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Frederick III

from the
Encyclopædia Britannica
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Frederick III, detail from a portrait by Karel van Mander III
[Credit: Courtesy of the Nationalhistoriske Museum paa Frederiksborg, Denmark]

Frederick III,  (born March 18, 1609, Haderslev, Den.—died Feb. 9, 1670, Copenhagen), king of Denmark and Norway (1648–70) whose reign saw the establishment of an absolute monarchy, maintained in Denmark until 1848.

In his youth Frederick served successively as bishop coadjutor (i.e., assistant bishop with the right of succession) of the German dioceses of Bremen, Verden, and Halberstadt. He commanded Danish forces in Schleswig-Holstein during Denmark’s disastrous war with Sweden (1643–45) and succeeded to the throne shortly after the death (1648) of his father, Christian IV, agreeing to a charter that reduced the royal prerogatives.

In 1655 the Swedish king Charles X Gustav went to war with Poland, and in 1657 Frederick launched an invasion of Sweden. His plans for regaining the Danish territories lost in 1645 were shattered when Charles suddenly seized the Danish province of Jutland and invaded the Danish island of Zealand. Shortly afterward Frederick signed the Treaty of Roskilde (Feb. 26, 1658), by which Denmark ceded to Sweden the provinces of Skåne, Blekinge, and Halland, the island of Bornholm, and the Norwegian province of Trondheim.

Within six months Charles again invaded Denmark. The tide of the war turned in favour of Denmark when the inhabitants of Copenhagen resisted a Swedish siege. Assisted by a Dutch squadron, the Danish fleet was then able to drive the Swedes away from The Sound (Øresund), and by the Treaty of Copenhagen (1660) Denmark recovered Bornholm and Trondheim.

Frederick called a meeting of the Estates in September 1660 to meet the debts incurred in the war. The clergy and the townsmen forced the Rigsråd (Council of the Realm) and nobility to give up their fiscal privileges, to negotiate with the King for a new constitution, and to recognize Frederick as hereditary sovereign, nullifying his royal charter. In January 1661 the government issued a decree conferring absolute power on the king. The new constitution was signed in November 1665, but the King’s Law, or Kongeloven, written by Peder Schumacher, later Count Griffenfeld, confirming the king’s absolute authority, was not made public until 1709.

With the aid of his adviser Hannibal Sehested, Frederick introduced sweeping reforms of the state administration. These included a reorganization of the government into five departments, or “colleges,” with policy recommendations being made by the Privy Council, the members of which were usually selected from the heads of the colleges. The bourgeoisie gained greatly in power, buying the major part of the royal estates and, for the first time, holding important government positions.

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