About: Enenews Admin


Reactor Operator: FOIA response shows US knew in March that Spent Fuel Pool No. 3 leaking — “Flooding of pool may not be possible due to damage” (VIDEO)

Local Japan official found with shotgun blast to chest — Lectured against nuclear power after Fukushima

‘Fantasy’ plans of doubling nuclear capacity would cut global carbon emissions by just 4 percent — Need one new plant each week for two decades

Leak, 2nd partial shutdown raise concerns about quake damage at North Anna nuke plant

New Year’s Update: Fukushima Timeline website now live — Feedback requested

Fukushima Whistleblower: Container vessel melting like honeycomb — “Can you believe it is out of the container vessel”? (PHOTOS)


IEEE: Fukushima gives credence to anti-nuclear argument — Clear that nuke power will decrease in coming decades — Will not positively contribute to reducing greenhouse gases

Japan Times: Boiling antinuclear sentiment may lead to all of nation’s reactors being idled

Reports: Fukushima women losing their hair — Resemblance to chemotherapy? (PHOTOS)

FORUM: Discussion Thread for Jan. 3 – Jan. 9, 2012

“It’s Leaning”: Japan nuclear engineer concerned about collapse of Reactor No. 4 — Oxidation must have weakened building material… MORE

Strange: Animals went mad and began attacking humans after exposure to high radiation levels, says Chernobyl scientist — Dogs, foxes, wolves, hogs (VIDEO)

Tepco: Recent quake caused water level drop in tank next to Spent Fuel Pool No. 4

Seals, walruses… now “unprecedented” number of sea turtle deaths in Vancouver Island says oceanographer (AUDIO)

IEEE: Fukushima unprecedented in scope — Situation appeared utterly beyond human control — “Raging fire in a spent-fuel pond”… Yet claims only partial meltdowns?

Mainichi: Japan’s spent fuel cover-up — “Lying” gov’t officials

Jim Carrey’s website features nuclear plant leaking dark smoke and liquid — Clicking it takes you to underworld hellscape (VIDEO)


Radiation Biologist: Tree leaves were gigantic after Chernobyl — “Witch’s Broom” effect (VIDEO)

Radiation Biologist: Tree leaves were gigantic after Chernobyl — “Witch’s Broom” effect (VIDEO)

Reactor 2 needed Depleted Uranium and/or Americium injection, said NRC email — ‘Uncontrolled criticality’ discussed


New Study: Aerosolized plutonium from Fukushima detected in Europe — Spent fuel indicated