It's time to decide the greatest PlayStation 3 games of all time. For more than a year, we've left the IGN list of the Top 25 PlayStation 3 games speak for itself, but the games industry is not a static place. New must-haves come out, sequels best originals, and games that were once masterpieces show their age. With that in mind, we set out to update our ever-changing list of PS3 hits.

Below, you'll find the 25 games we think you need to play to see the best of the best on Sony's current console. This year, we've removed downloadable games as there's a standalone Top 25 PlayStation Network games list.So, take a gander and let us know what your top 25 PS3 games are in the comments below.


Burnout Paradise

Released January 22, 2008

Why It Made the List

There isn't much to say about Burnout Paradise -- it's pretty much the perfect racing game. It's beautiful, it's deep and Criterion has been continually supporting it since launch in 2008. Motorcycles, a DeLorean knockoff, tracks and more have been just some of the additions to this online racer, and now it's less than $10. All of it. The deal is insane, and the game still handles like a dream.

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