Monday, May 17, 2010

They killed a little girl...

Watch this video.

For more information, read this news article.


There is video of the raid. The family's lawyer has a copy of it.


They killed a little girl. The first thing they can think to say in public is...

"The lead officer's gun went off..."

Yeah. That is what happened. The gun jumped out of it's holster, wrapped itself around the Lead Officer's booger hook, and sent the autonomic command to fire to the Officer's brain. Sounds reasonable. Yeah, they'll buy that (stupid civilians).

"...after he encountered a 46-year-old woman inside the front room of the home and "some level of physical contact" ensued."

Some level of physical contact? Like a grandma trying to protect her granddaughter, thus shielding SOMETHING from the nice Officer? Or maybe Grandma was trying to keep her granddaughter from burning to death after the flash-bang was dropped on her.

"Police do not believe the gun was fired intentionally."

No? The the extremely professional and highly qualified "Only Ones" went into a home to execute an arrest warrant and fired a bullet into a little girl unintentionally? If it was unintentional, why was the officer's gun out of it's holster and his finger on the trigger?

All high speed, teflon coated, and bullitt proof ain't it guys? All that high speed special ops training you got a couple of months ago, kinda cool, ain't it? You get to go to a couple of weeks of SWAT school and that makes you just like a Ranger or a Navy SEAL, right? Right? RIGHT?

You really GOOD guys. You GOOD GUYS who "just want to do the right thing".

What if.....? What if, one of these times, when you GOOD GUYS deploy out, the neighbors grab their weapons and turn the tables? You gonna roll back up and call for more REALLY GOOD GUYS? More "Only Ones"? More extremely qualified and highly professional and proficient Super Swell SWAT guys? More Super Swell SWAT Guys who have a couple of weeks of SWAT training under their belts? More Super Swell Guys who have some SWAT Training, and believe they are the same as a Ranger or a Navy SEAL?

I have a suggestion for all of you wanna-be "Only Ones" who think that SWATing citizens of this country is just about the ultimate in a rockin' good time. Read the AAR's of Waco, or better, watch the video which was taken AFTER the gunfight had ended (See the film, Waco: The Rules of Engagement). You'll see a bunch of those REALLY GOOD GUYS backing away, from a home and church, with their hands up, after they had run out of ammo and their high speed, low drag, raid had failed.

Did you do the right thing here? Of course you did. The Cops are always right! That mean, nasty old handgun fired itself and killed the girl. Just think what might have happend if that mean old nasty handgun had been in the hands of a mere civilian, one not nearly so thoroughly trained or as proficient as the Only One to which it was attached! Hell that gun might have run out and wreaked havoc on the city!

Hey, I have an idea! charge the Officer's handgun with a crime, then confiscate everything associated with it on the operation! Lets think of a really cool name for it...

uhmmmm, something like, asset forfeiture!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Control the People!


A couple of days ago I tried to explain to you who the enemy really is. I have been trying to open people's eyes to this reality for years.

This comes from and is a recording of Congressman John Dingell telling you what his true goal is.

Link to Dingell Video on

There you have it. The true goal is to "control the people".

I say again, folks, people like Rep. Dingell are NOT,

"...nice people who mean well, but are misguided."

They are control freaks and would-be tyrants. Their lust for power knows no end. They will never be sated. They will continue to expand their authority over you until you decide to stop them.

The are not "well intentioned". They are not "misguided". They are evil. They walk the earth wearing the same clothes and speaking a similar language, but they DO NOT think like you.

Learn to read them. Learn to see through their mask. Turn your television OFF and think for yourself!

Do some form of PT every day. Get outside and train with your weapons, practice your martial skills. Keep your basic load at hand. Keep your food stores well stocked and have water source and purification accessible.

Most importantly, talk to your neighbors.

Just two days ago a friend visited me. This friend stormed away angry at me about a month ago after I suggested he had been lied to about 9-11 and perhaps he should look into it. Then he comes in after the Obamination calling itself a "health care bill" was signed into law. Now he is ready to learn. There was indeed a straw which broke the camel's back.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

What they WANT and what they DON'T WANT

Folks, rarely do we see it so glaringly. Rarely do we see it so obviously. Once in a while, the beast shows it's fangs. Sometimes, if you look closely, and listen intently, the evil which lives among us will show evidence of itself. We tend to psychologically project our good nature, our well meaning, our sense of justice, onto "the evil" and then deny that it meant what it said.

Does anyone remember Nancy Pelosi's response when asked where the Federal Government derives the Constitutional authority to pass nationalized health care?

Her response was "Are you kidding?"

Yesterday, Representative Alcee Hastings let slip his true intent, his true frame of mind, his philosophy if you will.

Please look at this link. It will only take a moment.

That was one of those moments. That was an honest glimpse into the mind of the beast, the evil which walks among us.

Control freaks and power mongers live only to wield power over other people. They MUST have other people to control. If abandoned, left completely alone, they go insane.

Mr. Hastings is NOT alone in this manner of thinking. It is COMMON in politics. The simple, unstated ethos is this:

There is not right or wrong. There is only what I WANT and what I DON'T WANT. There is nothing lawful or unlawful because WHAT I WANT is the sum total of the law.

Are there things which are legal and illegal? Sort of, but not really. In reality there is what I can get away with, and what I can't get away with.

You see how this works? The evil among us doesn't think like you and I do. They don't think like moral, rational, logical people. They think ONLY in terms of advantage. They think only in terms of power and control.

There should be no misunderstanding anymore. The beast has shown it's face plenty recently. It has shown its natural state when unconstrained by petty things like having to answer to a constituency. The beast believes you are stupid. If you were smart, like it is, you would live and act like it does, constantly seeking power and advantage over others.

You and I cling to concepts of right and wrong, separate from our whim. You and I cling to concepts of justice in this life or the next. The beast believes, truly believes, that you are an imbecile. You MUST be controlled and herded. The beast lives by P. T. Barnum's axiom, "There's a sucker born every minute."

Have you seen the movie, The Magnificent Seven? Eli Wallach says a line in that film which illustrates the point perfectly. "If God didn't want them sheared, he wouldn't have made them sheep."

One of Aesop's fables was of the frog and the scorpion. The scorpion asks the frog for a piggy-back ride across the river. The frog is naive enough to believe the scorpion's lie that he won't sting him, this time, because they both want to get across the river. Halfway across the river the scorpion stings the frog and the frog begins to feel paralysis. The frog then says, logically, "Why have you stung me? Don't you realize that we will both now drown?" There are two versions of the scorpion's reply. One has the scorpion saying flatly, "It is just my nature." The other has the scorpion saying flatly, "It is your own fault, you knew I was a scorpion before you let me onto your back."

Our current situation is just as in the Aesop's fable. The evil among us tells us daily what it really is, and what it wants. We project the illusory mask of decency onto the evil because we WANT to believe that he is like us, Logical, Rational, Fair-minded, believing in Justice, believing in value for value. We think, like children, that if we try hard enough, and we give the beast enough chances, it will see the light of truth and WANT to do what is right.

We are the ones who have been wrong. We are the ones abdicating our responsibility to resist evil. The evil among us does what it does because we allow it.

How many of you are willing, right now, to say publicly:

I DO NOT WANT your damned Socialist Security!

I do not want your medicare!

I do not want your medicaid!

I do not want your food stamps!

I do not want your WIC, AFDC, S-CHIPS, Welfare, or your damned school lunch program!

If you are not willing to say the above, and live by it, then go home. Admit that the evil among us has already won the war and you are a sheep, submitting to being sheared. Go home and work in drudgery for the day you can retire and collect your "benefits" from your Lord and Master, the Federal Government. Go home and forget your dream of one day living as a free man!

Give up the illusion of holding allodial title to your own life.

Go home and shut up!

There is, however, another course of action. If you are willing to live as a free man, if you are willing to take the risk and responsibility of providing for yourself, if you are ready to acknowledge the law written upon your heart by your creator as superior to all others, then declare your independence now. Take no more sustenance from the evil which would control you.

Our Republic, known as the United States of America, is still a union of States. The Constitution for the United States of America still exists. The States still retain their sovereignty under the Tenth Amendment. The natural right of secession is still inherent to these States. The people of the States still have the authority to change their own legislatures and to change their elected representation in the United States Congress. The people of the States still have full authority to change their government or alter or abolish it.

Do some form of P T every day. Put away from dry food stuffs. Go to the range and train with your weapons. Make a plan to purify and store water. Pray to God through our Lord Jesus Christ for strength and wisdom. Pray for the ability of discernment to separate evil masked, from genuine good. Find within you, and through your faith, the strength to resist with manly firmness the evil which lives among us.

We do not face a worldly enemy. We face a spiritual one. Evil is not of this world, but lives in it as we do. Prepare yourself to do violent things in order to resist evil.

Always remember, you desire to be left alone to live your life in peace. The beast desires to control you, or if unable to control, destroy you.

Take the red pill and see the world as it really is, or take the blue pill and go back to sleep.

The choice is yours. The time is now.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Encountered a snitch...

Saturday night, after a hard day of work at a gun show, friends asked me to dinner with them at a local restaurant. I went. When I walked in, my friends introduced me to a fine young man, recently of the United States Marine Corps, who would be having dinner with us.

I had encountered this young man at the show earlier in the day. He had come by my tables and boisterously interrupted my conversation with my customer. He had stated that he was "an AK guy" and knew a lot about AK type rifles. I politely let him rattle on until he ran out of steam, then resumed the conversation with my customer, which amounted to, "I'm going to get my check book".

Anyway, back to dinner. Our new "friend" told tall tales about how he was awake and aware of the problems in our country and that he was deeply committed to the "patriot movement". He really laid in on thick.

OK, guy, we get it. You're a good guy. We get it! You don't have to be so loud.

Next, our new "friend" pulls out a pocket sized Technical Manual for a piece of equipment known as the A/N PVS-14, which is a night vision monocular in use by our military. He looked at me and said, "I'm sure YOU know what that is...".

I asked him, "Are you trying to sell that?" His reply said it all. Now what he said and the way he said it were calculated to elicit a particular response. First, it was said to ingratiate. Second it was meant to psychologically disarm. And lastly it was meant to place me/us on the defensive, psychologically speaking. His reply to my inquiry about selling the PVS-14 was, "That depends on whether or not you're wearing a wire...ha ha ha."

In other words, we're ALL crooks here right? I can trust you guys, right?

Strike one, pal.

A bit later, he started telling us how he had access to 14-15,000 pieces of 5.56mm brass, which recently came off the ranges as Camp Pendleton. Also, he had .50 BMG brass for a buck a piece.

Strike two, dick-weed.

Then it got better, he began to spin a tall tale about how when he was in the USMC, he did something stupid which got him some extra duty. One in our party inquired what it was that got him in trouble. He couldn't seem to remember that detail, but you know how a young man is, he did something stupid....uhhhmmmm, you know, doesn't matter what it was...hhhmmmm...anyway, extra duty. This is the good part, his extra duty was an assignment to the arms room (WTF?). While he was working in the arms room one day, some Force RECON Marines, you know, those Spec-ops guys, came in from a training rotation out in the field. While they were cleaning up and turning in their equipment, they told our "friend" that they had a whole case of suppressors/silencers, and asked him to "throw them away" for them. The reason being, they were rotating overseas and would be given new equipment when they arrived.

Hmmmm, things get curiouser and curiouser. Take some expensive, sensitive, federally registered, property-book items and just "throw them away" because they were getting new ones anyway.

Strike Three fuck-head.

He was fishing hard. He was casting and retrieving as fast as he could... and nobody nibbled. While he had been talking, he had also been fingering his cell phone. When he got up to use the facilities, he left his cell phone on the table. I guess he figured we would just continue talking, you know, about stolen military equipment and such.

I hate snitches worse than just about anything. Snitches, and those who run them, are low-life scum. They entice unsuspecting people into doing something they probably WOULDN'T have done, and then, with glee, close the trap and yell GOTCHA! Then parade their prize in public, declaring to all the world how they are the saviors of society, keeping unlawful felons "off the streets".

For the record, this fellow was either a federal agent, a snitch for a federal agent, or too stupid to be in our company.

It didn't work, Fuck-face! Nobody fell into your snare. No "Gotcha!" this time.

The bad thing is, they keep coming. They keep trying. They keep setting them up and knocking them down, putting people in prison for doing things they wouldn't have been inclined to do, if not enticed. They walk in our midst. They expect the law abiding to pay them. The expect gratitude and respect. They move among peaceful people and they prey on them.

They aren't worth the time I put into writing this blog entry. I thought everyone should know.

Hey, Sean, go fuck yourself!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

I never thought I would live to see another Jimmy Carter.

Remember the last time this happened? Remember when the "president" bowed AND genuflected before the King of Arabia? Remember when the apologists said it didn't happen and that it was an opi-tickle delusion on the part of those right wing wackos?

Remember all that?

Well now, we have the usurper-in-chief bowing deeply to the Emperor of Japan.

I have a very personal message for Barak Hussein Obama.

Hey Barak! If you don't "feel like" you are worthy of your office, and you don't "feel like" you are among peers when dealing with foreign heads of state...


Otherwise, grow a pair. Right now you are a national joke. A bad one.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The noise is rising... Is ANYONE listening?

This comes to us from Greg Evensen. His page is here. It was posted recently at If you don't read there at least once a week, you should.

Now, from Greg:

Most of us have been in this tragic position before. It feels something like that slow, heavy walk that we experience as we approach the front door of the funeral home. The anticipation of walking through that door into a room that reeks of death is a soul chilling moment that is never forgotten.

The statements, the warnings, the what if’s, and how can they do that situations are thousands upon thousands across America. The personal injuries heaped on the heads of true Americans at the border, in the city streets, by apostate church leaders, from judges at all levels, to the arrogant bureaucrats that run our lives and could fill the Library of Congress if printed, are ABSOLUTE proof that the Republic is dead.

There is no one left to turn to for relief from an onslaught that would have been a declared war had it come from another country. We as a nation of citizens, have been brutalized so badly by criminals inside the government, that we could have easily justified the use of deadly force to beat back the pillaging of our homes and communities. And diabolically, this has been done by the very people who were allowed a seat of power over us by our own vote.

The ongoing war for liberty is being waged on a thousand fronts. City and county governments have been persuaded by government agents to buy into Agenda 21 at all levels and adopt the radical environmentalist agenda. These local maniacs have done so eagerly. They revel in the appearance of solidarity both socially and politically with those who want to see swamp dwelling muskrats be able to retain attorneys should their habitat be threatened. Utterly blind deceit and a spirit of delusion reigns. Churches and cities have joined in efforts to provide illegal aliens (illegal here meaning ILLEGAL) “sanctuary” in direct and open violation of federal law. You know, the kind of federal law that says you can’t shoot FBI agents on sight or that you MUST pay a voluntary illegal federal income tax, or call a sodomite evil, to just name a few minor federal laws. But then, since when has consistency or lawful conduct ever meant anything to BATF, FBI, IRS, CIA, DEA or NTSB agents that were at Ruby Ridge, Waco, Oklahoma City, Flight 800, New York, the Pentagon, Dallas, etc., etc., etc…..We have been misled, lied to, confused, plotted against and abused by lawyers representing all of these entities so many times, that every last one of the perpetrators would have been hung in the public square 120 years ago.

Instead, patriots, citizens, civic groups and moms and pops have been the target of these same self-serving, power infested dirt bags simply because they wanted the truth and were not going to accept any other made up version of Washington’s idea of “truth.”

Many of these good people have been the victim of government abuse at the hands of federal prosecutors and judges who receive bonuses for successful prosecutions. Honest, God fearing and courageous individuals have been persecuted by the United State’s government for following the law, publishing the truth, and protesting the cowardly use of “Nazi” power that was allowed by federal judges bought and paid for by the Council on Foreign Relations or simply the so called “Justice Department.”

My dear God, how is it possible that the Attorney General’s office is staffed by radicals and rights robbers? How is it that Eric Holder, a radical political leftist shames us daily by walking into his office? Add to that a supremely incompetent Janet Napolitano, racist Planned Parenthood supporter Sebelius, bumbling Biden and on and on and on.

So instead of moral leadership in the states, we must endure examples of freedom’s guardians like the State of Missouri and the “bumper sticker” warriors with the Missouri State Highway Patrol. We watch helplessly as Arizona is set upon by jackals from Mexico and California slips into the ocean of poverty and liberalism run amok. All in the name of progressive socialism, or “do whatever you want and get someone else to pay for it” statism. The Republic died because we were not content with freedom in every corner of the land. No, we allowed our legislators at all levels to create “freedom” out of nonsense and liberty out of lawlessness. We shook our heads when the courts made law from guilt, incarcerated the innocent, and set the criminals free. We are living with Alice in the 180 degree world of Wonderland. Bad has become good, right has become wrong and gray the color of choice.

Now comes the hard part. There are no easy paths left for America or Americans. Any last second victory with a miracle field goal is just not there to be found. We left the playoffs in second place. Doesn’t matter that they cheated and the refs were bought off, it is in the books as a loss. Get that fact firmly planted in your minds. This game is OVER!

You may continue to live in your comfort zone and deny all truth. Some of you do and justify it because you don’t want to rock anybody’s boat. A few of you write to me, lie about the facts and tell me I am the nut job. Hear me well. I do not want to rock boats, I want to sink fleets!! That time is now. If they wanted me to go to Viet Nam and fight someone else’s civil war, then I am just as ready to fight one right here and right now. They have sent our military to prove freedom and “democracy” are worth fighting for. Well, how about doing the same in America? Let’s put those troops on our own borders, PLEASE!! Let’s sink the coastal pirates and the drug runner’s boats with chain guns and A-10’s. Throw some ordinance in those border tunnels. Yea, sure. But we WILL kill women and children at Waco and Ruby Ridge now won’t we, and call it righteous. Janet “the Bull” Reno embarrassed us all with her other worldly looks and actions in the name of the American people as another “hero” at Justice.

Let me cut to the chase. Some in America are quietly and to a very minor degree working to bring sanity back to our local, state and federal governments. It will not be enough and it will not turn the tide. I respect them for trying and know that many have believed they could effect real change (not the Obama type). Others have written off the government and agency goons at all levels and are gearing up for some monumental change. You know, the kind of change that will have authorities buying all the Depends they can find for the day of reckoning with American citizens.

In that regard, Americans from coast to coast have been calling and scheduling in-field training to be conducted within their local regions in anticipation of whatever is to come. They are ready, they are eager and they are committed to this effort. Our training team will be joining hundreds with the goal of amping up the training levels for many who have not even started a camp fire. This is exactly what is desired and precisely what is needed for those who have said, "we have nothing more to lose and we will defend what we have left."

Like with the training sessions held this year across America, a DVD produced by our production crew was made to send to those who could not get to a seminar. The seminars are over and only field training is now being conducted. We have also produced a nearly six hour DVD outlining much of what is covered in the field and was actually taped at our inaugural two day camp this past July. Hundreds wanted to come, but could not make it that time. We will hold these camps next year beginning in April and those sites will be posted at our web-site. Nine have scheduled already. They are reserved on a first come basis. That information and the seminar or training DVD’s are available at There is a holiday special if you want both training aids. They are available NOW. If the national scene changes and we can’t make it to your area, then the DVD will give you more than you could get otherwise, short of the actual training itself.

I am afraid that the time has arrived for Americans to decide that the robbery of their nation can no longer be tolerated. To cede one more inch of freedom’s last acre is 50 million acres too much. To allow the enslavement of our children by a government pretending to be our benefactor is a crime that must be avenged. That is why we are in the field with you. We will do our best to help you get through this national nightmare. All we ask is that you stand with us in prayer and roll up your sleeves. It’s time to till the soil.

© 2009 Greg Evensen - All Rights Reserved

Monday, November 9, 2009

In case we didn't get the point...

This illustration says all that needs saying.