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The Molecular Foundry A National Nanoscience Research Facilty


The Molecular Foundry is a Department of Energy-funded program providing support to researchers from around the world whose work can benefit from or contribute to nanoscience. Through unparalleled access to state-of-the-art instruments, materials, technical expertise and training, the Foundry provides researchers with the tools to enhance the development and understanding of the synthesis, characterization and theory of nanoscale materials.

breakthrough science

corner design

Nanocrystals Go Bare

From left, Brett Helms, Evelyn Rosen, Raffaella Buonsanti, Delia Milliron and Anna LlordesMolecular Foundry researchers have discovered a universal technique for stripping nanocrystals of tether-like molecules that pose as obstacles for their integration into devices. These findings could provide scientists with a clean slate for developing new nanocrystal-based technologies for energy storage, photovoltaics, smart windows, solar fuels and light-emitting diodes. Learn more »


Solar Cells at Bay Area Science Festival


Foundry scientists Teresa Chen, David A Hanifi, Sibel Leblebici and Biwu Ma taught hundreds of visitors of all ages to make their own solar cells in an interactive exhibit at the recent Bay Area Science Festival.  »  


upcoming events

line The Foundry Seminars: The Distinguished Lecture Series Presents Professor Charles Lieber, Department of Chemistry, Harvard University on "Nanowires: Current & Future Opportunities in Energy & Life Sciences," Tuesday, October 18th at 1:30 pm, Bldg. 66 - Auditorium.

Call for Proposals: The next deadline for standard proposals is January 14, 2012.