Key Facts
 Other names Gabriele Condulmer
 Born 1383
 Location  Venice, Italy
Bloodline Correr
Married No. Mistress
Children Yes. Pope Paul II
Position Pope (1431-1447)
Died February 1447 (age 64)

 Source of Facts and Important Announcement
Status Under Article 64.6 of the Covenant of One-Heaven (Pactum De Singularis Caelum) by Special Qualification shall be known as a Saint, with all sins and evil acts they performed forgiven.
Date of formal Beatification   Day of Redemption UCA[E1:Y1:A1:S1:M9:D1] also known as Fri, 21 Dec 2012.
Source of Facts Self Confession and Revelation of Sainthood by the Deceased Spirit as condition of their confirmation as a true Saint.
  Born out of an incestuous relationship between his real father Angelo Correr and his sister. He was born and raised in Venice to a rich merchant family, a Correr on his mother's side.
  in 1407, at the age of twenty-four he was appointed by his father ("uncle") Pope Gregory XII (1406–15), as Bishop of Siena and took his vows to become a priest soon after.
  However, the political class objected to the twenty-four year old being their bishop having never been a priest, so his uncle Pope Gregory XII instead promoted him and appointed him papal treasurer, protonotary, Cardinal Priest of San Marco and San Clemente.
  While belonging to a rival family to the Colonna nobility of Pope Martin V (Ottone Colonna) (1417-31), Cardinal Condulmer proved himself useful to Pope Martin and retained significant power under his reign including ensuring he would be the next Pope.
  As Cardinal, he fathered several children including at least one child (Pietro Barbo) through an incestuous relationship with his own sister who would later become Pope Paul II.
  Upon taking the Papal Throne in 1431, Eugene IV took immediate and bloodthirsty steps against the rival Colonna relations of his predecessor who had rewarded his numerous clan with castles, lands and titles.
  However, the Colonna managed to gather the support of Romans against the Papacy and a truce was hastily established.
  Eugene then focused his sights on removing the power of the Council of Basel, that by default of the Council of Constance in 1415 effectively had superior authority. But in December of 1433 he was forced into a compromise given his former Papal militia chief Niccolò Fortebraccio and the troops of Filippo Maria Visconti led by Niccolò Piccinino had invaded the Papal states in a move engineered by his atch-enemy the Colonna.
  The Colonna family then established a nominal Republic in the city of Rome in opposition to Pope Eugene, forcing him to escape the city in disguise.
  With the help of the bloodthirsty Giovanni Vitelleschi, the militant Bishop of Recanati, the city of Rome was returned to obedience to Eugene by October 1434 after thousands were slaughtered, tortured and burned. The Colonna temselves were forced into obedience after thousands of men, women and children were slaughtered on orders of Pope Eugene at their stronghold of the ancient city of Palestrina, 20 miles East of Rome.
  By April 1436, the new Papal militia chiefs Francesco Sforza and Vitelleschi had reconquered much of the Papal state land that had been taken.
  However, the climate against Pope Eugene in Rome on account of his brutality eventually forced him to re-establish his Papal Court in Bologna. There he entertained himself by creating a court full of prostitutes and villains until he returned to Rome seven years later in 1443.
  However in late 1437, the Council of Basel broke its previous treaty with the Pope and sought his resignation following the bloodshed in retaking the Papal states lands and brutality against the Colonna supporters in Rome.
  Eugene refused and excommunicated the members of the Council. In response, the Council deposed Eugene as a heretic in June 1439 and in November of that year with the support of the royals of Germany and France elected Amadeus VIII, Duke of Savoy as Pope Felix V.
  In spite of his character and lack of skill in diplomacy and politics, the combination of disease (plague) and the increasing cruelty of the Ottomans, Eugene was effectively handed a temporary union with the Eastern Orthodox Church in 1439 which increased his status.
  The total failure of Pope Felix V to be effective in anyway also led to support returning to Eugene, piece by piece until German Emperor Frederick III of Hapsburg sent his most senior political advisor Aeneas Sylvius Piccolomini (later Pius II) to broker a peace with Eugene in 1442.
  Pope Eugene IV is also more famously known today as supposedly one of the Popes who "wrote against" slavery in the Papal Bull Sicut Dudum. In truth, the indisputable historic facts are the complete opposite and Eugene is credited as one of the key architects in enabling the legal framework for international slave trade by Portugal and Spain and later other European powers.
  The Bull Sicut Dudum actually refers to not enslaving converts so that the Catholic Church has enough local christian serfs (slaves of the church) to tend church lands and buildings. The Bull has nothing to do with anti-slavery but appealling to Spanish slave traders not to over compete with the church.
  He is the last recorded pope to be evicted from Rome by the Roman population.
  He died in February 1447 and was succeeded by Pope Felix V (1439-1449).
  Most Evil Crimes
 List of most evil crimes
Type Year Crime
  Of establishing an unlawful enterprise for the purpose of crime: (1435) That Pope Eugene IV with full authority as Supreme Pontiff of Christianity did knowingly and deliberately establish the enterprise of international sanctioned and “legal” slave trade beginning with Africa through the Papal Bulls of Sicut Dudum (1435) and Illius Qui (1442). Furthermore, that Pope Eugenius IV and the Roman Catholic Church in creating a “lawful” framework for the international trade of slaves beginning with Africa did establish a formal license system giving authority to both territories and numbers of slaves taken according to a schedule of fees paid to the Roman Catholic Church.
  Of moral depravity for the purpose of profiting and controlling the international slave trade: (1435) That Pope Eugene IV, Sicut Dudum (1435) Condemns taking christians as slaves, but not non-christians and those who refuse to become christians.
  Of publishing false statements (1435 onwards): That the Roman Catholic Church actually use this pro-slavery Papal Bull of Sicut Dudum (1435) to claim the church was “against” slavery in a perverted falsity.

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