September 1, 2010

Our Hiatus Continues

"The X-L-I Report" is now under
new management...However,we
will not be resuming normal op-
erations until after March 2011...
Those who are visiting here for the
first time are invited to read our
past articles and also click on our
official links for more interesting
Thank you!
"The XLI Report" Transition Team

December 1, 2009

The Fine Art Of Deception

The senseless gun control debate is
really not a debate...It is very simple:
We,the "pro-gun" folks,are right and
they,the "anti-gun" folks, are wrong...
We have the facts and figures and
they have the lies and emotion...Cur-
rently the U.S. has over 22,000 fire-
arms regulations on the books that the
criminals disregard...So, why does the
"Brady Bunch" continue to push for
more gun (people) control laws? Be-
cause they have mastered the fine art
of deception... It has never been about
reducing violent crime,"public safety"
or "prevention"...It is only about POW-
ER and CONTROL over the law-abid-
ing citizen... The gun prohibitionists
may be crazy,but they're not stupid...
Any half-wit can tell you that these fan-
atics have a hidden agenda that will
surely usher in an international police-
state and an oppressive totalitarian
government system...They know that
their gun bans will never effect the
crime rate... In a nutshell,their "sen-
sible gun laws" make perfect sense to
a future "Hitler" or "Stalin"...This is
not an over-reaction on our part...Just
look at the lessons of world history and
ask yourself this question: Why does a
group of "concerned" political activists
continue to offer "solutions" that clearly
DO NOT work? The gun-grabbers are
obviously not as stupid as they sound...
Their agenda promotes only one thing:
The death and destruction of innocent
people...Furthermore,those who are will-
ing to enforce such lethal laws are the en-
emies of LIFE and LIBERTY...So,beware
of those who practice the fine art of dec-
NOTICE: "The X-L-I Report" will be
under new management beginning in
January 2010...My name will continue
to appear below all future posts,how-
ever due to personal circumstances be-
yond my control,I will be taking a more
"behind-the-scenes" position on this
web-page... So,effective immediately,
my "transition team" will be in charge
of operations until further notice...In
the meantime,I will be taking my 10-
week vacation for the holidays and for
some much-needed "R&R"...Comments
will be closed for now...Have a safe hol-
iday season and I will see you sometime
next year...
The Lone Gunman

November 1, 2009

An Extremely Stupid And Dangerous Rule

The X-L-I Report has addressed the
dangers of "gun-free zones" before
and we will continue to do so until
everyone realizes the facts...They
are a ridiculous idea and those who
promote them have a mindset that
is a serious threat to public safety...
The posted signs are an open invit-
ation to violent criminals and sui-
cidal nut-jobs to do anything they
want to the innocent-and unarmed-
people within the zone area...These
idiotic signs only stop the good folks
who carry defensive weapons...They
will never,NEVER stop the bad guys!
Owners of "gun-free" businesses that
have no armed employees or security
guards can be held responsible for
the safety of their customers...It is
our duty to charge them with criminal
negligence if we (or members of our
family) are victims of violent crime
while in their establishments...The
same goes for "public/government"
buildings...To be on the safe side,we
must boycott ALL places that have
"gun-free zones"...Also,we must boy-
cott the companies that manufacture
the "no weapons" signs...After exam-
ples like "Columbine" and "Virginia
Tech",the educated idiots who run
our schools and college campuses
still do not get it! They insist on main-
taining a victim-disarmament policy
that will continue to kill dozens-or
maybe even hundreds-of people in the
future...How many more will die before
these morons wake up? For now,they
are living in denial as they shamelessly
hide the blood on their hands...The cold,
hard facts are in: "Gun-free zones" are
"killing fields" and NO posted sign,or
security guard,or police department will
ever prevent the senseless violence...To
those who advocate such lethal laws,I
have this personal message for you: If
you think that a piece of paper,plastic or
metallic sign material will save your life,
you are NOT living in the REAL world!

October 1, 2009

Back From Vacation

It has been four short months since I
started my vacation and I see that the
inmates are still running the asylum
on a national and global scale...So this
means that "The X-L-I Report" will be
supplied with plenty of material in the
weeks to come...Meanwhile,I caught up
on a lot of "trigger time" at the range...
I also added a few pieces to my "arsenal
of freedom"...As you may know,I love my
41 Magnum firearms and the S&W Model
57 Classic (shown above) is now my "new
favorite six-gun"...It was a little on the
pricey side,but well worth it and a very
sound investment...Purchased during the
July 4th Holiday,I felt that the business
transaction was quite appropriate for the
time...Today,there are many reasons to
have a loaded gun in the house,so my long-
time policy still stands and it always will!
It's all about the strict preservation of our
human rights and since "The Obamination"
and his gang of Socialist creeps show no
signs of being removed any time soon,we'll
need to stay ever vigilant...Then we have our
left-wing Congress...Let's hope that all of
those angry Americans out there are still
"mad as hell" in November 2010...Interesting
times are ahead...Stay tuned,fellow patriots!
FYI: Be sure to read my editorial at "X-L-I
Liberty Central"...

June 1, 2009

It's "Personal Freedom Time" Again

From now until October 1st,I'll be taking
a little time off for "personal business"
and also for some much-needed range
practice...So,as you wait for my return,
feel free to browse through the "Archive"
and maybe do a little "plinking" your-
self...Now,my fellow patriots,shoot safely
and be eternally vigilant!

May 1, 2009

The Business Of "Gun Control"

If the senseless issue of "gun (people)
control" ended tomorrow,the organ-
izations,lobbyists and politicians on
on both sides would stand to lose mil-
lions of dollars...This is why the evil
civilian disarmament agenda will nev-
er go away...Serious Second Amend-
ment advocates know that it is ONLY
the criminal mind that is to blame for
our violent world...If there were abso-
lutely no firearms,those who are bent
on murdering someone would certainly
use another form of weapon (like a
sharp object,blunt instrument or even
their own automobile)...Every gun law
is useless in preventing violent crime!!
Anyone with half a brain knows this,yet
the idiotic issue goes on and on because
there is money to be made...The "pro-
gun" camp has the facts and figures...
The other side has their lies,emotions
and defiant ignorance...Both spend their
millions to buy the political prostitutes
in every elction year...Millions more are
spent in the battle for the hearts and
minds of the "undecided" voter...The
News/Entertainment Media also has a
big hand in this lucrative racket...They
love the "controversy" and the "carnage"
that is all part of the "business"...Who
really profits from the "gun-grabbers"?
Dictators,criminals and power-hungry
cops...The lawyers and judges love "gun
control" because it creates "job security"
for themselves...They know that there
will always be crimes and court cases to
keep them in the money...The more de-
fenseless the "law-abiding" citizens are,
the more they like it! So, with all things
considered,how do we stop the madness?
The time is NOW to stop fighting in the
never-ending war against our freedoms...
Using a "system" that is fixed against us
is fruitless...No nation in the history of
the world has ever voted itself free...Now
is the time to END the war for good...The
"patriots" out there know what needs to
be done...It is just a matter of time when
a "Second American Revolution" will be-
come a reality...Are you ready?

April 1, 2009

Ghouls Sitting On A Graveyard Fence

Gun prohibitionists are a perverted
lot...They center their hatred on a
mindless mechanical instrument
and the responsible individuals who
use them,all while ignoring the REAL
problems: The criminal element and
the "revolving-door" justice system...
Their blind emotions take the place
of reason when anyone tries to tell
them the facts...Furthermore,they
propose dangerous alternatives to
armed self defense such as "giving
the criminals what they want" (as
long as it isn't your life) and giving
in to rapists...They are the ones who
create "gun-free zones" and believe
that a "warning sign" will protect
them (and everyone else) from vio-
lent crime...How STUPID can these
people be?? They even continue with
their ridiculous policy after a nut-job
decides he's going to shoot up one of
their "zero-tolerance areas" and kill
dozens of innocent citizens...The ed-
ucated idiots who run our "public"
schools and college campuses are the
worst offenders! All "gun-haters" and
their lap-dogs in the News/Entertain-
ment Media are the first ones to scream
for more "gun control" when another
mass-murder occurs...Claiming to de-
test violence,they sit like ghouls on a
graveyard fence waiting for the next
bloodbath in order to promote their
INSANE agenda...Ignorance is the
breeding-ground of hatred and these
mentally unstable fanatics have it in
spades! They refuse to trust anyone with
a weapon (except the military and pol-
ice)...But,there are radicals in this camp
who believe that not even these "trained
professionals" should be armed...This is
an interesting concept...Maybe they're on
to something here since we've had to deal
with the likes of Hitler and Stalin in re-
cent history...A Military/Police State is
certainly dangerous to personal liberty!
However,a totally "gun-free society" is
quite unrealistic due to Man's evil nat-
ure...There will always be some dictator
somewhere that will want to commit at-
rocities against the people,so we need
GOOD gun-owners to protect the masses...
The fact is that the world's most danger-
ous weapon is the "criminal mind"...But,
the "anti-gun" crowd chooses to ignore
the truth...Which brings me back to this
point: These "ghouls" really promote
violence instead of peace because their
policies have been responsible for more
murders,rapes and robberies than any
other force...Their policies are behind
all of the genocides of the 20th Century...
Gun prohibitionists should and must be
considered "Public Enemy No.1"...Those
among this group who are in positions
of "authority" should be charged with
"crimes against humanity" and sent to
prison (or worse)...There is a lot of blood
on their hands due to their partnership
with the violent criminals...When someone
tells you that we need "sensible gun laws"
or a so-called "ban" or "freeze" on certain
firearms designs,simply tell them (if they
are willing to listen) these cold,hard facts:
You are endorsing a very DEADLY policy
that will surely kill millions of innocent
people in the end...It has NEVER been ab-
out "public safety" or "crime prevention"...
It has ALWAYS been about OPPRESSION...
Our Founding Fathers created the Second
Amendment to guard our human rights...
Now that our government is disregarding
the Constitution,it's time to take the gloves
off: Preservation of our liberties come first
and we will defend them by whatever means
possible...To the "ghouls" out there,we give
you this challenge: Do not send your hired
thugs to do your dirty work...We want YOU,
and YOU alone,to try and take our guns...
After all,you should have the guts to back
up your words,right?...Come on,we DARE
you! But,be advised that we have our tools
of defense locked,loaded and ready for any
action from the enemy...So,are you feeling
lucky? No? Well,I'll bet all I have that you
are SNIVELLING COWARDS and way too
scared to take our challenge...You will likely
send your armed,uniformed goons instead...
Well,after we get THEM,we will be coming
after YOU...Your "zero-tolerance" for guns
will be met with our "zero-tolerance" for

March 1, 2009

The "Change" To Socialism

When our current President,"The
Obamination",first started to pro-
mote his left-wing agenda,I knew
what he was really talking about:
Socialism! While the "useful idiots"
were being mesmerized and the
Mainstream News/Entertainment
Media was going in the tank for this
traitor,I knew the election was fixed
for good...Now,under this oppressive
new regime,we can watch as the last
pieces of our Constitution are finally
put through the shredder...But,there
is one important detail that can't be
over-looked here: Our God-given
human rights will ALWAYS stand,
even though our government has no
respect for the document that pro-
tects them...Obama and his gang of
slime-balls will NEVER be able to de-
stroy what has been given to us by our
Creator! Besides,we have our guns to
back up our liberties...Of course,the
Second Amendment will be constantly
under attack,so we have to be on our
guard for any possible atrocities that
will be committed by the government's
jack-booted thugs...Joining "pro-gun"
organizations will NOT be enough...The
inmates are running the asylum and
they have declared war on us...Now is
NOT the time to bend down to the
Authoritarians! All of us should know
what we need to do to prepare for the
coming hard times...The government
created this "economic melt-down"
and their "solution" will be a far worse
experience! Today is our "moment of
truth"...The "change" that America's
political robots voted for is unthink-
able to all lovers of REAL freedom...
One of these days,we will be forced to
take a stand for what is RIGHT...In
the meantime,we must keep our guns
"locked and loaded"...
Think About This: Many of Obama's
staff members are left-over scum-bags
from the "Slick Willie" Clinton regime...
With that in mind,we can easily call
this current administration a "Socialist
Cesspool" or "Bubba's Third Term"...
Either way,we we have proof that "The
Obamination" is a smooth-talking LIAR!
We were promised a "change in govern-
ment"...In a way,that is true: It will be
larger,more intrusive,more costly and
even more oppressive...

February 1, 2009

"Ammo Control"

As "The X-L-I Report" web-page
enters into it's second year,the
government threats to our God-
given human rights continue...
Now,the latest power-grab by
the illegitimate law-makers is
to render our firearms useless
through "ammo control"...This
is really a "back-door" plot to
limit our Second Amendment
liberties...Bans and taxes have
been favorite methods by the
emotionally unstable fanatics
and the traitors within our leg-
islature to wrestle power away
from the American people...It
is NEVER about "public safety"
or "crime control"...It is ONLY
about a totalitarian agenda by
the dirty,rotten scum-bags who
pose as Senators and Congress-
men...Now,we have a President
that hates our Constitution and
will rubber-stamp anything that
our SOCIALIST legislators will
cook up..."Encoded Ammunition"
is their latest gimick...Their sales
pitch is full of lies that will trick
the ignorant gun owners into ac-
cepting another useless "law" that
will not "curb crime"...In fact,this
is just another type of BAN that
will only effect the "law-abiding"
citizen...If this IDIOTIC idea ever
becomes a reality,I will be among
the first sensible gun-owners to
ignor it...Let the "enforcers" try
to confiscate our "illegal" supply
of ammunition...They will feel our
wrath in no uncertain terms! On
top of this attempt to attack our
personal liberties,the so-called
"assault weapons" ban is also be-
ing brought back to life...So,over
the next few months,we Patriots
will have an intense fight on our
hands...It may lead to "gun-play"
or it may not...That depends on
the actions of the "Enemy" and
it's new leader...The National
Rifle Association continues to be
a "soft-ball player" in the war
against private gun ownership...
Their "solutions" consist of join-
ing their moderate fold and use a
system of "peaceful protest" that
is already fixed against us...Your
N.R.A. membership card will not
do you any good when the jack-
booted thugs visit your home by
way of a 4AM no-knock raid! The
N.R.A. screwed the machine gun
owners back in 1986...They can
screw us again due to their danger-
ous compromising attitude...They
let the first "assault weapons" ban
pass...What will be their next back-
stabbing move? Furthermore ,the
N.R.A.'s continued support of the
B.A.T.F.E. will insure that our op-
pression will continue...To HELL
with the talk and the game-playing!!
The time is NOW to get SERIOUS
about protecting our human rights!
NO MORE firearms and ammunition
laws and get rid of the 22,000+ fool-
ish regulations we already have!!
Better yet,let's start hanging the
traitors who are behind all of this!!
(Our Founding Fathers wouldn't
have it any other way)...

January 1, 2009

The Fabulous 45 Automatic

Happy 2009,fellow patriots! Let's
start the new year off right by do-
ing a little "gun talk"...If you are
a fan of the 45 Automatic,this
post is a "must read"...When it
comes to personal defense and
the preservation of our liberties,
a dependable sidearm is always
required...It has to function in a
flawless manner with whatever
ammunition you feed to it...This
is why my auto-loader of choice
is a top-quality 1911-style pistol
that I know will ALWAYS get the
job done without any unpleasant
surprises...Most 45 caliber autos
today are engineered to take any
bullet design without a jam...
However,not all of them are per-
fect...Some require more "break-
in time" than others...All types of
pistols using the "Browning Blow-
Back" design depend upon the
power of the cartridge to make it
function correctly...So,when you
have a carry piece that you can
trust 110% of the time,you better
make sure that you have plenty of
the ammunition it likes to eat! In
my experience,I've had my share
of "jam-o-matics",which is why I
am a "wheel-gunner" first and for-
most...My revolvers have NEVER
let me down and this is why I have
several included in my 45 Auto-
matic collection...My S&W Model
625 (with a 5 1/2" barrel),will take
ammo that my Auto-Ordnance 1911
or Tompson 1928A1 may not like...
If I get a deal on some "good and
cheap" 45 hard-ball or semi-wad-
cutters,they never go to waste
thanks to my 625 six-gun...With
loaded full-moon clips,it is an easy
shooter and lightning-fast to reload...
I like this system so well that two
more revolvers have been added to
my fleet of 45's...Pictured above are
my new Model 22's (in bright nickel)
by Smith & Wesson...These are from
their line of "retro-classics" and are
also available in blued or "color case-
hardened" finish...The "Model 1917"
has a 5 1/2" barrel and lanyard ring...
The "Model 1950" has a 4" barrel...
Both are equipped with top-grade
checkered walnut grips that remind
you of S&W's "pre-WWII" stock de-
sign...These revolvers are indeed
works of art and make excellent com-
panions for my Thompson '28 SMG...
I love a good nickel-finished firearm
and these masterpieces display very
nice plating jobs...Actually,the best
that I have seen in many years! They
have a "high-end" price but are well
worth it...To know more about these
and other fine "retro-classics",check
out the S&W website...The 45 Auto-
matic has plenty of power and have-
ing a "wheel-gun" around to back-up
your favorite auto-loader is certainly
a very practical method of personal
protection...If you are a good shot,all
you will need is six rounds anyway!