: Budget cuts would hurt service, raise deficit"

What service is that, Anal probulation?

Morons on parade, I tell ya.

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Friday, October 14, 2011

Steel yourself to this possibility

I'm counting on this to be the situation come next fall, despite Barry being the most inept and possibly corrupt President ever.

He will more than likely win, albeit an ugly one, with more shades of the "hanging chads" coming out in the districts that will be highly contested.

Plan on the eventualities of that scenario too, as there may be a protracted civil unrest thereafter.

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Thursday, October 13, 2011

Warning shot across the bow

That's what Warren needs; someone to warn him about these types of actions.

In meatspace, these types of things are popping up all the more often, calling themselves "fusion centers," and ALL they do is sit around and dream up new ways to enslave people with more government.

A declared enemy of The American Way. That's all you are now, Warren.

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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Pass it around

An extremely good article about technology, and how it has evolved, and emancipated, nearly everyone it has ever touched.

See over at PopeHat's, courtesy of Sipsey Street.



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Thursday, October 06, 2011

Barry's feeling the heat,

and is now pulling out all the stops for getting reelected.

Let's face it, this guy is a one-trick pony, and spending a bunch of funny money and sending it out to his preferred corporate list is pretty much his stock in trade.

Also, I recall that yesterday I read something from Gerald Celente about the shit hitting the fan sometime this month. Usually, I'm pretty alert to the man's word, but scoffed at this missive...maybe not so much today.

Swirlin' around the bowl, we are.

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Monday, October 03, 2011

Now hear this,

The headline reads;
"Obama: Nation 'not better off'"
Well, yes, I'd say that's right, and my suggestion for remedy would be for you to resign, Barry.


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Friday, September 30, 2011

Like we didn't know it already

It was obvious, and right there on the idjit box when the whole bit went down.

Ben "Helicopter" Bernanke, Little Timmy "I forgot to pay my taxes" Geithner, and Barry "The Won" Obama got told by the banking cabal that the country would cease to exist, or something along those lines, if the big banks weren't handed truckloads of cash, pretty much overnight. This isn't an oversimplification either.

We all saw this go down.

We can get the lynchings started, pretty much anytime now, as far as I'm concerned. I'll even throw in the gallows design and the lumber for free, so long as I get to video record the whole event, including the trials of the fraudsters, which should take all of about five minutes, so we can then keep with that whole "speedy trial" bit, as outlined in the BOR.

We can then proceed with one of several other entire departments after that.

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Moving to the head of the class

Ann Barnhardt is pretty much making all of the right noises for me these days.

If you like straight-talking commentary on the world in general, I'd recommend stopping by her place several times a week.

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