Baku bids to host 2020 Summer Olympics

Thu 01 September 2011 12:54 GMT | 17:54 Local Time

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Baku is one of six candidate cities interested in hosting the 2020 Summer Olympic Games.

Its rivals are Doha, Istanbul, Madrid, Rome and Tokyo, AzerTaj news agency reported.

The International Olympic Committee set 1 September as the deadline for expressions of interest in hosting the games.

Cities have to submit their application files and guarantee letters to the IOC by 15 February 2012.

In May 2012 the IOC executive will announce which cities have been given official candidate status.

Official bid books have to be submitted in January 2013 and the final decision on the host city will be taken at the IOC Session in Buenos Aires in September 2013.

Baku bid to host the 2016 Olympic Games but did not become a candidate city. The games are to be held in Rio de Janeiro.




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