Thursday, August 28, 2008

Feds Suppress Evidence in 'Broken Gun' Conviction?

The federal government allegedly suppressed evidence and edited a legal definition in a Wisconsin case against a man who ultimately was convicted of transferring a machine gun, according to an appeal document.
Note on the affadavit in support of criminal complaint there was no mention of prior tests that showed the gun was not a machinegun.

I posted the appeals brief yesterday that details all the dirty tricks the government and the prosecution employed--from mischaracterizing technical points on the witness stand, to ignoring precedent established in the Staples case in re definitions, to failure to produce documents requested by the defense (the excuse was correspondence with the original manufacturer contained privileged tax information), to preventing the defense expert witness from inspecting the firearm and excluding him from the courtroom during when the "expert witness" for the prosecution testified--actually reneging on their agreement and legal requirements, and much, much more...all with the tacit consent of a complicit judge.

So far, there has been zero interest shown from the "gun blogosphere." This is news, people, as recognized by Bob Unruh and WorldNetDaily. It is important, and it affects all of us.

You can come back and kick my tail for a bad prediction later: I think there's a very good chance Olofson will get a new trial out of this.

A Word About Sidebar Ads

They hardly bring in enough to make it worth the clutter--and despite setting things up to tailor ads to the blog, the one that's most prevalent seems to be for bimbo-wear. I guess they figure that "guns" = "male"= "lapdance customer."

One of the t's & c's is we can't ask you to click on them, because that would artificially boost what they pay us, because supporters would click on an ad they had no interest in. I have no problem abiding by that rule.

But I didn't see anything about asking you NOT to click on an ad--I just noticed one that showed up for the first time today and my suspicion proved correct--it goes to AHSA. If you see this ad, please ignore it--it is unwelcome here. In the mean time, I need to see what I can do to kick these subversives off my site.

OK--just "filtered" them--hopefully we won't be troubled again.

We're the Only Ones Making You Lucky Enough

During the arrest, one of the officers can be heard saying to Eslocker, "You're lucky I didn't knock the f..k out of you."

When "Only Ones" and "Authorized Journalists" collide....

Might as well grab some popcorn and enjoy the show--I doubt it will temper most reporters' statist tendencies and belief in government gun control.

New Petition Filed in Fincher Case

Mindful Musings has it.

Hungry are the Dead

Hundreds of colleges across the nation have purchased a training program that teaches professors and students not to take campus threats lying down but to fight back with any "improvised weapon," from a backpack to a laptop computer.

I hope the academics don't forget the proven deterrent value of STDs, vomit and rat tail combs...

These are the folks proposing this band-aid. I feel safer already knowing their top men ("top men") have, among other qualifications, "a Master of Science Degree in Counseling and Human Resource Development," a degree from "the School of Large Church Management," and "a Bachelor’s degree in Biology from Penn State University."

What they don't tell us is how many active shooters these experts have personally successfully warded off while unarmed.

And here is a trailer for their program. Say--aren't those LEOs praising this legally armed wherever they go?

I was hoping to see if there was anything on the Internet we could readily use to illustrate the success of groups of unarmed people taking on a lone shooter, and this was the best I could come up with on short notice. I quit after several rounds of successful kills because, even though you need to reload for each shot, it didn't really reflect a swarm.

What would?

I suppose a modified version of this--but to truly assess benefits vs. costs, you'd need to compare it to what would happen if there was an armed good guy or two in the room.

Some will no doubt say we shouldn't automatically dismiss this baby step toward campus safety. I've always said one of the things I like about Jackie Chan movies is how he takes ordinary objects and deploys them as weapons--and I recommend that identifying such objects in our surroundings should be part of our everyday situational awareness. I also think it's useful that people start thinking about going through threats rather than running hopelessly from them or freezing. But this presupposes that a campus culture that teaches self defense is wrong--and that men in uniform are the "Only Ones" competent, qualified and trustworthy enough to serve as protectors--would produce a sufficient number of courageous souls willing to lead the charge into blazing hell and take some gaping chest wounds for the team.

Who's first? Who wants to be a zombie?

Adults don't need baby steps. We know what the real solution is.

We're the Only Ones Wiping Enough

Wicomico County State's Attorney Davis R. Ruark is in the process of expunging a handgun possession charge stemming from a February traffic stop in which he also was cited for driving under the influence of alcohol...

Maryland law prohibits possession of a firearm while intoxicated.
Naturally, being a state attorney, "he was 'speechless' and 'disappointed' that no one from the police department told him it was coming."

And naturally, being a privileged "Only One" political elite, the gun charge "was dismissed in court."

I'm sure the prosecutor would offer you and me the same deal if we agreed to a plea he didn't need after failing field sobriety tests and registering "a .15 blood-alcohol concentration," aren't you?

We're the Wannabe Only Ones Well-Schooled Enough

He had everything he needed. A badge. A uniform. Even a gun. But investigators say a man who hundreds of kids thought was a local sheriff's deputy was an imposter.
Don't we all just love a man in uniform. This doesn't say how it was discovered he wasn't really an "Only One."

Here's something else I found interesting:
Worlow worked as a security guard at Chapel Hill Mall...
Keeping everyone safe (see item 20) from you and me, no doubt...

We're the Only Ones Misfiring Enough

Bulli Prakasam (30), hailing from Abbavaram village in Veerapalli mandal of Kadapa district, died after a bullet pierced through his chest when he ran for cover to escape the pouring rain at around 4.30 am.
It seems "Only One" guns are the same the world over.

Shall we?
...gun misfires...

...his gun misfired...

Sources said the gun misfired...
No doubt about it. It's the gun's fault.

We're the Only Ones Retentive Enough

"She disarmed a SCDC correctional officer that was there with a prisoner and took that weapon and shot herself with that weapon."
Hmmm...another "takeaway incident." Maybe they ought to develop some kind of technology that would keep our "Only Ones" safe from having their weapons appropriated and used by unauthorized persons.

Oh, wait...

"An American Prayer"

This is the church you can't see...

After that bit about the bad "Cyder" in today's history lesson, I thought we could all use a nice sudsy flushing out, and who better to provide it than this crew of celebrities? Click on the title link for the best total system purger I've yet found. And I do apologize in advance.

We started out at the Cult of Set with Thulsa Doom and watched him shape-shift into that elevated being known as The Lightworker. Others have taken to calling him the Obamessiah.

The thing is, it's his disciples who define him. These people are praying. The question now becomes "to whom?" and I fail to see any god mentioned in this tribute other than the one being worshipped tonight at the Greek temple.

We see the adoring devotees, heads bowed in reverence, hands folded in prayer: Forest Whitaker (who must be one hell of an actor), Jason Alexander, Barry Manilow...

And here's something we've seen before--the military did nothing when a Marine uniform was used to promote Hillary, possibly because it was from a movie clip--but this guy takes an active part in the "Hail Damien" chanting, that is, endorsing a political candidate while in uniform.

If the fascist media pigs can exploit the imagery of uniformed servicemen for political ends, we all ought to be able to.

Still--I thought the rich socialists were big on separation of church and state. At least I used to think that...

[Via Russ S]

Instant Manufacturer

The new BATFE ruling...equates many basic gunsmithing functions with manufacturing, and would seem to force many current Type 01-Gunsmith FFL holders into re-upping ASAP as Type07 FFL manufacturers, or face being in violation of a shipload of regulations. So, without futher racket, here is the text of the letter I sent to ATF, looking for clarification.
Sean Galt weighs in on the latest BATFU power grab. Note I had to view his site in either Firefox or Safari. For some reason, IE, at least on my machine, brings up a lot of formatting code.
[Via Tom H]

This Day in History: August 28

As nothing is more pernicious to the health of Soldiers, nor more certainly productive of the bloody-flux; than drinking New Cyder: The General in the most possitive manner commands, the entire disuse of the same, and orders the Quarter Master General this day, to publish Advertisements, to acquaint the Inhabitants of the surrounding districts, that such of them, as are detected bringing new Cyder into the Camp, after Thursday, the last day of this month, may depend on having their casks stove.