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Get productive for less with the ProductiveMacs bundle

It's a great time of the year to find software deals. Yesterday we mentioned the MacUpdate bundle, and today we're looking at the ProductiveMacs bundle, featuring (as you'd expect) a bunch of stellar productivity apps. Included in the bundle are some of my personal favorites, like Default Folder X (our coverage here) and LaunchBar (our coverage here), plus the truly awesome BusyCal (which we've covered) and the superlative Fantastical (our story here). I've never used Cashculator or Home Inventory, but they look good, and Notebook from Circus Ponies is something I've wanted for years -- and it normally costs $20 more than the bundle. Our own Brett Terpstra and Mel Martin swear by Tags. Yep, that's 8 productivity apps for just $39.99.

The bundle goes away in 5 days, plus there's a bunch of software prizes being given away, so buy these now and save a ton of money with a chance to win even more great software. I'll point out that these apps are not coming from the Mac App Store, so if you prefer to get your apps via that channel, you won't be able to do that with a bundle as Apple doesn't really allow it. That said, these are full versions of powerful apps that continue to update alongside their MAS brothers, so you're not buying abandonware. In fact, you're looking at saving over $200, which I think is worth it if you like getting things done efficiently on your Mac.



It's a great time of the year to find software deals. Yesterday we mentioned the MacUpdate bundle, and today we're looking at the...

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