Saturday, June 23, 2007

6 1/2 Years for Fincher

A leader of the Militia of Washington County has been sentenced to 6 1/2 years in federal prison for possessing banned weapons, including machine guns and a sawed-off shotgun.

"All I can say is, I love my God and I love my country," Hollis Wayne Fincher said before U.S. District Judge Jimm L. Hendren pronounced the sentence Friday.

Just had a moment to check in on my road trip and noticed Google Blog Search doesn't show any other gun blogs commenting on this story. I hope that's just a glitch in the system and it missed all of the posts informing the gun owner community about this. I'd hate to think I'm the only one who thinks this is worth being aware of.

Tell ya what, let's hope none of us ever get in trouble with "the law"...

Signing off for now. Hiatus continues.

Friday, June 15, 2007

...Until We Meet Again

I gave a heads up earlier in the week that WarOnGuns would be going on hiatus for a while. I'm grateful to those of you who took the time to contact me and let me know you find value in spending time here every day. Thank you.

I'm moving. After almost 30 years in Southern California, I'm going back to Ohio where I still have family. Last month when I advised there would be sporadic posting, I was back there buying a house. Leaving SoCal is not a political statement on my part, although I could make it one. But truth is, we're moving because it makes economic and personal sense to do so.

First some housekeeping:
  • To those of you who told me you'd miss the daily posts, there are a lot of fine blogs over in the left margin. Still, you can also spend some time going through the archives here--maybe visit posts for the corresponding day back in '05 or '06...or perhaps just breathe a sigh of relief that you're rid of me for a while.
  • My email address will go inactive some time next week. Please understand if I don't reply, effective immediately. Got one heck of a lot to do here on this end. When I've relocated and set up with my new ISP, I'll be sharing my new edress.
  • After today, I will deactivate the "Comments" feature to WoG posts. This will remain in effect until I reopen shop. I've already deleted one slimebag spammer this morning, and I don't want them trashing the joint in my absence.
Current events make it difficult for me to take a break. There are some stories I've been covering that deserve attention, for example:
  • Wayne Fincher will be sentenced next Friday, the 22nd. Do a news search for his name to stay informed. And better yet, use the time you won't be reading WarOnGuns to write a letter to the judge asking for leniency.
  • I expect to see some legal action pertaining to the ongoing BATFU persecution of Red's Trading Post (link goes to Ryan Horsley's blog--consult it to keep on top of developments.) Y'all have written to the judge on this case, too, right? Yes?
  • No day would be complete without doing a Snuffy news search. Armed and Safe has been keeping up with the latest Pfather Pfleger Pfloutings, along with current "this is not gun control" NRAntics.
  • Speaking of the Snuffster, if you find yourself with some time on your hands, why not send an email to our pals at Americans United for the Alliance of Left-Wing Churches and State and ask 'em why the hell they employ such transparent double standards?
  • Don't forget to check the newsstands in about two weeks for the new issue of GUNS Magazine. I've got a few in the queue, so I'm not sure which article will be in next month's issue--I believe it may be "The Final Frontier," dealing with the FAA declaring the Second Amendment a collective right--and their subsequent reversal. [UPDATE/CORRECTION: My editor reminds me that the August Rights Watch column is "A Very Sound Policy," one I put together quickly to deal with Virginia Tech in as timely a manner possible for magazines, so it bumped the scheduled column. Apparently subscribers are already getting their copies in the mail.] Also, be sure and check the GUNS website some time after July 1st for an online version of my current column, and of course, the free online issue from July 1957.
  • One last thing--I removed the current poll a couple days shy of the usual full week because I'm closing down today. Here are the results (click to enlarge):

That's pretty much it. I look forward to getting back online as soon as I can, but there is much to do first. Last person out, please turn off the lights and leave the key under the mat. I'll need it when I return.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

We're the Only Ones Auxiliary Enough

An off-duty NYPD auxiliary cop took his mission to "patrol, observe and report" too far when he pulled over a driver for talking on cellphone and displayed a gun, authorities said yesterday.

Yong Jeon, 33, assigned to the 115th Precinct auxiliary squad, got out of his own car to pull the driver over, pressing his badge up against the window, saying "Get the f- off the phone, I'm a cop," then pulled up his shirt to show the gun in his waist, officials said.
This thuglet reminds me of Jay Santos from The Phil Hendrie Show.

I wonder, since he's half an "Only One," could you lift half a finger against him?

[Via Declan]

CA: Ammunition Control

How do you pass a gun registry law without attracting too much attention? Bury it in an ammunition bill. At least that's what the State of California is trying to do.

Jennifer Freeman of Liberty Belles outlines the latest assault on freedom in "the Golden State."

This is Not Gun Control

The NRA insisted that it was not a "gun control" bill because it does not disqualify anyone currently able to legally purchase a firearm.
Yeah. Besides, when have we ever seen the antis try to renege on previous deals?

It's not like once the beachhead is gained and secured it would be used as a launching point for further attacks. It's not like this won't be expanded to include demands to go after gun s already in "the system"--or that demands would then be made to remove guns from the homes where such people reside belonging to other family members or roommates.

Nah, don't think of it as gun control. Think of it as public relations--and a foundation for future fundraising.

Hey, Wayne--as long as we're on the subject of responses to Virginia Tech, would it still be "exploiting tragedy" to broach the subject citizens not having their right to keep and bear arms infringed on campus, or is that concept still verboten?

Oh, look: He's "beginning a dialog."

Are we getting ready to change our tune, or is the lead-in lauding "armed guards" an indicator of more of the same?
Are there solutions to this problem? Is there anything we can all do to help protect our kids at school?
And they say there are no stupid questions.

God forbid NRA would have anything to say about this:
H.R. 2424: To repeal the Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1990 and amendments to that Act
Maybe I shouldn't have said anything about that. I'd hate to think I was partly responsible for getting Ron Paul's rating knocked down another grade.

[Via Dave Licht and JH]

A Lesser Charge

An 18-year-old from Pennsylvania is facing a felony charge after he was caught videotaping a police officer handing out a traffic ticket on a public street...

Carlisle Police Chief Stephen Margeson suggested a guilty plea to a lesser charge might be appropriate.

I agree, Chief. What would you like to plea to?

[Via M. Terry]

Dial 911 and Die

A woman who lay bleeding on the emergency room floor of a troubled inner-city hospital died after 911 dispatchers refused to contact paramedics or an ambulance to take her to another facility, newly released tapes of the emergency calls reveal.
Gosh, I can't wait for HillaryCare to become the norm.

Kind of renews your faith in the whole 911 concept, doesn't it?

[Via M. Terry]

We're the Only Ones Implementing Safety Precautions Enough

Nearly six months have passed since a Gilbert SWAT team raided the house of an elderly Phoenix couple and started a fire that destroyed the family's home and killed their dog...

Gilbert police said that Salvador's decision to arm himself with a gun forced them to implement safety precautions that prevented them from putting the fire out.
It sounds like the Gilbert police having guns may result in forcing the citizens to implement safety precautions.

Equally as outrageous and disturbing as this story are the disgusting comments offered by some of our police state-worshipping countrymen.

[Via M. Terry]

[More from "The Only Ones" files...]

We're the Only Ones Virtually Trippy Enough

Being crazy is hard, but it's worth the effort. Especially if you're a cop, paramedic, or social worker who may someday need to deal with a person having a psychotic episode. At those times, empathy can be crucial.

That's where Virtual Hallucinations comes in. The training device, created by Janssen L.P., is a rig with earphones and goggles that plunges the wearer into the mind of a serious schizophrenic. The system offers two interactive scenarios. In one, you're riding a bus in which other riders appear and disappear, birds of prey claw at the windows, and voices hiss, "He's taking you back to the FBI!"

Well this certainly looks like another ingenious way to blow taxpayer plunder--I could have done this training for them at a fraction of the cost with a couple hits of windowpane and some latex demon masks.

For some reason, making "The Only Ones" feel at one with schizophrenics strikes me as an idea that could somehow backfire. I wonder if they're going to make sure no one is wearing their gun belt during these induced psychosis sessions, and if they have credible data proving no lasting effects--plus a reliable methodology for ensuring their scenario subjects aren't already on the edge.

Truth is, if someone is having a psychotic episode where they are endangering themselves and others, there's very little you can do at that moment beyond restraining or otherwise stopping him. I'm all for more humane ways to do that. But that seems more a matter of appropriate use of force training than staggering a mile in a virtual lunatic's shoes.

Still, if they're going to have this danged contraption, why not employ it in a way that could benefit a much larger section of society? Why not devise a scenario to develop empathy for citizens having their rights violated?

[Via 45superman]

This Day in History: June 14

Resolved, That six companies of expert riflemen, be immediately raised in Pen[n]sylvania, two in Maryland, and two in Virginia; that each company consist of a captain, three lieutenants, four serjeants, four corporals, a drummer or trumpeter, and sixty-eight privates.

That each company, as soon as compleated, shall march and join the army near Boston, to be there employed as light infantry, under the command of the chief Officer in that army.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Bracing for Revocation

Ryan Horsley has some rules for gun dealers that they would do well to learn and heed.

Americans United for What Again...?

I just sent a follow-up email to our pals at Americans United for Separation of Church and State:

I didn't realize the name of your organization was Americans United for Separation of Non-Left Wing Churches and State. You've had ample time to "look into" the Mike Pfleger issue and it's evident from your lack of response that you intend to ignore it.

So would it be fair to tell people your whole mission is just to go after churches from the right--leaving churches on the left free to use their 501(c)(3) tax exemptions to effect their (and presumably your?) political agenda?

We're the Only Ones at "A Place for Friends" Enough

Police charged a 24-year-old city man with illegal weapons possession after he posted photos of himself with the gun on his Web page and detectives determined he had no permit for the weapon...
I haven't been able to locate the page and picture in question, but I'm curious--if the picture was taken inside, how would the police be able to determine it was taken in New York?

Fire Dept. Firearms Under Fire

"I don't know how appropriate I feel it is for a department that is out for our safety," said Donna Rauch of Girdletree.
Donna--you remember that line about opening your mouth and removing all doubt?

We're the Only Ones White Enough

A former police officer from Henderson is in police custody. The man, who may have ties to the KKK, allegedly chased a black couple while brandishing a gun.

And Jesse Jackson, who has bodyguards, shares the assailant's sentiment in wanting to make sure that black couple stays unarmed.

[More from "The Only Ones" files...]

Why They Hate the Second Amendment

2A from a Christian perspective, submitted by Paul W. Davis who says "I know the liberals and gun grabbers won't like this. But I also know many gun owners will get angry as well. However, it is true."

We're the Only Ones Wakey Wakey Eggs and Bacy Enough

A police officer was shot in the wrist when the service weapon that she kept under her pillow went off. Albany police Sgt. Kinshishi Adams, 34, was lying in bed Sunday when a .40 caliber pistol she kept under her pillow discharged and struck her in her left wrist...She apparently sleeps with a weapon under her pillow, and somehow it discharged.
Since she has one of those special "Only Ones" guns that goes off all by its own self, too bad it didn't have a snooze button she could hit so it would go off again in 10 minutes.


[Via KU]

PS: In my morning scans I saw Shooting the Messenger had a very similar post--looks like great minds think alike :)

This Day in History: June 13

I am further directed to inform your Excellencies, that Congress are inclined to peace, notwithstanding the unjust claims from which this war originated, and the savage manner in which it hath been conducted; they will therefore be contented to enter upon a consideration of a treaty of peace and commerce, not inconsistent with treaties already subsisting, when the King of Great Britain shall demonstrate a sincere disposition for that purpose. The only solid proof of this disposition will be an explicit acknowledgement of the independence of these states, or the withdrawing his fleets and armies.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

The Hero of Medicine

Special foreword posted on Dec. 20, 2012: Visitors coming over from the Slate Thacker/Wintemute interview: You've been lied to. Look this post over and then see my rebuttal here.

UPDATE 2: Visitors from The Atlantic Wire-- it looks like Adam Clark Estes has no more integrity than the other two --he repeated the lie in his column even though he had the link and knows better.

My original blog post from 2007 follows.
Wintemute’s first challenge was to find some way to eavesdrop on gun transactions without attracting notice. At first he tried recording his observations by speaking into a hidden tape recorder that he carried with him, but the quality of the recordings were poor.

“Then I realized that everybody (at the gun shows) was using cell phones,” he recalled in a recent interview.

Wintemute decided to do likewise. He recorded his observations by calling up his voice mail, the capacity of which he had expanded for the study. The voice mail messages were then transcribed by members of Wintemute’s staff. He made visual recordings of the gun shows by taking pictures with a hidden camera. [More]

I won't go here into why I think this study is crap, aside from the fact that Wintemute is one of the more notorious agenda-driven anti-defense propagandists out there. Going to gun shows is hardly equivalent to doing "shoe-leather epidemiology" in South Central or East LA amongst these guys. And I'll only note in passing what a disappointment I find this site to be--is this what purported scientific "news" has been reduced to: blatant rah-rah press releases for anti-defense fanatics?

What stands out most for me was this character snooping in on private transactions without the knowledge of the people involved--and many gun shows I've seen have a "No Cameras/Recording Devices" policy. I've also seen some case law involving "news gathering" and hidden cameras/microphones, but "research"--particularly for propaganda purposes--is arguably a different beast altogether. If the shows were posted to keep cameras out, dealers and patrons may well have had some sort of expectation of privacy. I invite anyone with knowledge of California law in this regard to weigh in via "Comments," below.

At the very least, it ought to tell us something about the ethics of this character who has to sneak around like a cheap, bumbling East German spy. And here's the clincher:

Eventually, he hopes to train others to become observers at gun shows — and possibly to go one step further than he did and notify local police when they witness an illegal transaction.

This isn't science. This is a police state informant developing his own private snitch patrol--and I would hope any evidence he gathered would be inadmissible, since he's made it clear his real purpose is to effect criminal prosecutions.

Actually, I would hope he's done something for which he can be prosecuted and sued. And I wouldn't mind if he was forcibly ejected from the next gun show he attends.

In the mean time, as a public service, WarOnGuns would like to assist promoters, dealers and customers in detecting an enemy in their midst--feel free to adapt this into a flier to post and distribute at gun shows:


I guess it's easier going after citizens at gun shows than it is stalking and reporting on criminals. It's sure a hell of a lot safer for "The Hero of Medicine"--because we know what the folks who are truly causing the problems do when they find snitches in their midst.

"The Hero of Medicine." That sounds like a title Stalin would hand out, doesn't it?

Letter to Judge Lodge

I wanted to share a letter to Judge Lodge I was sent a copy of, because the writer has some first-hand knowledge of the forms and the audits.

June 11, 2007-06-11

Hon. Edward J. Lodge
Federal Building &U.S.; Courthouse, MSC 039
550 W. Fort St., Room 400
Boise, ID 83724-0039


Dear Judge Lodge,

I am a FFL dealer in West Texas and I have been trying to follow this mess with Red's Trading Post. I have felt free to contact the local BATF office for questions and felt that I could trust their word. If there was something the BATF inspector wasn't sure about he would contact the BATF legal council in Dallas.

About a year ago I became uneasy because of BATF behavior in other parts of the country and started asking the inspectors to send me written verification. The inspectors have never been wishy washy and promptly complied with my requests with their name on the document.

Today I called the BATF office to make sure & clarify that the way I was keeping firearm transaction records was legal & approved. The BATF inspector directed me to the white 2005 FEDERAL FIREARMS REGULATIONS REFERENCE GUIDE,PAGE 64,"CODE 478.124 Firearms transaction record. ", paragraph (b) A licensed manufacturer, licensed importer, or licensed dealer shall retain in alphabetical (by name of purchaser), chronological (by date of disposition), OR numerical (by transaction serial number) order, and as a part of the required records, each Form 4473 obtained in the transferring custody of the firearms.

I use the numerical system of keeping records and the inspector said that was perfectly legal according to the regulation.

Judge Lodge, notice the key word "or"in the method of keeping records. The word "or" is an exclusive term and means that anyone of the methods named in the regulation can be implemented and that the use of more than one of the named methods is not required.

Judge Lodge, notice that no where in that paragraph does it say that there must be a "front to back"or a "back to front" method of arrangement.

Sir, I cannot say for sure if BATF DIO Richard Van Loan and the Government's attorney do not understand the English language or they are abusing their authority under color of law. There is no greater offense to our fragile Democracy than a sworn officer that commits perjury or abuses their authority. If DIO Richard Van Loan, agent Caleb Rushing, and the Government's attorney get by with what they are trying to do,then they will become a law all in their own and can make up the laws as they go. AND that, Judge Lodge, is a tyrannical dictatorship.

Judge Lodge, I pray that you will do the right thing and relieve Red's Trading Post of this travesty, hold the authorities accountable, and grant Red's Trading Post compensation for the way they have been wronged.

What it Would Take

Pfleger has had limited success urging adults to search their own homes for weapons they may not know their children have, but spoke with CBS 2 late last month, he worried about what it would take to stop the killing.

What, like snuffing out John R-i-g-g-i-o?

A Variety of Perspectives

In putting together the panel, we sought input from a variety of perspectives so that we could have a frank, unscripted discussion of the many issues and complex web of problems that have led to the tragic deaths of these young people. We had representation from the faith community, the public schools, the police, family members of those killed and those accused of killing and community leaders and we met directly with students from some of the most affected schools.
Ah, the Queen of the Authorized Journalists weighs in. ABC 7 President & General Manager Emily Barr sounds like she actually believes her own line of ...


We're the Only Ones Just, Peaceful and Paid Enough

Araujo will continue to be paid as Justice of the Peace until the outcome of her trial for Felony Assault Charges with a Deadly Weapon.

And there are new developments for her attorney (and former DA) Terry McEachern as well:
“The Court finds and concludes that the material allegations contained in the (complaint) are true and that (McEachern committed) professional misconduct” in not turning over information that could have been used to impeach the only witness against some 45 Tulia residents: discredited undercover narcotics officer Tom Coleman, whose unsavory law enforcement background and alleged racism ultimately led to the pardon of most of the defendants, the majority of whom were black.
Don't you hate it when bad things happen to good people?

[More from "The Only Ones" files...]

There Oughtta Be a Law

US veterans are twice as likely as civilians to commit suicide, according to a study released Monday, which researchers said underscores the need for mental health care for soldiers returning from Iraq and Afghanistan...

More often than not, firearms were used in the suicides, the study found.

Maybe we could get our pro-gun leaders to negotiate some sort of mental health background check deal with the Democrats...

WarOnGuns Hiatus

Friday will be my last post to WarOnGuns for an indefinite time--possibly as short as a few weeks, perhaps up to a month. I'll have more details then--I just wanted to give an advance heads up.

And no, nothing bad is happening. Quite the opposite, actually.

We're the Only Ones Getting Off Lighter Enough

William Kloss III, 37, of Neversink, pleaded guilty to felonies for arson and insurance fraud before County Court Judge Frank LaBuda. He's expected to get 2½ to 7½ years in prison when he's sentenced...

Kloss, who works in auto body, made it known to friends that he would destroy their cars. These included former sheriff's deputy Amanda Cox and former New York City Department of Environmental Protection officer Edward Kowalik Jr.

Cox, 25, was sentenced to probation and will be terminated from the sheriff's department. Kowalik, 32, pleaded guilty last week to felonies. In exchange for his plea, he's expected to get six months in jail and five years probation.

Via Declan, who adds: "Mr. Kloss gets his picture in the paper and a sentence of up to 71/2 years. While his 'only one' accomplices get light sentences, with little or no jail time and no mug shots plastered across the local rag. How nice!"

There's nothing I can add to that.

Working Together

Together, we have crafted a bill that will prevent gun violence, but maintain the 2nd Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens.
What rights were those again?

And did you ever figure out what a barrel shroud is?

This Day in History: June 12

WHEREAS the infatuated multitudes, who have long suffered themselves to be conducted by certain well known Incendiaries and Traitors, in a fatal progression of crimes, against the constitutional authority of the state, have at length proceeded to avowed rebellion; and the good effects which were expected arise from the patience and lenity of the King's government, have been often frustated, and are now rendered hopeless, by the influence of the same evil counsels; it only remains for those who are entrusted with supreme rule, as well for the punishment of the guilty, as the protection of the well-affected, to prove they do not bear the sword in vain.

Another believer in the supremacy of big government who was in for a big surprise.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Foreign Mayor to Join Bloomberg Coalition?

A coalition of mayors working to crack down on illegal guns in the United States may soon include Toronto Mayor David Miller.

I think admitting foreign mayors is a great idea. Maybe they could also invite the mayors of Havana and Beijing and...

Shilling for Snuffy

Puh-leeze. The only threat Father Pfleger represents is a threat to the rigid top-down hierarchy of the church and, at times, to certain store owners and billboard salesmen...You can question Pfleger's methods -- I often do. But he also represents the best the priesthood has to offer, and a glimpse at its possible salvation.
This coming from a paper that never reported the "snuff" comment until those who objected to it made it impossible to ignore--and this from a paper that refuses to look into 501(c)(3) abuses.

The "authorized journalists" co-conspirators not only give this punk cover, they laud him as the model for the future. And they wonder why their circulation keeps dropping. But then, they lied about that in the past, too. "...[F]or several years."

Still, maybe that explains a bit: billboards compete with The Sun-Times for advertising dollars. And this punk columnist has no problem with someone being a " certain store owners"? What if threats are reciprocated?

Interesting choice of headlines this vignette is posted under: "Ready for 3rd War?"

More than you enuretics at The Sun-Times, I'll wager. You have no idea what you're starting, Neil Steinberg, you morally bankrupted tool, do you?

The BATFU Trouser Inferno

Ryan Horsely gives us the latest developments. Basically, an agent has changed his story, and "miraculous" new evidence has been conveniently "discovered" in an audit for which a clean bill of health was previously given--and documents previously could not be found...

Just another day at BATFU, as they represent a government "instituted among men to secure the blessings of liberty."

Have you written to the judge yet?

Why not?
Hon. Edward J. Lodge
Federal Building & U.S. Courthouse, MSC 039
550 W. Fort St., Room 400
Boise, ID 83724-0039
Fax: (208) 334-9229

Everybody realizes that throughout this, Ryan has never asked any of us for a dime.

Oh, and take this week's poll in the left margin.

We're the Only Ones Confessing With Immunity Enough

Two former Sheriff's Department employees confessed to stealing and selling department weapons and accessories, but a U.S. Supreme Court decision prevents prosecutors from using those statements against them, sheriff's officials say.
Hey, if I ever get busted, can I make my confession to Internal Affairs, too? And then retain all those special "Only Ones" powers and privileges?

Meanwhile, BATFU is busy throwing all the king's horses and all the king's men at Red's Trading Post to keep us all safe from Ryan Horsley.

[Via 45superman]

This Day in History: June 11

On June 11, 1776, the Continental Congress formed a committee to draft a Declaration of Independence calling for freedom from Britain.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

New WarOnGuns Poll: Red's Trading Post

The new poll is up--see the left margin and select the answer that best describes how you think the Red's Trading Post dispute should be resolved.

Here are the results of last week's poll (click on image to enlarge).

Radio Red's

Follow the title link to listen to Ryan Horsley of Red's Trading Post talk about "Red's vs Feds" on KLIX AM 1310 News Radio.

Click on the link for "Top Story 6/4/07 GLBT Float and Red's vs Feds."

Ryan's segment begins about 31 minutes into the podcast.

Negotiate Rights Away

Senior Democrats have reached agreement with the National Rifle Association on what could be the first federal gun-control legislation since 1994, a measure to strengthen significantly the national system that checks the backgrounds of gun buyers.
I certainly don't recall authorizing NRA to negotiate on my behalf in this matter. Anybody else?

The sensitive talks began in April, days after a mentally ill gunman killed 32 students and teachers at Virginia Tech University.

"Sensitive talks"? Does that mean public policy determination meetings--with agreements that will bind those of us neither aware of them nor in attendance--were held and not open for scrutiny or input?

The political left wants to convince everyone via their "authorized journalist" co-conspirators that NRA was instrumental in exploiting the Virginia Tech tragedy.

They apparently have been--but not in the way they've been accused. Kind of a cynical game having the Bradys bitch and moan about having their water carried for them by their supposed opponents.

In fact, "days after" the VT incident, Wayne LaPierre was blogging on everybody to cool it and "Stop Exploiting Tragedy":
We've been debating gun control in this country for decades now. What does it hurt to pause for a few days in the midst of a tragedy to let the families of the victims grieve in peace, without being turned into a poster child either for gun rights or gun control? The answer, frankly, is it doesn't hurt anyone.

What it hurts, Wayne, is people who are being prosecuted right now, every day, for perceived infractions of citizen disarmament laws. Businesses are being closed down. Patriots with health problems are all but forgotten in jail. And people's lives are being endangered every day, right now, and will continue to be, until these unconstitutional infringements are repealed, not strengthened.

Someone's right to grieve may not exact a requirement that puts the rest of us at risk. And if we're going to stop the train every time there's a new outrage--one only made possible by these stupid and evil "existing gun laws" you seem so keen on enforcing--we will never get anywhere. Why does that suggest an agenda?

Have you had enough time, Wayne? Or does NRA under your reign still advocate that places like Virginia Tech should be Second Amendment-Free/Seung-Hui Cho Empowerment Zones?

Another Cryptic Only Ones Twofer

We're the Only Ones Meeting Our Match Enough
At that point the other man got out of his car and pulled a gun on Treptow, whose wife and two children were also in the car with him. With no opportunity to move quickly away from the gunman who was now only feet away, Treptow fired his own weapon three times, scoring hits in both legs and grazing his arm.

Turns out that Mr. Road Rage, who was apparently not injured badly as he has been released from hospital, is an undercover police officer.
It speaks volumes that Treptow was not immediately charged.

We're the Only Ones Going Off All By Ourselves Enough
The Pinellas County Sheriff's Office says Deputy Jonathan Lopes was asleep at home when he was startled awake by a sudden noise.

The fourty-nine-year-old deputy grabbed for his firearm and it discharged. The bullet struck Lopes in the leg.
I guess that's a bit more extreme than racking the slide to scare off an intruder, but it worked...

[More from "The Only Ones" files...]

When Guns are Outlawed We'll Find a Way

In a society where individuals don't trust the authorities to protect their interests, people are taking the law into their own hands with homemade firearms.
Oh, goodness. Why wouldn't people in the Phillipines trust the authorities?

[Via Joe W]

This Day in History: June 10

Two days ago, We saw a very wonderfull Phoenomenon in this City -- a field Day, on which three Battallions of Soldiers were reviewed, making full two thousand Men. Battallion Men, Light Infantry, Grenadiers, Rifle Men, Light Horse, Artillery Men, with a fine train, all in Uniforms, going thro the manual Exercise and the Maneuvres, with remarkable Dexterity. All this has been accomplished in this City, since the 19th. of April. So sudden a formation of an Army never took Place any where.

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Distrust and Verify

The nation’s most respected Sportsmen association has endorsed Senator Emmett Hanger on his re-election campaign and for the June 12th primary this coming Tuesday...

The NRA Political Victory Fund has publicly endorsed Hanger and is encouraging all its members to vote June 12 to return Hanger to the Virginia Senate.

Why? What does Hanger really believe about gun ownership and use rights?

From his website:
Gun Rights

As a rural legislator, I have long been a leading advocate for the protection of 2nd Amendment rights.

From consistently opposing legislation intended to chip away at gun owner rights, to patroning key legislation to afford statewide protection of this constitutional right, I am regarded as a leader in the Senate on this issue.

I am proud of my A+ rating from the National Rifle Association and have a clear record of consistency on this issue over the years. I also am pleased to be a Republican co-chair of the Sportsman Caucus in the General Assembly.

I don't see much in terms of specifics here. And the problem is, what with the Sheriff Bill Brown 'A' rating endorsement fiasco-- and NRA's refusal to address numerous, oftentimes multiple sustained efforts by members (for months) to find out how that happened and what's to prevent it from happening again-- the Association has created conditions where its credibility on political endorsements is-- and should be-- questioned.

Candidly, why should we trust people who have let us down? Do we accept their endorsement on blind faith, or do we maybe peel back a few layers and examine things a bit more closely?

We might ask why, for instance, the Virginia Gun Owners Coalition gave Hanger a "C minus".

We might ask why he ignored a 2003 Virginia Citizens Defense League survey altogether. We might also ask why Hanger's independent (libertarian) challenger in the November 2007 election Arin Sime, issued a press release stating "that he agrees with the VCDL’s position stating that SB827 would greatly burden gun sellers and is a step in the wrong direction for second amendment rights."

And what about Hanger's Republican challenger for the June 12 primary, Scott Sayre? Apparently, gun rights aren't important enough to list on his "Issues" page (interesting he posted a Virginia Tech memorial black ribbon logo--I wonder what his solution for preventing future massacres would be?). A Google search for the terms "Scott Sayre" + gun doesn't give us much insight, either, although there is a link to a VCDL post, indicating that as of a few weeks ago, he had not returned their questionnaire. It doesn't look like he's all that interested. But he is, according to a support blog, "an avid turkey hunter," for what it's worth.

And what about Democrat candidate David Cox? Perhaps it's not fair to make assumptions based on the fact that he's an Episcopal priest, but I just can't find anything about his position, or even how to ask him--searching for his name doesn't result in any readily-accessible campaign website or blog.

Look, I don't mean to malign Sen. Hanger--I really don't know that much about him, and what I do see is vague. He may be a fine politician and the best hope for Virginia gun owners. But what I know--from bitter experience--is not to automatically accept NRA ratings as the final word. And since Mr. Sime looks very good on RKBA, there ought to be a more credible way to determine who will best serve the interests of Virginia gun owners.

There is. I developed this political questionnaire some years back. It would be interesting to see if any of these candidates would respond, and if so, how:

1. Do you believe that the Constitution is the "supreme law of the land," that the Bill of Rights acknowledges the birthrights of all Americans, and that the Second Amendment was intended to protect the right of the people to keep and bear arms from being infringed?

2. If so, should these rights be proactively protected from infringement by all levels of government, including city, county and state? How?

3. Who are the Constitutional militia?

4. Please give some examples of gun control laws you consider do not infringe on the right of the people to keep and bear arms. Please share as many as you can think of.

5. Please give some examples of gun control laws you consider unconstitutional.

6. Does the right to bear arms include the right for any peaceable citizen to carry them concealed without a permit, as in Vermont?

7. Do you believe that Americans have a right to own, use and carry weapons of military pattern?

8. Do you support or oppose registration of weapons? Why?

9. Do you support or oppose licensing requirements to own or carry firearms? Why?

10. What specific gun laws will you work to get repealed?

11. If elected, will you back your words of support for firearms rights up with consistent actions? How?

13. If brief clarification is requested for any of your answers, will you provide it?
I'll send a link to this post to both campaigns, and report back on any responses or lack thereof...meanwhile, if anyone has knowledge to share about any of these candidates, feel free to educate us in the "Comments" section to this post.


Let Us Reason Together

"Was it upsetting to have nobody call me from the archdiocese? Yeah," Pfleger said. "I mean, why not call me? Why not ask me?"

You mean like you did with "John R-I-G-G-I-O," Snuffy?

"My message is, 'We're going to keep putting pressure on gun shop owners and legislators until we have common sense gun laws,'" Pfleger said.
And he's going to continue using his 501(c)(3) corporation to do it.

Taking Steps Across the Border

Attorney General Alberto Gonzales said Friday that Washington is taking steps to address Mexican concerns the U.S. is not doing enough to stop illegal weapons from being smuggled across the border and into the hands of brutal drug gangs.
Oh, look--the Bush Administration is finally getting serious about border security!

[Via Skip]

We're the Only Ones Administratively Competent Enough

A 51-year-old Kissimmee woman was thrown in jail for nine days all because of a case of mistaken identity. She went to the police station to get fingerprinted for a new job and that's when her troubles started...

Carrasquillo spent nine days in the county jail before someone at the Kissimmee Police Department checked the identity of the New York suspect and realized they didn't match.

This reminds me of something that happened to my family several years ago. Our car was stolen in the middle of the night. We filed the appropriate police and insurance reports. After a few weeks, it was all but certain we'd never see the car again, so we went and bought a new one. It was an economy model and we didn't want monthly payments, so we bought it outright from our savings and the insurance settlement check. That afternoon we got a call from the cops--they found our car. Three blocks away. Essentially undamaged. With three parking violation tickets on it's windshield from the same police department investigating the theft.

You wouldn't believe the time and convolutions we had to go through to get those tickets rescinded, because that involved yet a third department. Naturally, the insurance company wanted its money back. And now we had three cars while only needing two, and a much smaller savings account.

[More from "The Only Ones" files...]

We're the Only Ones Not Provoked Enough

Security video from the Jefferson Tap and Grille appears to show an off-duty Chicago police officer holding a pistol in one hand and using his other to sweep a ball into the corner pocket of a pool table, interrupting four businessmen's game and starting an ugly, physical confrontation...

Over the next few minutes, five other officers join in the fray, grabbing and striking, and throwing the businessmen to the floor and against walls, the videotape shows. The businessmen do not appear to hit back or retaliate.

But "[t]he officers' attorneys said they believe the video indicates the alleged victims in the case -- the four businessmen -- were the actual instigators." And they're not below playing the sympathy card, one of them is distraught because his father died--NINE MONTHS AGO. Just what we need--an emo powderkeg with a gun and a badge.

These are the goons Snuffy Pfleger wants to give a monopoly of power to. Ditto Boss Daley: did you see the video I linked to the other day, and catch catch what that squinting wormtongue said? It starts 13 minutes and 11 seconds into the "report":
We have to get the conscience of every adult to say "it's wrong to have a gun."

Unless, of course, you're a Chicago "Only One."

[Via HZ]

We're the Only Ones Carjacking Enough

[L]aw enforcement intentionally caused an accident and stole a car, along with Defendant’s and Ms. Volerio-Perez’s personal effects – all to effectuate an administrative seizure that could have been done with flashing lights and sirens. In reading the facts of this case, one cannot help but be shocked and outraged by the manner in which the DEA agents chose to effectuate an administrative seizure.

But it just happened to some drug-running lowlifes, right? No need to worry "The Only Ones" would ever do this to gun owners.

Besides, the Ninth Circuit maintains you have no individual right to own them anyway.

[Via Jeffrey H]

This Day in History: June 9

In Congress, Friday, June 9, 1775. Resolved that no obedience being due to the Act of Parliament for altering the charter of the Colony of Massachusetts-Bay, nor to a governor or lieutenant governor...
Click on the image to enlarge it.

Friday, June 08, 2007


Per Ryan Horsley:
Just to let you know the ATF has filed for a Summary Judgment.
Stay tuned. We're about to see what this Judge Lodge is made of.

Hide or Seek?

As reporters we pay attention to context and we are limited in time and space. Jim had 70 lines to write his story. I have 24 hours in my day.
Manya Brachear, aka The Seeker ("on a quest for Truth--with a capital T"), comes up with some excuses on why The Chicago Tribune didn't think a priest inciting a mob to "snuff out" a gun store owner was newsworthy enough to even mention.

Other readers of the blog have raised an interesting issue about the church's involvement in political activism. It certainly doesn't take place only at St. Sabina. Certainly fodder for another discussion in weeks to come.

Thing about news, Manya, and being an "authorized journalist" one would think you'd know this, is that it's considered news because it's timely, hence the disinterest exemplified in the old saying "yesterday's news." The time to discuss this is not "in weeks to come"--it is now.

You've already laid the groundwork for the "Billy's mom let's him do it" excuse, but I think I've presented enough evidence to show those getting a pass on this are cut from the same cloth as Snuffy Pfleger. Funny, how when more traditional evangelicals open their yaps, the political left suddenly gets all indignant and watchdoggy and everything.

So you have no intention of reporting on the St Sabina/tax abuse angle, do you, "Truth" Seeker? You probably don't get enough lines, and besides, there are only 24 hours in your day.

Feel free to add comments to the article this post's title links to--but be careful and "keep the comments here civilized, reasoned and polite. If the discussion devolves into name calling, comments will be closed."

See, if the truth hurts, we'd rather hide than seek.

JPFO Creates Red's Resource Page

We want to make sure that we help Red's in every way possible against this thuggish organization. We've created a page at where you can find all the links, alerts, and documents relating to this case. Don't forget to visit Red's blog regularly too -- there's plenty of activity, so it's updated regularly.

Have you written a letter to the judge yet? If not, why not?

We're the Only Ones Elastic Enough

The boy was using a rubber band gun and his father said the kid did nothing wrong, but police said they take it as a serious threat and the 11-year-old is facing felony charges...

He also confirmed that the gun was black, but that it looked more like a stick than a gun.
Besides...he was just pretending to be an "Only One."

This lets me segue into a tangentially related post I was going to do independently until rubber bands and law enforcement became a news nexus. Perhaps dismissal of charges will not be so swift to come should the horrible act of civil disobedience I'm pondering be a catalyst for a response.

Y'see, my oldest boy's braces just came off. One of the things he had to do was put rubber bands on his teeth as well. I'd never really noticed the fine print on the package before:

Caution: U.S. Federal Law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of an orthopedic [orthodontic--see Comments] professional.

The restricted contraband in question is that tiny latex circle in the top of the picture, which our all-knowing Federal Overlords have deemed us mere tax cows too untrustworthy to possess without their sanction. If we defy them, why I imagine the penalties could be quite severe. We might get our groins kicked--assuming they stormtroop in to the right address. It might even be worse--we could be killed and have our property seized--who knows? I mean, we're dealing with people who would close down a family business over forms being filed chronologically rather than alphabetically. We're dealing with people who would gun down an old lady and lie about it and plant false evidence. We're dealing with people who would shoot a mother in the head while she's holding her baby, or burn down citizens and their children in a private church.

So who's in for some civil disobedience? Who wants to buy a rubber band? All I'm asking is a penny.

[Rubber band gun link via Jeffrey H, who bears no culpability for the rest of my post]