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100 point score based on reviews from various critics.
5 point score based on user ratings.


The Fire Brigade was the 48th Panzer Korps, which was heavily involved in the battle this wargame recreates - Operation Barbarossa, Germany's attempted offensive in Russia during World War 2. The game recreates the situations at 3 dates in the attack, and you can play any of those from either side.

You have a range of units under your command, as although the battle was largely tank-based there were also infantry and air units involved. Units can be told which positions to take up, and whether to defend a spot or consciously aim to attack it. The game's AI incorporates the significance of bridges, rivers and forests as strategic points, and your units can be subject to fatigue.

Alternate Titles

  • "Fire-Brigade" -- Cover Back Title

Part of the Following Group

Merchant Title
Fire Brigade: The Battle for Kiev - 1943
Fire Brigade: The Battle for Kiev - 1943    
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This entry was contributed by Kabushi (89857) and Martin Smith (63341)

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