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Add Resume

Start responding to current legal job postings today. Get in front of employers searching the resume database. To post a resume you must first create a profile. Follow the steps bellow to get started.

Upload Your Resume: If you select a “Public” or “Confidential” resume employers with access to the resume database will be able to view all of the information included in your uploaded or attached resume. If you wish to remain anonymous please remove your contact information and edit your resume accordingly before uploading.

New Users

Use LinkedIn to Create a Resume

Use LinkedIn to create a resume

Step 1: Resume Name

E.g. "My Accounting Resume"

Step 2: Resume Creation Options

If you don't have a resume, use our easy step-by-step process to build one.

If you already have a resume you can cut and paste it into our form.

If you like to apply for jobs using your existing resume as an attachment.

Existing Users

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